Что такое толерантность? Как научиться быть толерантным? Сколько национальностей в России?
На эти вопросы рассуждает ученик 10-го класса.
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Student: Aidamir Bulatov,
School 629
Teacher: M.L. Baeva
Tolerance or intolerance: why and how.
All men are made one for another: either then teach them better or bear with them.
Tolerance - a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry (from the dictionary entry).
The intolerant relation to people of other nationality, other belief, other social group, other behavior is the widespread phenomenon in the modern world. This problem is called extremism. The youth is one of the most vulnerable groups for extremism. Young men can become the main participants of cases of international conflicts. Therefore, to speak about tolerance is necessary from an early age.
I think it's important to remember that most of the religions were based in love and tolerance and forgiveness and acceptance.
The problem of formation of tolerant behavior is actual, especially for our country since the ancient centuries when our country has become multinational. According to the State committee on statistics, more than 120 nationalities live in Russia. For example, since 1996 the contingent of school pupils in Moscow region is constantly replenished with children of migrants of various nationalities, the large group of migrants’ children is made from representatives of the various nationalities.
I think tolerance and acceptance and love is something that feeds every community.
How to speak with schoolboys and girls about tolerance? How to force to understand that all nations are equal, to comprehend that the future of Russia is based not only on our relation to foreigners, but also on their relation to us, to make a choice in favor of friendship and respect, so, in favor of strong Russia.
In favor of safe and prosperous Moscow! Our Russian Federation! For everybody!
We may not always agree with every one of our neighbors. That's life. And it's a part of living in such a diverse and dense city. But we also recognize the part of being a Muscovite is living with your neighbors in mutual respect and tolerance.
For this purpose we have spent questioning and some round tables with pupils of schools №629, №1178.
We asked the following questions:
1. Do you have friends of another nationality?
№ | Possible answers | number |
1. | yes | 116 |
2. | no | 18 |
2. Have you experienced the negative cross-national phenomena?
№ | Possible answers | number |
1. | yes | 114 |
2. | no | 20 |
3. What do you think are the causes of ethnic conflicts?
With children we have confirmed the opinion that to start to speak about tolerance is necessary from the earliest school age to convince every student that all people of the world are equal.
Having analyzed and having comprehended a huge spectrum of the information received by us, having received the order from children, we have defined themes and kinds of activities. For younger schoolboys it can be a creative lesson «whose dance will be prepared and conducted better? » at which we will present to children dances and interesting data on cultures of the nationalities most presented in our city: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, people of Caucasus and Asia. For the senior schoolboys we have prepared and we have spent a composition «the Holocaust: the memory and the Prevention».
“You are not angry with people when you laugh at them. Humor teaches tolerance”.
And also we will organize and we will spend exhibitions of drawings: «Moscow is a multinational family»; -a competition of compositions: «Tolerance is …»; - round tables with pupils of schools of the town for joint preparation for the action «Day of tolerance».
We participate in volunteer movement and help veterans, orphans and disabled people.
“Religion is like a pair of shoes.....Find one that fits for you, but don't make me wear your shoes.”
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