Данное стихотворение написано на основе рассказов прабабушки ученицы о тяжких блокадных днях в Ленинграде.
В то время прабабушка была маленькой девочкой, которая по счастливой случайности выжила.
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A big deserted city
Around mum and me.
Both grey and freezing winter
Like deep and horror sea.
We are inside the city,
So gloomy and blocade.
And hunger, hunger, hunger,
A piece of bread a day.
Our room is rather empty.
It`s now dark and cold.
And no Dad to help us
Just left to pray the God.
Don`t cry my dear Mummy!
And I will stop to cry.
Let`s go take ice water
To make some tea tonight.
Don`t listen bombing thunder!
Please have a bed with me.
And tell a fairy tale
To dream, to live, to be!
And no more disasters!
All ghosts flew away.
The birds are singing carols,
So coming a more happy day!
Ах эта снежная зима
Рисуем пшеничное поле гуашью
Золотая хохлома
Рисуем гуашью: "Кружка горячего какао у зимнего окна"
Л. Нечаев. Яма