Данный сборник работ студентов 2-4 курсов по английскому языку предназначен для использования на занятиях по домашнему чтению и внеклассных мероприятиях.
Сборник охватывает следующие культурные и социальные темы: «Любовь», «Одиночество», «Дружба», «Семья», «Alma Mater».
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Федеральное агентство по образованию РФ
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего
профессионального образования
«Мурманский государственный педагогический университет»
Сборник поэтических работ студентов факультета филологии и журналистики на английском языке.
Рецензенты: , канд. филол. н., доцент (МГПУ),
Составители: С.А.Виноградова, канд. филол. н., доцент, зав. кафедрой английского языка и английской филологии (МГПУ),
Е.Е. Селиванова, старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка и английской филологии (МГПУ),
Life is a poem. Сборник поэтических работ студентов факультета филологии и журналистики на английском языке. – Мурманск: МГПУ, 2009. – с.
Данный сборник работ студентов 2-4 курсов по английскому языку предназначен для использования на занятиях по домашнему чтению и внеклассных мероприятиях.
Сборник охватывает следующие культурные и социальные темы: «Любовь», «Одиночество», «Дружба», «Семья», «Alma Mater».
ISBN © Мурманский государственный
педагогический университет (МГПУ), 2009
Данное пособие включает в себя поэтические работы студентов 1-3 курса факультета филологии и журналистики.
In Honour to University
Long live the University
Despite all the problems and seasons of adversity!
As luck would have it, we are here
And we are getting smarter from year to year.
Your dear walls warm up our heart,
And narrow corridors don’t make us feel apart.
You have become for us sweet home,
Without you we feel alone.
Long live the tutors, Head and Dean-
For us she’s like the English Queen.
Long live the educators’ craft,
To be a teacher’s our draft.
Our clever tutors always will be loved
For, as it were, they’re our hand, we’re their glove.
May ours be a fruitful meeting-
The teachers let us have a wholesome sitting.
And come what may, we’ll always win
All competitions we are in.
We glory work – success attend us,
We’ve broken for good luck a glass!
So be it! Discontent be hanged!
And that is the end.
Collective work of students
Alone in the crowd
Loneliness, pain, breathing if night:
It’s not actually what you need.
Too many people you saw in the left, in the right
But no one was close to you, was it?
And empty hearts
Will never touch you soul.
You wandered in the colored crowds
Love searching and alone.
And now you are smoking in the dark.
The telephone rings again
Strangers’ voices you something ask
You can feel nothing
Except breathing of night, loneliness and pain.
I need the rain
Sometimes I feel that I’m too tired,
Sometimes I want my hands be down…
Sometimes I feel that I’m in fire,
Sometimes I hear inside my soul the sound…
Sometimes I wake up deep at night
Because of awful nightmare,
Sometimes I really want to fight,
Sometimes I do not really care…
Sometimes I want to run away,
To feel how the rain washes my skin,
But all I know – I have to stay,
I want the rain to make me clean…
And now I’m standing on the ground.
I feel the rain’s drops on my face,
I listen to song, I hear this sound,
I’m coming clean, no time to waste…
Now time is coming to remind
To me about who I am…
That I see all, cause I’m not blind,
Remember everything I can…
I hate surrender, and I don’t,
Because I know I’m strong enough,
The tears on my cheeks – they won’t
Be there without of my laugh.
I’ll grind my nails – they are sharp,
And you don’t see a fear in my eyes.
I’m ready to do this crazy jump,
Erase from my life all the lies…
Rain don’t stop and let it flow,
Now everything’s ok…
I am ready, then let’s go
Wet and clean I start new day.
My lashes are wet…
My lashes are wet…
I’m looking at you,
At this moment we are dead,
Many tears I’ve cried, it’s true…
You touched me with cold hand,
And on which love I pretend?
Your hands are cold,
But your soul is like a gold.
