В 2013 году Россия отмечала 200-летие со дня победы над Б. Наполеоном и его непобедимой армией.
Кто те герои, что ценой своей жизни завоевали победу в этой кровопролитной войне?
Это простые солдаты, генералы, главнокомандующие, партизаны, гражданские люди...
Имена их останутся в памяти поколений навечно.
Мы не должны забывать их подвиг, чтобы война не повторилась вновь.
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The Battle of Borodino
We live in the 21st century in a fast changing world. The world of new ideas and new technologies, but we shouldn’t forget that our present life has been prepared by everything that has happened on our planet so far.
The Battle of Borodino was on September,7 in 1812 between the Russian army and the French army. It was a patriotic war and the Battle of Borodino had a great importance. It was 125 km west of Moscow.
The French army was larger and better equipped. Bur the Russian Commander in Chief was Mikhail Kutuzov. He was very experienced and decided to attack the enemy’s troops. He chose the position on the battlefield, ordered to make trenches, fleches, and redoubts.
It was the largest and bloodiest battle in the war. About a third of Napoleon’s soldiers were killed or wounded. Russian losses were also heavy, but the army was saved.
Although the Battle of Borodino can be seen as a victory for Napoleon, it is clear that the following events in this war were failure.
But the victory in this war was not without the rusian people. There were a lot of heroes. Their names are in our memories forever! Their names are:
General Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev Kutuzov.
Was a Field Marshal of the Russian Empire. Under Kutuzov’s command, the Russian Army stopped the Grande Army at the battle of Borodino, and then pushed the French out of the Russian homeland.
Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration.
He commanded the second army of the West. Bagration led the left wing at this Battle. During the Battle he was wounded but kept giving orders to the troops. It cost him his life.
Michael Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly. He commanded of the first Army of the West. He proposed the famous strategy of drawing the enemy deep into the territory. At the Battle of Borodino he commanded the right flank.
There are a lot of Russian Generals and soldiers who are real heroes of the battle. They are Sergei Volkonsky, Alexander Ivanovich Kutasov, Fyodor Pavlovich Uvarov, Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn, Nicolai Nikolaevich Raevsky, Hilarion Vasilevich Vasilchikov, Matvey Ivanovich Platov, Alexander Alekseevich Tuchkov, Dmitriy Sergeevich Dochturov and many others.
Let’s remember their names and keep in mind that there are too many weapons on our planet. They say the nuclear weapons that different countries have are enough to destroy all life on Earth ten times over. The progress in science and technology makes people invent even more destructive types of weapons and this vicious circle has to be broken.
History warns us about the future-because-as the saying goes-history repeats itself.
Let’s save the planet!
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Important pages of history By the students of the 9B: Khaninyova Diana and Bankovskaya Anastasia The teacher: Baeva M.LСлайд 2
We live in the 21 st century in the world of new ideas and new technologies We should remember the lessons of history. In 2012 our country celebrated the anniversary of the Battle of Borodino .
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The Battle of Borodino was on September,7 in 1812. It was the largest battle of the war of 1812 between the Russian army and the French army. Russian Commander in Chief was M. Kutuzov. Kutuzov during the battle of Borodino
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But the victory in this war was not without the Russian people. There were a lot of heroes. Their names are in our memories forever
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Michael Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov ( 1745 — 1813) — chief of the Russian army during the War of 1812 , first full knight of St. George. In 1812 he received the rank of Field Marshal and the title of Grand Duke of Smolensk.
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Peter Ivanovich Bagration Russian infantry general, Prince, hero of the War of 1812. Borodino army of Bagration, representing the left wing of the battle formation of the Russian troops, repulsed all the attacks of the army of Napoleon.
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Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly (1761-1818) Duke Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly - outstanding Russian commander, Field Marshal, Minister of War, Prince, hero of the War of 1812, the Holders of the Order of St. George Commanded the whole of the Russian army at the beginning of the War of 1812.
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Sergei Volkonsky (8 (19) December 1788)— 28 November (10 December 1865 — Prince, Major General, Brigadier commander of the 19th Infantry Division (1825); Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812
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Alexander Ivanovich Kutaisov (Graf, 1784-1812) - Russian Major-General. Alexander Distinguished himself at the island and Smolensk. In the battle of Borodino was killed while trying to fight off the battery Rajewski.
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Mikhail Andreyevich Miloradovich ( 1771 — 1825 ) — Count known combat infantry general, the governor general of St. Petersburg. October 22, 1812 took place the battle of Vyazma vanguard of the Russian army under General Miloradovich and Don Ataman MI Platov ( 25 thousand people.) With 4 French corps (of 37 thousand people.), Ended in a brilliant victory of the Russian troops, and in which the French lost 8.5 thousand people. killed, wounded and captured.
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Fyodor Pavlovich Uvarov ( 1773 — 1824), General of Cavalry At the beginning Patriotic War, was appointed to the 1st Western Army Reserve Cavalry Corps command. Uvarov and Platov - few of the generals, not presented the awards for the Battle of Borodino.
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Dmitriy Vladimirovich Golitsyn (1771—1844), Serene Prince, General of Cavalry, the Moscow mayor. In 1812, the corps commanded cuirassiers. Cuirassiers Golitsyn distinguished themselves in the battles of Borodino and Krasnom.Posle expulsion of the French out of Russia Golitsyn led body participated in the battles of Dresden, Kulm, Leipzig, Brienne, Fershampenuaz, the capture of Paris.
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Nikolay Nikolaevich Raevsky ( 1771 — 1829 ) — Russian commander, hero of the War of 1812, General of Cavalry. For thirty years of distinguished service participated in many major battles of the era. After the feat of Saltanovka became one of the most famous generals of the Russian army. The fight for the battery Rajewski was one of the key episodes of the Battle of Borodino. Member of the "Battle of Nations" and the occupation of Paris. Member of the State Council. Was familiar with many of the Decembrists.
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Hilarion Vasilevich Vasilchikov ( 1776 —21 February (5 March 1847 , St.Petersburg — statesman and military leader, Earl (1831), Prince (1839), General of Cavalry. At the beginning of the campaign of 1812 was always in the rear of the 2nd Army, to its junction with the 1st. Wounded at Borodino, Vasilchikov was promoted to lieutenant general and then appointed commander of the 4th Cavalry Corps, which participated in the battles of Tarutino and Vyazma. Order of St. George 3rd cl. № 265 was awarded January 31, 1813.
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Let’s remember their names and keep in mind that there are too many weapons on our planet .The nuclear weapons that different countries have are enough to destroy all life on Earth ten times over
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History warns us about the future-because-as the saying goes-history repeats itself. Let’s save the planet.
Д.С.Лихачёв. Письма о добром и прекрасном: МОЛОДОСТЬ – ВСЯ ЖИЗНЬ
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