В данной работе рассматривается творчество великого русского художника - Карла Брюллова. Прослеживается его биография. Детально рассматривается сюжет аго знаменитой картины "Последний день Помпеи". Если бы художник нарисовал только одну эту картину, он был бы уже великим.
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Проектная работа по английскому языку
По теме The Last Days of Pompeii
Ученицы 10-В класса ГБОУ СОШ №629 г. Москва
Земцовой Юлии Сергеевны
Цель: Изучение творчества Карла Брюллова и его знаменитой картины «Последний день Помпеи», популяризация изучения английского языка. Формирование культуры проектной деятельности.
1. Обучающие:
2. Развивающие:
3. Воспитательные:
1. Биография знаменитого русского художника Карла Брюллова;
2.История создания известного шедевра; описание.
3. Влияние на творчество поэтов и композиторов мира;
4. Составление описания на английском языке.
Karl Pavlovitch Briullov:The Last Days of Pompeii
Karl Pavlovich was born in 1799 in St. Petersburg, in a family where the arts passed down from generation to generation. The artist's father who was a gifted sculptor had no doubt about the future of his children. All four of his sons had an academic education: Alexander became a famous architect, Fedor, Ivan who died in his early years and Karl were painters. From his early years, Karl knew he had to deal with drawing and to prepare for the Academy and, eventually, he became an artist.
At the age of ten Karl Briullov was enrolled in the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, where he studied until 1821. Andrey Ivanov was among his teachers. Soon Karl showed himself as a brilliant and multi-talented student, he coped easily with all the training tasks. Later, Karl received a gold medal for his historical paintings. In 1822 Karl Briullov, accompanied by his brother Alexander went to Italy where he worked for almost fourteen years.
His best-known work, The Last Day of Pompeii (1830–1833), is a wonderful painting which can be compared with Pushkin and Gogol’s best works or Rubens and Van Dyck’s masterpieces. It was a real success in Italy and made Briullov one of the finest European painters of his days. After finishing this work, he returned triumphantly to the Russian capital, where he got a position of the professor at the Imperial Academy of Arts.
Henry O'Meara wrote |
Widespread the centuries, like cinders down Vesuvia's side,
The Last Days of Pompeii is a perfect example of Romanticism in Russian art mixed with idealism. You can see a self-portrait of the artist in the left corner of the picture. Countess Julia Samoilova is shown on the canvas three times. Firstly, she is painted as a woman with a pitcher on her head, standing on a hill on the left side of the canvas. Secondly, she is a woman in center of the canvas who has fallen to her death , and she is lying on the pavement in front of her alive child. Thirdly, you can find her in the left corner of the picture as a mother calling for her daughters.
The Last Days of Pompeii was painted for Anatoly Demidov who presented it to Nicholas I. Eventually, it was given to the Academy of Arts as a guide for young painters . After the opening of the Russian Museum in 1895 , the painting moved there and was exhibited to the general public .
From 1843 to 1847 Briullov took part in the decoration of St Isaac's Cathedral. While he was working on the plafond of the cathedral his health suddenly became worse. Following advice of his doctors, Briullov left Russia for Madeira in 1849 and spent the last three years of his life in Italy. The painter was buried in the vicinity of Rome.
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