Эссэ на тему "Если мы забудем прошлое, то оно напомнит о себе..." В эссэ приводятся примеры из истории и сравнительный анализ поколений с фотодокументами
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School № 901 11 “A” form Moryashova Victoria Учитель: Левина И.М. “If we forget the past, we are doomed to repeat it”Слайд 2
Millions of books are devoted to the history of our country . Our h istory exists for the progeny who mustn’t forget the developing of the world . Otherwise , there is a risk that our forget fulness makes us to repeat the mistakes made of our ancestors . We are the future!!!
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I agree , we never must forg et our country past . The g reat est leaders who lived in different times : Jesus Christ , P eter I , I.V.Stalin , M.S.Gorbachev and others realized their plans changing the life of the whole world . If they didn’t remember the past , they would repeat previous mistakes again . Therefore , knowledge of the past inspires the progeny to the best result .
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On the other hand , the famous founder of the automobile industry , Henry Ford said : " History is mainly a chatter ." I do n’t agree with his statement . Indeed , in R ussian literature is a great writer and a historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn , who was a participant and a witness of the event described in h is novel " One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich “ . He show ed the image of a man d id n’t want to accept the existing order in the prison camp . This man was quite unafraid even totalitarianism in the prison camp, b ecause attracted attention to him sel f . This story holds a picture of the whole period in the life of our country . T h is story is a warning . It wa s written with the hope to it never happen again , but it must be remembered .
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The h istory of the Great Patriotic War embodies hatred and fear , pain and death . But it also teaches us to cherish the freedom of our motherland , teaches us kindness , humanity and love to people . The history human ’s heroism in t he war is unforgettable .
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To remember the past is the duty of every person on the E arth , because it is necessary for us to improve the future : “ To predict the future is necessary to know the past .“ The past is not chosen
Д.С.Лихачёв. Письма о добром и прекрасном: МОЛОДОСТЬ – ВСЯ ЖИЗНЬ
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Астрономический календарь. Июнь, 2019