I never tell you to die,
Because I cry and cry and cry…
Our life is like playing chess,
You will get too much stress,
Our souls together will be,
Until you say “Please, kill me”.
It was so cold inside of me
It was so cold inside of me
And nobody could warm.
Acquaintances were near
But they couldn’t give a shoulder to cry on.
But you came and you changed my world.
From that time I never felt cold.
When I thought it was the end
You just smiled and held my hand.
In my heart, in my head it’s so clear
With you I’ve got nothing to see.
And in this big city life
You’re my safest place to hide!
I tried to abandon past…
I tried to abandon past,
I tried to run away,
But yesterday mistakes
Don`t let me live today.
I walked a lonely road,
A street of broken dreams,
I had my feet rubbed sore.
But the only thing I know,
Desires that I have
Will soon become a truth.
I will try to start again,
I know I`ll have a chance,
I won`t be looking back,
I`m not going to say goodbye.
They say that I have changed,
I know I`ve found the answer.
The daylight gave me strength.
And I`m ready to begin
A new page of my search.
Tomorrow I awake
With a feeling that I can
Turn the world upside and down,
This game of treachery and lie.
I won`t be wasting time.
Crush and Burn
Myself… I have lost,
See you – I feel burst…
So I try explain and find
For me, who I am remind.
Look at you – it drives me mad,
I’m in whirlpool up to head.
What was going on with me?
I’m crazy desired be free…
Meeting – going into corners…
You calmed down, and I’m in worrying,
Storm and silence – not the same,
It looks like something insane…
You’re an ice, and I’m a flame –
Our fight is like a game…
Even hell can’t understand
What is that and where’s the end…
I have lost the way,
Find and catch the thread – ok!
I have told you all I should,
Now I understand my mood…
Well, we’re not together now,
So, I found way to get out –
Then I killed feeling inside –
Aim achieved, there is no pride.
Sick and tired of wasting time…
Go away, you are not mine!
Just forget about my love –
It’s in past, it there drove.
So you wished and now you’ve got –
I released you and forgot.
Managed I to burn it all
Out of heart, between us – wall!
Now it’s over, I have gone,
And there’s nothing can be done!
Yes, I’m flame, and you’re the ice!
Don’t look up into my eyes.
We are too different – both!
You’re not mine, and I’m not yours!
Burst, storm, silence and a flight…
Now it’s time – the end of fight.
Lost generation.
Lost generation,
Teenagers of the 21st century.
Got into a tangle, lost and became weak
They don’t know what to do
And don’t know where to do
They are solitary and lonely
And organize wild flocks.
They forgot love and friendship,
Oh, no! Just didn’t know it.
Solitude incites them to irregular life,
Alcohol, drugs, sex, AIDS
Pregnancy in 13, sick infants.
They have a lot
Everything is for their entertainment:
TV, computers, Internet, mobiles, gadgets,
But they are unhappy and bored
“Cause they appreciate only material things
Forgot about ordinary courtesy,
Assistance, respect, sympathy for other’s grief
They think about themselves only
And kill their way in the life
Abandoned, lost and lonely
They managed to find panacea:
Alcohol, sex, drugs, suicide.
Teenagers of the 21 century-
Lost generation, present generation…
Privacy or solitude
I want to sleep, or better-die
Don’t want to hear this awful noise
And see these faces all the time.
I need some peace. To be alone-
How wonderful it sounds…
Wake up each morning with a smite,
No qualm in bathroom, no curse words
about who’s the nerd.
Then-all the day is fine
Nobody asks you “why?’
“Come back, Natasha , where’s your scarf?”
And “Please, don’t be so late”…
It’s only you, your freedom, soul and mind,
but nobody around…
No family, no friends, no one
To talk, to laugh, to cry.
So, when yon get all what you want,
All that you think deserve,
You’ll feel so lonely…
Hey, no! Come back!
Please ‘ask me’ when you are home?”
And “Where’s your scarf?”
