Рассказ о вреде наркотиков.
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The author of the article: Shavaliyeva Liana
Form: 8A
School: №18 Almetyevsk city, Tatarstan
…I am a schoolgirl. Every morning, when I go to school, I am afraid. Perhaps, you are going to ask: why,Liana? What was happened? The life is wonderful, the sun shines, you are a healthy girl. STOP! STOP! STOP! Aren’t you see the terrible life around us??? I mean… the drugs…Even children are beginning to experiment with drugs and alcohol at younger and younger ages. We also live in a time where there is a great deal of single parent homes, which can lead to less supervision for our children. Additionally, peer pressure can be a hard thing for a young person to stand up against when it comes to experimenting with drugs.
During my education at school my parents will care of me, of course. But… When you leave school, you understand that the time of your life and the beginning of independence, much more serious test of your ability and character come. You also understand that now you have to do everything yourself, and to "fight" with everyone around you a better life.
And if you work hard everything will be OK. Another problem of young people is drugs. This is a relatively new problem but it is becoming more and more dangerous. Million young people today are using drugs, and most of them will die. Usually they want just to try it , then again and again … and after year may be two years they will die . It is true. Because there are no medicine to help you. That’s why never do it, if you do – it goes bad, very bad. I think that police must work hard to protect young people from drugs. Because drugs will kill our young generation and our future will be very bad.
A little about political and historical side of the problem:
At present, the war on drugs is most relevant on the world stage. Over the past 10 years, a significant increase in the number of recorded crimes and convictions for offences related to drug abuse. For a long time on this evil closed their eyes all-even those who had to deal with it. Addiction is a global problem. Our country has international obligations to fight drug addiction with other countries because of the ratification of the single Convention on narcotic drugs. The seriousness of the threat that prompted the UN General Assembly to convene an International Conference to formulate a programme of action for the Elimination of drug addiction. The Conference was held in Vienna in June 1987. It was attended by two thousand professionals from 120 countries. Adopted: program of cooperation on drug abuse control, the decision to jointly develop methods for determining effective ways of treating addiction, collaboration of law enforcement agencies and medical professionals. UN data on 117 countries of the world show that more people consume the most dangerous drugs such as heroin, cocaine, hashish, marijuana, morphine, etc. The World Health Organization estimates that the total number of drug abusers in the world reaches the approximately 70 million. man. The number of drug addicts has increased among adolescents and youth, growing up drug smuggling and trafficking. This has turned into a global business. Annual income of corporations that organize trafficking in drugs is approximately 400 billion. dollars. Some understanding on illicit traffic in drugs can be obtained from data of large seizures. Every year in the world reaches 700-800 cases.The problem of drug addiction among adolescents was produced before the society in its cruel and horrifying appearance, becoming the No. 1 enemy of our country. Until a few decades ago, we considered that the taint of drugs will not affect us, and now that threat has taken global proportions worldwide and came to our State. Why people take drugs? I think that people using drugs expected to cheer up or relax and this gradually leads to the fact that they become addicted to the dreaded "potions". It seems to me that drug addicts are people without a future, they only think about the drugs, which destroys their brains, lungs, liver, and the thought of him pull strength and reason. Many teenagers try to dope in a company that gives you guys something that can not sometimes give neither the family nor the school: emotional support, endorsement, a sense of security and acceptance. In their midst are thought to smoke and take drugs – it's cool. But you need to have self confidence, independence of thought, strength of spirit, to contrast himself to that environment. Any girl will think if will know that it will have to grovel for daily dose every dirty podonkom in the market. Any boy in the Nick of time really wants to live, but it will be too late. Drug addicts not only ruining his life and health, they are capable of any crime to murder, if only to get a drug.
I believe that our society should lead a hard fight against this terrible scourge. In our country and abroad creates many health centres for the treatment of drug addiction. If you go there ask, human life can be saved. For complete recovery person must sincere desire and the love and support of loved ones can help in a fight the disease.
A traitor is someone who, noticing the problem of a loved one, lift up on the feet all around in search of assistance, a traitor who would leave him with a problem alone and will not give chances to survive.
Dear adults!!! I ask you only:
Dear adults!!!
Stop to kill our future generation!!! We want to have loving families and healthy children!!!
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