История создания символов олимпиады сама по себе захватывающая. Но можно и пофантозировать на эту тему. Учащиеся 3 класса придумали свою историю. А главным инициатором и фантазером стала Викторова дарья. Вот что у нее получилось.
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The Olympic Games will be in Sochi in Russia this year.
They are for all Russian people.
All Russian people support our sportsmen.
What can we do?
I try to know more about the Olympic Symbols: the rings, the motto, the flame.
I made up a tale about the Olympic Rings.
Listen to me, please!
A Tale about Six Brothers
Once upon a time there lived six Brothers: Brother Red, Brother Yellow, Brother Blue, Brother Green, Brother Black and Brother White. They lived, played and slept in the box all day long. And it became boring to live such a life.
One day they thought, thought and thought.
Suddenly Brother Red said, “I can make the world full of red flowers”.
Brother Yellow said, “I can make the sun”.
Brother Blue said, “I can paint the sky light blue”.
Brother Blue said, “I can color green trees and green grass”.
And Brother Black said, “I can draw the land”.
And Brother White said, “I will help you be quiet, clean, light and together”.
Now Brothers Colours make the world bright. They understand that they can do it only together.
Together they can make the rainbow. They are so happy and they turn into rings.
Brothers join together and the Olympic Rings have appeared.
The Blue Ring means Europe.
The Black Ring means Africa.
The Red Ring means America.
The Yellow Ring means Asia.
The Green Ring means Australia.
The White Colour of the flag means unity. In 2013 the Olympic Rings are 100 years old.
The Red Colour symbolizes the Olympic Flame.
The Blue Colour symbolizes peaceful sky and kind heart.
The Yellow Colour symbolizes gold medals and honesty.
The Green Colour symbolizes sports fields and progress.
The Black Colour symbolizes creation and richness of content.
And the White Colour means unity and harmony.
When all colours are together, they mean friendship and collaboration.
People all over the world must live without wars. People all over the world must fight only on sports fields. People all over the world must protect our planet.
Sport is the people’s fortune, War is the people’s fate.
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