Работа посвящена актуальному вопросу сегодняшнего дня - исследование влияния единой школьной формы на повышение мотивации обучащихся к получению образования и престижной профессии, сокращению преступности в среде школьников с одной стороны и стремление подростков выглядеть модно и современно, с другой стороны.
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Project School Uniform and Fashion Made by Kotkova Ann Alexandrova Ann Form 7 A 2012Слайд 2
Stages & terms of the project STAGES OF THE PROJECT DESCRIPITON TERMS Preparation Discussion of the project 15.10.1 1. – 30.10.1 1. Practice Stage 1 Virtual travelling to the different types of schools abroad. Design of the project “Differences and similarity in the school uniform all over the world .” Studying of the key vocabulary on the topic “Items of the clothes” 01.11.11. - 31.11. 1 1 . Practice Stage 2 Interviewing the students of our school. Analysis of the results. 01.12.11.-30.12.11. Practice Stage 3 Design of the original project “School uniform and fashion” . 01.01.12. - 31.0 2 . 1 2. Analysis Reflection. Analysis of the results. 10.03.12.– 20.03.12. Conclusion P resentation of the project. 20. 04.1 2.- 30.04.1 2 .
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The Contents of the project School uniform all over the world School uniform in my school My own project of school uniform
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Debate: School Uniform. Britain is the most obvious example of this, but in many other countries with strong links to Britain uniform often has to be worn to school - examples include Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and many other African countries. Uniform is also required at almost all schools in Japan. In other countries, particularly in continental Europe, the USA and Canada, uniform is very rare in state-funded schools, although private schools may have one.
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Some British schools have got their uniform. Boys usually wear green jackets or sweaters and grey trousers or shorts, white or blue shirts, tie, green socks and black shoes. Girls usually have different types of skirts, white or yellow blouses, green jackets or sweaters with school emblems, green socks or tights, and white or black shoes. The United Kingdom . England
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Australia School uniforms in Australia originally followed the British models . Nearly all private and government schools , in all Australian states , have a compulsory uniform policy . For boys , the uniforms generally include a polo shirt together with either short trousers ( especially for summer wear ) or long trousers , often in grey . Girls ' uniforms generally include skirts , dresses , jumpers , blouses and sometimes also trousers and shorts .
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South Africa Typical example of an assembly in a South African school . All students are in uniform , with a sharp difference between boys and girls . As in many other former British colonies , all South African private and public schools have a uniform , and it is compulsory in all public schools and in the vast majority of private schools .
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New Zealand Traditionally , many New Zealand i ntermediate and high schools have followed the British system of school uniforms , although it is common in state schools for the boy's uniform to have a jersey and grey short trousers rather than a blazer with tie and long trouser s .
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Ireland Traditionally , Irish schools have followed the British style of school uniforms . The current school uniforms used in Ireland are similar to those in the United Kingdom , but polo-shirts appear to be less popular than in the U.K..
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Singapore Singapore has some of the most distinctive school uniforms anywhere . Uniform is absolutely compulsory for all students , not only at primary and secondary school but also at the pre - university ( Junior College ) level . The normal uniform for boys is shorts or long pants in the specified colour and material , with a short-sleeved shirt ( often white ). Girls ' uniforms include skirts , with blouses and shorts underneath .
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India School uniforms are almost universal in India , from primary to higher-secondary level . Boys ' uniforms often consist of light-colored shirt and dark long trousers . Girls ' uniforms are most often shirt and skirt .
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Japan In the majority of elementary schools , students are not required to wear a uniform to school . Where uniforms are required , many boys wear white shirts , short pants , and caps . Girls ' uniforms might include a gr e y skirt and white blouse . Occasionally the sailor outfit is used for girls .
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The USA Few public schools in the United States have formal school uniforms . Most do , however , have dress codes . They generally include prohibitions on clothing with tears or holes , and anything that is gang-related , or unsafe . Some school dress codes specify the types of tops and bottoms that are allowed , as well as specific colors ( often the school colors ). In recent years there has been a significant increase in dress codes for all levels of schooling .
