Презентация "Букенгемский дворец" 5 класс
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Buckingham PalaceСлайд 2
Buckingham Palace is located in the capital of England - London. Queen Elizabeth II, her family and servants live in it.
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Buckingham Palace was originally known as Buckingham House and was built for John Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby . It was acquired by King George III in 1762 as the future private residence of the monarch.
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The palace is guarded by the royal guard. Tourists from different countries who come to watch the changing of the guard of honor, which takes place daily in a solemn atmosphere at 10 o'clock in the morning, love to be photographed with the guards.
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There are 775 rooms in Buckingham Palace. 52 of them are rooms of the queen and her family, 188 rooms for her servants, 92 offices, 78 bathrooms and 365 more rooms.
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When the queen is in the palace, the royal standard rises above him.
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The palace has 1514 doors , 760 windows and 40,000 light bulbs .
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The palace also houses one of the largest collections of watches in the world. There are about 350 hours in total in the palace.
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Buckingham Palace has a very large garden. There is a helicopter landing area, a lake and a tennis court. There are also 30 species of birds and 350 species of flowers growing there. Buckingham Palace has its own post office, cinema, swimming pool, cafe and chapel.
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