“Don’t be so late”.
Yes, how I understand
Until you are needed,
Value all you have.
Not when it’s late to be back.
We try to forget about our past…
We try to forget about our past,
To hide behind an empty face.
At day we smile, at night we cry.
Do all we follow our lifelines?
The world`s not ours anymore?
You can`t see the point of going on?
How to find the one who`ll understand?
How to break the rules, forget the manners?
We try to let go off the truth,
Create our own private space.
And everything rounds in the circles.
But nothing in life is set in stone,
There`s nothing that can`t be turned around.
Under the burning sun take a look above,
Then cross the line and don`t turn back.
Build a new base, start a new race,
At another time, another place,
Another road, another trial.
Don`t be afraid to speak your mind.
Take what you need and what you want.
And you will see what you will get,
If you will take what you will take.
Time to tell
Your mother asks you:
“Call me as soon you are at home”
What for?
“You know, I’m busy
I will be late, you know…”
Your granny tells you:
“Dear, I miss you very much…”
“Ok, Ok? I’ll come one day,
One day we’ll get in touch”.
Of course you know you love them
But do they know that too?
Find time to tell your Mummy:
“My dear, I love you!”
People nowadays are very busy
People nowadays are very busy
And try to make their life rather easy
That’s why they are very egoistic.
They don’t have any friends.
They became pessimistic!
You shouldn’t follow any rule
To feel yourself really cool!
Just don’t forget about your friends
Try to make them secret presents
Try to find make tone for them
Don’t think only about yourself!
Life is rather difficult
But don’t give up
Fight with you loneliness
Show it you SMILE!
The whole world can wait!
You are always in a hurry
And have no time to stop.
Just run and talk and worry
You are busy with your job.
In your haphazard life
There is just place for business.
Think: can you stay alive
When you are so breathless?
Stop! Wait! And look around!
Where are your friends?
Did you forget them in a crowd?
When was last time you shook hands?
When was last time you met them?
When you said words of love?
Be strong and say yourself:
For you it is enough!
Be daft! Just call your fiends and go
With them so far away
That no one can get you!
Enjoy your life and play!
You smile, you are so happy
When you spend time great!
Just be yourself! Remember-
The whole world can wait!
You are in my life,
But why I don't know...
You stuck in my mind,
I don't want to show.
Some time ago
I opened my heart
I'd like to go
Cause for me it's so hard.
You came into heart
And into my dreams...
It's painful, too hard
But I'm telling you this
The mist in my life
It hurts me, I feel it
Words cut me like knife
I'm standing against it
I love you so much
And I hate me for this.
Escaping your touch...
Help me somebody, please!
I'm trying forget you
From time to time,
I have no right hold you
Cause you are not mine...
The clock on the wall
Shows midnight to me
I am in dreamfall...
And what do I see?
I'm walking with you
There are darkness and light
Just one thing I knew,
That I'm gonna fight
With whom I don't know
With you or with me
I won't stop, I'll go on,
I want to be free.
I say to myself,
That I won't surrender
I want you to stay
And try to remember.
My tears are drying
On my cheeks and inside
To you I'm not lying
I've got a less pride
You know all my feelings
You know where's the truth
And all of these lines here
Are devoted to you...
You see cold tears on my eyes,
Now I cry and you often cry…
These cold tears are for you,
There was love and this is true!
Will it come back or go away forever?
Or maybe we will be together?
Is it dream or is it true?
But you know, my heart is for you…
Do you really know me?
I am like a wind
Because I am free,
I am like a morning
Cause I don’t sleep…
I am always smiling
Even through the tears,
I don’t like crying,
When you are so near.
Appreciate all minutes
When you are with me,
I write all the lyrics –
Do you want them to read?
I am not the same
As I was before,
And now I came
For recognize more…
Do you want to know,
Who I really am?
Ok and hold on,
Cause I’ve got a plan.
