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Hello. Today we want to talk about such an important topic as fast food in nowadays. Last century the number of fast food shops was becoming more and more. Also a large quantity of people went there. For this reason, we believe that it is a very important topic for modern people, for our generation.
I think you know, but what fast food is? It is food that can be cooked quickly and the customer can eat it quickly and easily.
The most famous kind of fast food are hamburgers and fries. It`s popular meal among a lot of people.
Fast food industry emerged in 1920 in America. In 1921, the company White Castle was opened in Kansas. There had been a specialty of the house burgers.
Price of such burgers was very low, and they were very tasty. In addition, with help of a good advertising campaign, many people were confident in the excellent quality of food and that this food is not dangerous for health. Cunning administration of White Castle came up a fun way. Special people wore white coats and the customers thought that doctors believed it was healthy food. It is funny, but this method was very useful.
But in 1940, the company White Castle had the competitors. The most serious competitor was McDonald's. You know this company. We know the funny clown of McDonald's for advertisement. I have seen it many times. Now it`s the most famous fast food company in the world. A lot of people eat food from there.
Fast-food chain began to grow.
In 1956, the U.S. had 14 restaurants McDonald's
In 1960, the U.S. had 288 restaurants McDonald's
In 1975, the U.S. had 3076 restaurants McDonald's
In 1990, the U.S. had 11800 restaurants McDonald's
Now the corporation has more than 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries.
According to recent studies, fast food restaurants are the most visited establishments catering of Russia. 70 percent of people who live in Russia eat in these shops.
let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages.
We heard a lot of information about bad quality of products for fast food and bad conditions when preparing food.
But a lot of us know that it is very tasty.
It's fast.
we can visit a fast food shop and quick bite(квик).
Many of us have many important concerns and people don`t have a lot of time for eating. Fast food shops help to such people. Everybody can buy a hamburger and this person will full-fed after 5 minutes.
With help these restaurants and cafes, we can eat quickly and go about own business.
It's tasty.
Many products in this shops are famous with help its taste.
Many of the dishes which are prepared in such cafes are very tasty. Everyone knows fries or a hamburger with help their taste.
It is inexpensive.
Many people can afford to buy some food there. Products in these shopes are cheaper than in expensive restaurants.
This is very beneficial.
One of the best problem of all fast food shops is harmful working conditions for chefs and visitors. Sometimes visitors are eating on the street near some plastic tables without plate, spoon and other. The most important they are not wash hands before eat. It`s so bad for health. Everybody should remember that people can seriously ill. In the street infections spread from person to person.
This infections can kill. For example sarmonulouze. It is a lot of microbes who makes a microflora in your stomach. It`s very bad for organism!
Also I want tell about chefs in the kitchen. They are cooking in dangerous conditions. Firstly it is old and unclear stove. Cookers are forget about meals which fall on the floor. Some rats or bags eat pieces of food. Therefor their larvas can enter the hot dog or other food. I think everybody don`t want it.
Sometimes chefs don`t use special gloves as a result all microbes who live in their hands come to our lips, teeth and so on. It's disgusting.
So, meals which we buy in fast food shops give some bad effects . It can break a exchange system in body. Then people will be fat, in their body lipids are accumulate around muscles. It`s bad for heart and vessels.
Now we tell about materials in fast food.
Firstly it`s half-stuff product from factory. For example small not roasted chicken, raw potatoes in big 2 or 3 kg package for fries and many deferent spices.
They buy a large batch of bread rolls for hot dogs. It save in a refrigerator for 3 or 4 days. Then Do not be surprised if you eat a hard biscuit.
They buy a lot of coca-cola and add to it a lot of water. Visitors like it, but they don`t know about additions.
Also they use a lot of paper for nice pack which we see when buy meals.
It`s a advertising way of their company. This company do many unusual thinks for advertising, but we were not interested in it but if you want you can look for big posters and pay attention to the behavior of sellers. It is very interesting.
In conclusion I want say about results of our work.
What is fast food for us?
Is it conveniently and easy?Is it bad or good?Is it useful or harmful?
In our opinion fast food is good invention in society, but we should remember about harm of it.
We sad that it`s tasty, cheaply and conveniently. Busy people can`t spend a lot of time for eating and fast food shops helps save the time for their job and business.
And we think that you will choose right solution .
Два Мороза
Мороз и заяц
Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин
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Мороз Иванович