Эссе на английском языке "If I were a director of a school..."
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Михайленко Евгения, Чуфарова Анастасия, 11 класс
МАОУ СОШ № 67 с УИОП г. Екатеринбурга
Teachers are people, leading us to our life-goals and the subjects we have at school are very important for us. School gives us secondary education and all subjects are essential. To do good at school one should always listen to a teacher at the lesson, do homework and spend 2-3 hours a day, studying independently. I have a lot of friends among my classmates. We usually spend our free time together after classes. I consider school years are happy for me.
If I were a director of my school, I would make some changes in our school life. First of all, I would organize my lessons in an interesting and fascinating way: my pupils would be involved in various creative activities: watching educative movies, using modern equipment, discussing topical issues, having some researches.
I’d like to be patient, attentive to all the students’ opinions. My main aim would be to teach students to be responsible for their deals, to argue if it is necessary, to be able to observe a problem from different points of view. In the school of my dream I would also include more excursions and school trips in the schedule.
We asked our schoolmates from 5-10 grades to tell about their favourite teachers, subjects and what they would change in our school if they were teachers or a director of the school.
Here you can read about their thoughts:
If I were a director or a teacher of our school I’d organize a music club, where we could sing every day. And during the breaks all the pupils will be able to sing and dance! I like music!
If I were a director I would make a hockey section too, because many of my friends love hockey. I wouldn't start every lesson with checking homework. I`d ask children about their health, temper, about their pets for example.
Then, I would make the breaks between lessons longer. The next step is holidays. Summer holidays are long enough but I would make autumn, winter and spring holidays longer to let pupils to spend more time out or to travel.
In the school of my dream I would also include more excursions and school trips in the schedule. I think it is very important to travel with classmates and to share impressions. This is the idea of the school of my dream.
If I were a director of the school I would introduce a school uniform, because it creates a beautiful design of a school. Also it is prestigious. The beginning of the school would be at 9:00 am, because 8:00 am is very early for pupils. I would have thought the situation with our the school canteen: each class should eat at certain time, to avoid queues. We should use modern technologies in education. In high school, since the tenth form, students should choose which subjects to study in depth. It would be very useful for students, because they would study subjects they would pass exams. I believe that these changes will benefit the work of the school.
We wrote the article on this topic in our school magazine "TeenLife" (№ 8, p.14-15, http://teenlife67.ksdk.ru/pages.php?pid=1341).
Also we made the film about our school and its problems: http://nsportal.ru/video/my-school.
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