Just pay your attention,
I have so many sides…
Perhaps you’ll see passion.
I know you’re surprised…
I enjoy adventures,
My life is full of them,
I am like an attraction
I feel the sights again.
I am always in action
Burning day by day,
Want to express emotions
Only in my own way.
I adore dancing
In the club whole night,
Sometimes I may be crazy,
Turn me on this night.
I am shocking all the men
Around by this…
Just ask me, if I can
And I’ll give you my kiss…
Without you
Again this phrase: “will not come”
Oh, God, just say, what have I done?
To hear these cruel, killing words
And nothing stays but awful thoughts
I don’t want listen to excuse
I’ll say: “Ok!” and start to muse.
My feelings start to rise and fight
Preventing happy, loving flight
What if You re sick of being with me?
No living purpose I can see…
I can’t put up with painful true:
Again…Alone…Without you…
I go to sleep with heavy heart
But I don’t want next day to start…
Bad girl
Give me your warm hand,
To me – a girl with a best brand,
Give me one more chance,
And tell me your Saturday plans.
Many boys want to be with me tonight,
They want to try this magnificent fight,
But only you can kiss me more and more…
We are lying on the cold floor,
We will be together some time,
And then I’ll tell you: “Good bye”.
But tomorrow I’ll see you again,
I’ll flirt with you – it’s my plan.
I’m Bad Girl, you know about it,
But you know, that I’m your baby, I’m so sweet!
Short skirt and cherry lips,
And I’m in your heart so deep!
Don’t be afraid, I’ll not you beat,
I’ll give you a fantastic treat,
I’ll give you a chance to dance with me,
I can do that every boy will be on his knee.
I know, that I can be a bitch,
But in love with me you will be rich…
Coming home,
Put off heels,
Turn music on,
Touch ear-rings...
The window's glass
Is sharply broken
And little shards
Slowly down falling...
Walking together under the rain...
No words between us...
We both feel the same...
Don't know why everything, all is like this...
There's something between us...
And this is a kiss...
I've got sms,
I'm going to walk.
I want to redress,
To write up my song.
I'm walking alone,
Trying to find 2 lines
I'm looking at phone -
No messages, silence...
I try to find out
Some words to describe...
The music's so loud
And somewhere hide...
Just stop at the hill,
Thinking and watching...
I'm waiting for him,
I feel someone's touching...
Just give me a kiss...
I know it's not late...
Just know, that I missed
For you, lovely fate...
I was too young…
I was too young…
I thought we were in love…
You said that you’d return…
You said it wouldn’t take long…
I wait for you
One year, then another
They called me fool
Still wanting be together.
And I gave up…
You know, one guy
Was near me for all the time,
And I put up with him…
We have a family, you know
And now we have a baby
Why didn’t you come
I wish he called you Daddy
I can’t complain
I’ve reached my aim
I am a wife, I am O’K.
But this is you for whom I pray…
N. Kozyreva
The little things that pushed me away
I had a wish to be for you the one,
For me sometimes you was a sun.
I know I may be lazy,
But you are always crazy.
I don’t wanna you to blame,
That your feeling wasn’t the same.
I’m gonna go away from top,
You can’t ever try me to stop.
Cause now I know
It was just your show.
Now we aren’t talking
But I’m happy, I’m not broken.
So I went out,
We have gone all time around.
Nothing is connecting us,
But you hope on me perhaps.
You don’t know there is no way
The little things gave me away.
There are the facts you can see –
You mean nothing to me.
I came back into my world
“No” – for you was said this word.
You should try to understand:
That is all, this is the end.
I HATE YOU! I love you…
I cried all night long…
You say that you love me but
Why do you hurt me so?
Silence in the room
But storm in my soul
When we are in quarrel
I loose the whole world..
But in the morning…
I forgive you again
Remember, that love
Shouldn’t bring pain!
A. Kozub
In the end it doesn’t matter
Becoming empty because of love
I’m just crying.
