Ben Johnson was right “he was not of an age, but for all time!”
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William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564 – died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His surviving works are 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language, and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.Слайд 2
Early life William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. His mother was a a daughter of a farmer. His father was a glove- maker.His unknown birthday is traditionally observed on 23 April, St George's Day. This date, which can be traced back to an eighteenth-century scholar's mistake, has proved appealing because Shakespeare died on 23 April 1616. He was the third child of eight and the eldest surviving son. In 1582 he married Anna Ha thaway , the daughter of the local landowner who w as 8 years older him. John Shakespeare's house in Stratford-upon-Avon.
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Life and death He had three children Susannah,and twins Hamnet and Judith. About 1587 Shakespeare has left Stratford and has moved to London. In 1592 Shakespeare bec a me a member of the London actor's troupe . In 1612 Shakespeare left for the unknown reasons in resignation and returned to native Stratford where lived his wife and daughters. Shakespea re continued writing . On April, 23rd, 1616 Shakespeare has died.
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Creativity There was time when Shakespeare's plays grouped in plots: the group of comedies, group of tragedies, chronicles from an English history, the Roman tragedies also turned out. Theatre "Globe" in which Shakespeare's troupe worked.
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The first publications Shakespeare has not published any of the products. Yes , also it was not usual in literary tradition of that time — most print ed drama products. So-called «First Folio » (1623)
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The first period (1590—1594) T his period is the period of idealistic belief in the best aspects of life. Young Shakespeare excitedly punishes defect in the historical tragedies and with delight sings of high and poetic feelings — friendship, self-sacrifice and in particular love. T he basic colouring is given by plays where the youth of the author has affected in that aura with which it surrounds young feeling: «The Two Gentlemen of Verona » and « A song of songs» new European literature — «Romeo and Julie t » further which became a deification of love. Romeo and Juliette. There never was a story of more sorrow Than this one of Juliet and her Romeo . Нет повести печальнее на свете, Чем повесть о Ромео и Джульетте.
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The second period (1594—1601) . T here is one of its most famous products — « The Merchant of Venice ». I t ha s a lot of imitation, but in this play Shakespeare's genius has already mighty found out the independence and with unusual brightness has shown one of the most surprising abilities — to transform a rough, crude stone of borrowed plots into an art sculpture amazing with perfection. Falstaff with the big jug of wine and a cup.
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The third period (1600—1609) However soon l ies has become boring to Shakespeare. «I do not know you, the old man». Shakespeare still ceases to know recently sorrowless relation entirely owning it to a life. “ Hamlet” “ Othello” “ King Lear” “ Macbeth” Hamlet аnd Horatio on a cemetery.
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The bronze statue of Shakespeare in Stratford. Shakespeare’s figure is high above the ground and on the ground there are small figures of Shakespeare’s famous characters.
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Poems and sonnets His poems and sonnets are among the most charming gems of poetry in the English language. The first edition of "Sonnets" (1609)
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SONNET 130 My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun, Coral is far more red than her lips red; If snow be white why then her breasts are dun If hairs be wires black wires grow on her head I have seen roses damasked red and white, But no such roses see I in her cheecks; And in some perfumes is there more delight Then in the breath that from my mistress reecks I love to hear her speak yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound I grant I never saw a goddess go My mistress, when she walks threads on the ground And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare.
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130 Ее глаза на звезды не похожи, Нельзя уста кораллами назвать, Не белоснежна плеч открытых кожа, И черной проволокой вьется прядь. С дамасской розой, алой или белой, Нельзя сравнить оттенок этих щек. А тело пахнет так, как пахнет тело, Не как фиалки нежный лепесток. Ты не найдешь в ней совершенных линий, Особенного света на челе. Не знаю я, как шествуют богини, Но милая ступает по земле. И все ж она уступит тем едва ли, Кого в сравненьях пышных оболгали. С. Маршак
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Question of authorship of Shakespearean products Has not remained any belonging to Shakespeare from Stratford books. Its authentic autographs — only surname and name signatures; his handwriting is inaccurate enough that gives the grounds to assume that he was not so habitual to write or even is semiliterate. A number considers that Shakespeare's one creative autograph nevertheless is known: probably, same hand, as signatures, writes a part by the forbidden censorship of the play "Sir Thomas Mor" (it not simply copy, and a draught copy with author's editing). Autographs of Shakespeare known now from Stratford .
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Ben Johnson was right “he was not of an age, but for all time!” William Shakespeare
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Могила Шекспира «О, добрый друг, во имя бога, Ты прах под камнем сим не трогай; Сна не тревожь костей моих; Будь проклят тот, кто тронет их!..»
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