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Fashion in the different countriesСлайд 2
F ashion in England England - the country, a mention about which associates with concepts - "traditions", "foundations", "quality" and which it is accepted to call «old and kind», style today conducts and creates the directions of a modern fashion. London - one of the main towns in which the world fashion is born. On many streets of London century traditions perfectly get on with ultrafashionable tendencies, there is a place both for conservatism, and for reserved classics and for the most unexpected and mad innovative ideas.
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F ashion in Japan Japan becomes the witness to the birth of one more clan of young women under the name " agedzyo " (« agejo »), his representatives differ pale skin, big eyes and elaborate hairdresses . Аgedzyo now it is possible to meet often on streets, they follow in the tracks there is no time popular « Despite the crisis which has mentioned and publishing business, the monthly providing consultations хостесс of bars concerning hairdresses , a make-up and a fashion, is a hit from the moment of the beginning of its release about three years ago. « Koakuma Ageha » which is let out by the Tokyo publishing house " Inforest Co", leaves monthly in circulation about 300 thousand copies. Models in this magazine are called « агэдзё » (a slice from the name of the magazine plus « дзё » - the young woman)
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French fashion France – traditionally is considered a law of fashion. Exactly here the most refined aromas and the most fashionable dresses are created. Such names as Chanel (Chanel), Dior (Dior), Yves Saint Laurent (Yves Saint-Laurent) associate with a critical era in the history of a suit - an era of emergence of Haute couture (Haute Couture) when modeling of clothes is erected in a rank of art and acquires a set of legends. Every year the French designers offer new design finds. For the last decades style, from neo-romantic to the minimalist repeatedly changed. There were new talented designers who continue to improve and think out new ideas in a world fashion.
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Fashion in America The American fashion is many-sided and various, and now takes leading positions in the world markets of clothes. Within several centuries the American fashion changed, while in the 20th century wasn't transformed to the independent direction, and simple and convenient American clothes style instantly became popular outside of the USA and soon won all world continents. Throughout some centuries of the woman of the United States of America fought for the independence, and only by means of the American fashion threw off from itself fetters of man's despotism and steel on the present the independent. Jeans — trousers with rivets which were initially used as universal clothes of miners, became after a while casual clothes of all modern Americans.
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African fashion Richness of paints, ornaments and patterns – all this is the African fashion. Quality of materials in Africa was famous long ago. Existence of massive bright ornaments, skins of animal, African prints and a variety of color is now quite fashionable. Besides anywhere in the world modeling of clothes isn't perceived with such sacred awe. From that and it is not surprising that this branch develops fast rates. The African models, being inspired by an example Angela Afriki Iman – the known black of supermodel, go on a podium it is proud and it is independent.
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Fashion in Russia Russia is rather attractive direction from the point of view of the fashion world from a growing demand for a luxury segment. Nevertheless, the Russian industry of a fashion in the majority is based on an import of the retail market which is the largest in Eastern Europe. Despite financial and economic difficulties the fashion industry in Russia is constantly developing: young designers get education at prestigious schools and colleges abroad and upon return to Russia open own fashion houses.
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