Данный проект выполнили ученицы 6 "Б" класса, которых заинтересовала тема "Великобритания".
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Слайд 1
Project Great BritainСлайд 2
Great Britain or the United Kingdom parliamentary monarchy in northwestern Europe. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located in the British Isles. British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area - more than 244,000 square kilometers.The UK consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals - London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively. Their flag is the Union Jack. Each country also has a national emblem. English emblem is a red rose. Emblem of Wales, vegetable or flower. Scottish emblem - a wild plant - a thistle. And the Irish emblem - another wild plant-leaf clover. It is a tradition in Britain to the country was a saint. Leeks are not in the buttonhole, so often wear a pale yellow daffodil. In the UK there are sacred in their days of saints. Scots, Welsh andEnglish do not really celebrate their national day Saints. But St. Patrick's Day is very important for Irish people all over the world. In New York, for example, always have a parade in honor of St. Patrick. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and does not include Northern Ireland. But in everyday speech Great Britain is used to mean the United Kingdom.The capital of the United Kingdom-London. London - one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world.
Слайд 4
Tower hours
Слайд 5
Многие люди мечтают о путишествиях в разные страны. Великобретания из лучших стран, в которую можно поехать. МЫ бы хотели съездить в Великобританию. Там многое можно посмотреть.Во-первых, мы бы ходили в парк развлечений в Лондоне. Говорят, что с колеса обозрения можно увидеть самые дальние уголки Лондона. Мы много слышали о Великобретании разных Вещей. Мы не знаем, правдивы ли они. Чтобы узнать о Великобритании больше, мы Хотели бы поехать туда.
Слайд 6
Tower Bridge.
Слайд 7
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