Понять особенности речевого этикета англичан, их материальные и духовные ценности посредством изучения пословиц и поговорок этой нации.
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Domestic Animals in English Proverbs and SayingsСлайд 2
Authors of the Project: Students of the 7 “A” form of the State Eductaional Institution Secondary School № 883 Kupriyanova Viktoriya Sivets Daniil Scientific Adviser: Teacher of the State Educational Secondary School № 883 Akimtseva Valentina Vasilievna
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The purpose of the project is to understand the features of speech etiquette of the English, their material and spiritual values by means of studying provebs and sayings of their nation.
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The goals of the present project: to examine definitions and terminology, initial sources of the English provebs and sayings occurrence; to analyze the English provebs and sayings and define the frequence of using domestic animals with defferent meaning; to summarize the influence of domestic animals on the culture and way of life of the English.
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Introduction The English believe: a man being fond of animals cannot be so very bad. They adore animals themselves. The English kept domestic animals exclusively for company.
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I. Definition of the « proverb » / Понятие термина «пословица» 1. The proverb is a short expression more like a parable, allegory or like everyday assertion; the proverb is a special feature of a language, national speech, it is not being composed, but appears occasionally; it is a walking mind of a nation'. (V.I. Dal. Glossary of the Russian Language) " Пословица - краткое изреченье, более в виде притчи, иносказанья, или в виде житейского приговора; пословица есть соль языка, народной речи, не сочиняется, а рождается сама; это ходячий ум народа". (В.И.Даль. Толковый словарь русского языка)
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A cat in gloves catches no mice. - Кот в перчатках мышей не поймает . (Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда) A shy cat makes a proud mouse . - У робкой кошки мышь хвастлива. (У робкой кошки мышь резвится) All cats are grey in the dark. ( in the night ). - Ночью все кошки серы. (Ночью все кони вороные)
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An old dog barks not in vain. - Старый пёс без причины не лает . A good dog deserves a good bone . - Хорошая собака заслуживает хорошую кость. (По заслугам и честь) An old dog barks not in vain. - Старый пёс без причины не лает . A dog in the manger . - Собака в кормушке. (Собака на сене) То teach the dog to bark . - Учить собаку лаять. (Учёного учить - только портить )
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A curst cow has short horns. - У проклятой коровы рога коротки . (Бодливой корове бог рог не даёт) Many a good cow has a bad calf . - Плохие телята и от хороших коров родятся. (В семье не без урода) T о take the bull by the horns. - Взять быка за рога
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То flog a dead horse. - Стегать мёртвую лошадь . ( Голую овцу стричь ) То lock the stable - door after the horse is stolen. - Запирать дверь конюшни , после того как лошадь уже укра - дена . (После драки кула - ками не машут.)
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A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. - Ленивой овце и собственная шерсть тяжела . (Ленивой лошади и хвост в тягость)
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An ass in a lion's skin . - Осёл в львиной шкуре .
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To buy a pig in a poke. - Купить поросёнка в мешке . (Купить кота в мешке)
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Conclusion The aim of our project is to follow the frequency of inserting domestic animals to the English proverbs and sayings, and to analyze their figurativeness. For realization of this aim we looked at the handbook 'English proverbs and sayings' (I.S. Gvardzhaladze, D.I. Mchedlishvili, 'Vysshaya Shkola' Publishing House, Moscow, 1971). It contains 1000 proverbs and sayings. Having examined these proverbs we defined the following frequency of using domestic animals.
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Conclusion 1. A dog – 23 2. A cat – 22 3. A horse – 9 4. A cow – 6 5. A sheep – 5 6. A donkey – 4 (See the Exibit)
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Conclusion Thus, such examination shows that among the animals, used in the English proverbs and sayings you can often find such animals like a dog, a cat, a horse and a cow, which can be explained by historical development of Britain. The following fact is taking attention, that the image of a dog, a horse and a cow bears positive (+) emotional capacity.
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Conclusion A cat, a donkey (an ass) and a sheep often carry negative (-) images. Neutral (=) image is given to an ox.
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