Understand I shouldn’t bottle up
My feelings that are coming.
You know there is a kind of love
That gets many people down
It’s like mortal wound,
Like a strong disease,
No one will rid us of it.
These words are about my love do you
And this fact…doesn’t save me
When you left me alone
In the dark empty room
I was slowly agonizingly dying.
You just said me few words
And I understood , we had been at a deadlock
You would never come back
Tell me: ”Honey, I’m near do you”
I would never kiss you tenderly.
You said very calmly: “There was no love”.
And my heart just sank and stopped
‘Cause you simply forgot do ask Me about My feeling
And I’m watching at you
And you are going away
And my eyes are streaming with tears
You will never return
I will never see you
It’s the end… the end of my living.
Whatever… you can come to me,
Whatever… you can go away from me…
No matter for me where now you can be
I don’t think I need you be near with me
You cannot lack a fire in my heart,
Because you need to open it, and this is hard.
It was closed for you not for so long
And now you can see, that I’m really strong…
I’m sick and tired now from you,
I want you to know, that this is true.
And your tryings to keep relations… Whatever!
Cause I don’t want to be with you ever!
I want you not to talk, shut up!
You perfectly know, I want everything stop…
But you are trying to bring this all back
But I don’t want to wish you luck.
Just now stop, leave me alone!
Enough, I don’t want to go on…
I’m not with you, you’re not my fate.
It was a time, that I can waste
And now you sit and at me stare,
But just know, really I don’t care…
The problems of the city life
If you ask ten people, whether they prefer
Living in the city to living in the village
Nine of them will answer: ”Yes, of course”
And this is not surprising cause
We have all we need here, in the city.
The problem is that humans get addicted
Easily to everything good, to everything
We essay for them.
The paradox turns up then.
Under certain circumstances we find
Ourselves without all these “good” things,
Far from them.
Suddenly, we realize that our lives
Depend on such silly, simple things.
At 1st we laugh at them…
But after a rather short, period of time we
Anally realize that we just can if survive
Without them and our world crushes…
And after it we still think that a man
Can rule over the world?!
I’m looking at you…
Do you know what this mean?
I’m just watching you.
Is everything clear?
It’s simple, that I…
Don’t wanna be with…
Don’t need you be mine.
Leave me alone, please!
Shut up, don’t remind,
What was between!
I want not to mind,
Forget all, what it’s mean…
I want to stand up
And just go away,
Wanna everything stop,
Not hear what you say.
I’m going away…
Don’t try to take my hand!
Get out from my way!
Just know: that’s the end!
Somebody told me “I’ll kill for you”,
Somebody loves me and it is so true,
Somebody kisses just only me,
Somebody writes my name on the tree,
Somebody is writing me song,
Somebody can wait me for a long,
Somebody compel my life to be new,
I know, that somebody’s you!
I must be proud of you
I must be proud of you
Indeed you are my best friend.
But can I call this just a habit?
Sometimes I’m really glad to see you
And tell you whatever’s on my mind.
But this time – oh no, my dear
Sorry, but I don’t feel like
Don’t want to listen to your endless problems.
Do you ever core about mine?
It’s not that I wish you did
Sometimes I really nut to see you.
Talk to you and to those friends of yours.
Just to feel something’s going or around
It’s not that I want you to understand.
Still if you try- don’t think I don’t love you
Still if you try- don’t forget I love myself too.
Men also suffer…
Don’t be so quick to go away
Just stay with me and I’ll explain
Why we do quarrel all the time,
Maybe you’re right, the fault is mine.
I know my words just get you down,
Let’s not split up, don’t leave the town,
Let’s talk things through and you will see
You are the one, you’re dear to me.
I know, it’s difficult to be together,
I promise you, I’ll make things better.
Can’t close my eyes when I’m with you,
Please, give a chance to prove it’s true.
