Сочинеие ученицы, присланное на конкурс, о летних приключениях
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«My Summer Adventure»
Автор: ученица 11 класса «А» Цыганкова Варвара
Учитель: Петрова Ирина Андреевна
Школа: №124
Населённый пункт: Санкт-Петербург
Регион: Северо-Западный
Summer is a great time for me, because every year I have many adventures during my summer holidays. I never expect my summer to be quiet and calm; I can’t even imagine it to be boring!
This summer was really exciting, like all previous, of course. My mother and I decided to go to Finland by car with our friends and spend there some days. We packed up our small suitcases and started our journey. Some hours passed and we crossed the border between Russia and Finland. Later in the afternoon we drove up to Kotka – a small town which is washed by Gulf of Finland and is located in the southern Finland on the edge of the country. It’s one of the most ecological places on the whole Earth.
Here our adventures began.
I was ready to fall asleep on the back seat of our car. It wasn’t late evening, but we all were tired and wanted to get to our friends’ house as fast as possible. I didn’t want to miss something, so I tried to keep my eyes open.
We were driving along the road which was surrounded by the forest. Suddenly I saw something on the left side of the road. A driver noticed it, too. We stopped at once and I saw a young moose crossing the road right in front of our car! It was exciting!
I have never seen a wild moose before! It was a great piece of luck that we had noticed him before he started to cross the road. If we hadn’t noticed, we could have had an accident…
Well, everything was all right, so we continued our journey.
At last we got to our friends’ house. When I entered the room prepared for us, I was impressed by the picturesque view, which opened from a big window. But I didn’t manage to enjoy it. I drank a cup of warm milk and fell asleep on my bed…
The next day the weather was fine and we decided to go fishing. We came to shore of the Gulf of Finland and sailed a few miles from the coast on our own boat. There we anchored, and made our fishing-rods ready and started watching our bobbers. We tried to keep silence…
The boat was bobbing on the waves and this lulled me…
The fresh air and the silence around made me think deeply…
But suddenly I felt something on the other side of my fishing line.
I immediately focused on it. The fish, caught in my trap, was quite strong and desperately tried to escape. I was enthusiastic and tried to control the situation and not to loose the fish. It was a great struggle! It reminded me the struggle between Santiago and a big fish in Hemingway’s novel «The Old Man and the Sea».
Finally I managed to get it out of the water with the help of our friends. It was a huge pike! I have never seen such a big pike in my life. It was 76 centimeters long! I can’t say how we managed to get it… It was really strong and it didn’t want to give up the struggle!
With this big trophy we sailed back home.
The pike was so big, that we managed to cook two dishes from it. We were eating them for some days!
Well, it was one of my best summer adventures. I’ll never forget our journey to Kotka. Next summer I want to return there and enjoy these unforgettable emotions again! Иллюстрации автора Цыганковой Варвары
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