В Оймяконе ежегодно проводится традиционный фестиваль "Полюс Холода". Самое зрелищное событие - встреча Чысхаана, Властелина стужи и вечной мерзлоты, с Дедом Морозом из Великого Устюга и Санта Клаусом из Лапландии. Другие Деды Морозы из Карелии, Бурятии, Татарстана тоже приезжают в гости.
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The Festival «Pole of Cold»
I`d like to tell you about the Festival «Pole of Cold» I live in Tomtor, Oymiakon region. It is also called the Pole of Cold. In 1926 a Russian geologist Sergei Obruchev fixed the lowest temperature -71,2 C.
So many tourists, scientists visit our native land. They are interested how people live and survive in severe conditions.
The Festival «Pole of Cold » has been spending since 2000 year. The first international Festival was organized by the head of the local administration. Everybody was glad and happy to be at the holiday. There was cultural, sport and entertaining programme.
One of the most exciting and spectacular activities was the competition «Miss Pole of Cold».
Sport programme consisted of national kinds of sport wrestling
«khapsagai», running on snow.
Reindeer`s and buran`s races were the most attractive and some people who was interested in fishing could take part in underice fishing.
The culmination of the Festival was the meeting of Chiskhan, the symbol of Frost, DedMoroz (Father Frost) from VelikiyUstug and Santa Claus from Lapland.
This Festival became annual holiday. It is held at the end of March.
Республика Саха (Я) Оймяконский район с.Томтор,
МКОУ «Томторская СОШ им.Н.М.Заболоцкого»
Работа ученика 8 «б» класса, Эттувги Максима.
Учитель английского языка: Берёзкина Любовь Павловна.
There is a unique place Oimyakon. It is known as a Pole of Cold. There are many sightseeings in Oymiakon. There is a mysterious and beautiful lake- Labynkyr. It is the largest take in Oymiakon region. Labynkyr is full of fish.
There cannot be many people who have not heard of the Labynkyr monster which appears in the news. For many of years there have been reports of unusual large animal in the lake. There are many stories about the water monster.
People who say that they have seem the monster describe it as an animal with a small head and a large body.
The expeditions under the leadership Andrey I. made under water photographs however, it did not help to find out what the monster really is. Year after year the tourists come to Labynkyr watch the lake in the hope that one of the animals will come up.
The Labynkyr is a real attraction for people from all parts of the world.
We hope that scientists will be able to say one day whether the Labynkyrmonster is a fact or fiction.
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