Love Killer
My life is dance above the chasm
And you’re my beast, my beast of prey.
But I don’t need somebody else
Though know, it’s my latter day.
Thing, you are hiding from me still
That is your sharpened fangs,
Behind my back, there’s knife of steel,
It’s falling from my hands.
Soon you will show your real face
Claws and predatory smile
To tear my love to million pieces
And leave it bleeding I pale.
I will be watching that from the side
My love’ll be near your feet
There won’t be more forces I will to fight,
‘Cause it’ll be me dying I loving you still
I know it’s future, I shiver – the phone rings
The very last second is long.
The world’s being ruined around me
And I’m alone, again alone.
I can’t bottle up my emotions anymore
I can’t bottle up my emotions anymore
I want to talk my lies through with you
You’re changed so much since some time
You spoke with me before
But now you’re always keeping silence
As it I’m ‘alien to you
I ask you, I beg you, I am on at you
I wonder it I want too much
You don’t understand that you’re getting me down
Are you so thick-skinned to dissemble my touch?
“But now I had enough!
I don’t care about this staff!
You can sit further on your own,
Just forget the number of my phone!”
A way to live
I have two ways in my life,
They are: to live or to die,
I choose to live, it’s not a secret,
I wish to drop in the ocean so deeply,
I want to find a magnificent way,
I don’t lie, it isn’t a pray.
I wish to find a key to happiness only,
I want to fly in the sky very slowly.
I would like to see the world from the high,
I want to notice other people’s smile,
I wish to have a strike in my game,
I believe I can touch the flame.
I believe I can fight like a lion,
In this fight I will not die…
She: My darling! Love you!
He: Love you too? You are so sweet!
She: Let's drink some tea! I want to eat!
He: Oh, yes, of course. I have a tasty meat!
She: You are the best one in the world!
He: No, it's only you who are.
She: Please, give me ketchup.
He: Here you are. Your salad's very good.
She: Why are you eating with your hands? You are a man, not pig!
He: What? Am I pig? Then you are cow!
She: Did you say that I'm fat?
He: Oh, no, darling! It's just a joke!
She: Your jokes are always bad!
He: The only thing you do is criticize me all the time!
She: Stop shouting at me! And don't eat this apple! This is mine!
He: Just stop... Oh, sorry, my telephone rings. Hello!... Yes... Aah! What
are you doing? Are you crazy? 6ive me my telephone back!
She: Oh, no! If s enough! Now you'll get it in the neck!
He: What do you mean?
She: The way you treat with all the women! Like all of them are your
He: What? I'm just polite, but not too lavish!
She: Is this your only pretence?
He: Do you enjoy to criticize me?
She: I just can't stand it anymore!
He: Me too!
She: What's then?
He: I don't know. Well. Ok. Let's count to ten.
She: Oh, no. thanks. I don't agree.
He: Ok, I start. One, two, three...
She: Oh, good heaven! Can you shut up?
He: ...four, five, six, seven... It's your turn now!
She: ...eight, nine, and ten. My darling! Love you!
He: Love you too! You are so sweet!
Предисловие | |
Alma mater | |
In Honour to University | |
Loneliness | |
Alone in the crowd | |
I need the rain | |
My lashes are wet… | |
It was so cold inside of me | |
I tried to abandon past… | |
Crush and Burn | |
Lost generation | |
Privacy or solitude | |
We try to forget about our past… | |
Family and friends | |
Time to tell | |
People nowadays are very busy | |
The whole world can wait! | |
Love | |
Tears | |
Do you really know me? | |
Without you | |
Bad girl | |
I was too young… | |
The little things that pushed me away | |
Hate | |
In the end it doesn’t matter | |
Whatever… | |
The problems of the city life | |
Enough! | |
Somebody | |
I must be proud of you | |
Men also suffer… | |
Love Killer | |
I can’t bottle up my emotions anymore | |
A way to live | |
Dialogue |
Несчастный Андрей
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