Творческое сочинение на тему летних приключений с фотографиями автора, присланное на конкурс
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«My Summer Adventure»
Автор: Ученица 11 «А» класса Абрамова Ольга
Учитель: Петрова И. А.
Школа: №124
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Регион: Северо-Западный
At the beginning my holidays were like an ordinary vacation, also the weather wasn’t good all the time, and it was raining very often. I wanted to make my holidays interesting and full of different events because they were my last school summer holidays.
One day I was watching TV and suddenly I saw some news about opera festival «All together Opera». «That’s interesting», - I thought. So I told to my mother about it and we decided to visit this event.
The festival consisted of several opera performances which were rather various. The places were chosen according to the theme of each opera. The first one we watched was «Demon». That was the first time in my life when I saw an opera. The voices and acting were fantastic. The stage was decorated with huge fragments of a mirror. It was an open-air performance so the wind and the sunlight played very important role there.
Even though sometimes it was raining the concert was held and there were a lot of spectaculars there too.
This opera impressed us to go to the opera «Iolanthe»
«Iolanthe» is one of the most romantic operas; it was created by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.
This opera was held in the courtyard of the Mikhailovsky castle. The costumes were colorful, the acting, music and voices were amazing. There were many common visitors and foreign tourists too. After the performance you could easily come up to the actors and musicians and talk with them. Here I got an opportunity to talk with an outstanding conductor Fabio Mastrangelo – a person who has created this festival.
Being very impressed by these operas we decided to go to the gala-concert in Mikhailovsky theatre. The atmosphere was fantastic, we felt like we were not in the 21st century but in the 18th or 19th. The interior of the opera-house created the right mood, singers and conductors were very famous people.
When we were on our way home, I realized how wonderful and amazing St.Petersburg is; it’s the real capital of Culture of our country.
Now I understand that sometimes it’s not bad, but even good when you stay in the city and don’t go to the country or abroad. This vacation was very remarkable for me, it was full of interesting events, and I’ve visited many different festivals, concerts, exhibitions and museums, I also was glad to meet new interesting people…
Автор всех фотографий – Ольга Абрамова. 2012 год.
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