The comments of Astasheva Kristina -
William Shakespeare:
«1599. I’m 35 years old. I’m two years older than Jesus Christ was when he died . But what have I already done? Nothing. Oh, I’ve written some tens of sonnets, «Romeo and Juliet», «A Midsummer Night’s Dream», «The Spanish Tragedy», perhaps, some other works. No more! What’s the next? Who is worth to be written about? What event? What country? What personality? No doubt, it will be Julies Caesar! He was the one and only of his time! But will it be a comedy, a history, a tragedy or a tragicomedy, maybe, a romance? I’ve been thinking it over for so long time. But the answer is clear. Of course, a tragedy! Hope, it’ll be the best of my plays. May God help me!»
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