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Canada Most public schools in Canada do not require that students wear uniforms , but most include rules against offensive clothing . Many regions of Canada have Catholic schools , and many of these schools have uniforms . T hose public schools adminis trated by the Catholic Church , established strict , uniform-like dress codes ( shirts and ties for boys , dresses or skirts for girls ) at the elementary and junior high school level .
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Russia In Russia , school uniforms were estab lished after the 1917 revolution . Boys generally wore dark blue pants and jackets , girls — brown dresses with black aprons ( on special occasions , white aprons were worn ). The members of the Young Pioneer organization , to which every stud ent belonged , wore famous red neckties . Today , there is no unified standard uniform in Russia . However, t here is also a modern-day tradition for girls to dress into brown Soviet-style school uniform for their graduation ceremony .
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Laws and rulings against school dress code: In the Australian state of Queensland in 1998 . In the Philippines in 2008 . In England and Wales in 2009. In Scotland , some local councils abolished it in 2010. Turkey abolished uniforms in 2010 . In 1969, the United States Supreme Court declar ed that schools may not " abridge the rights of students as to personal dress and appearance .
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Do uniforms create a strong feeling of belonging somewhere? Pros Having all students wear the same uniform helps create a sense that you belong somewhere and maintain a good school either by culture or spirit. When the United States began to use uniforms in public school there were many reports of improved discipline. Cons Most kids absolutely hate uniforms. We all have a right to individuality, to make personal choices and to express our personality. When choosing a dress to wear to school, kids learn to think for themselves and to give their ideas to the world, now like in school...
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Do school uniforms improve children’s results? Pros Without the distraction of checking out what all the other students are wearing, students find it easier to concentrate and do better in tests. That’s why schools with uniforms obtain better educational results. Cons Studies looking at lots of schools, with and without uniform, have not found any link between what children wear and school results.
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Are uniforms practical? Pros Uniform has practical advantages. Students don’t have to waste time thinking what to wear at the start of each school day. The clothes are designed to be comfortable and safe. Cons Uniform is often not practical or pleasant to wear. Designs are often old-fashioned and ugly. Childre n in uncomfortable outfits are unlikely to learn much .
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Can introducing of school uniforms reduce crime and violence at schools? Pros Introducing uniform can reduce crime in schools, especially violence and theft. This is partly due to better discipline, but also because students no longer come to school wearing expensive designer clothes. Cons There is no proper research that shows that introducing uniforms cuts crime in schools. Uniforms can actually lead to more violence, as they make students from rival schools much more obvious in the street or on the bus. That’s why bullying and fighting between students from different schools can increase.
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Are uniforms a good value for money? Pros Uniform is usually cheaper than letting children choose what they will wear to school. Young people feel pressure to dress in the latest thing and not to wear the same outfit often. This often leads their parents to spend a lot of money on clothes each year. Cons Uniforms are expensive and can be hard for parents to afford - it is like a tax on sending your child to school. The cost of uniform often means that parents dislike it and it can lead to a bad relationship between them and the school.
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Are uniforms a beneficial preparation for future careers? Pros Wearing a uniform helps to prepare students for the world of work, where uniforms are often worn. People like nurses, soldiers, shop assistants, the police and railway staff wear uniform as part of their job. Cons Wearing a school uniform is not good preparation for working. Only a few jobs require uniforms, and many of these are low-paid service jobs. Well-paid jobs used to require a suit. But even if you have to wear a suit, you still have a huge choice of styles, color and accessories with which to express your personality.
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Questionnaire for parents, administration and students Clothes distract student’ attention from learning. Administration/Parents Through clothes students express themselves. Students Students do not always wear to school what they should. Administration Students should say “ Yes” to dress codes. Administration Students’ clothes are sometimes too bright or untidy. Administration Dress codes help students understand what is more important for them, clothes or learning. Parents/Administration
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7 formers and their parents
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31% 69%
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Styles. Preferences
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Colors . Preferences
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School Uniform: to be or not to be?
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Pupils’ Projects
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My own design of the school uniform
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The Uniform for 5 – 7 formers This uniform is for children of 11 -15 years old . The uniform is compulsory. Boys and girls wear the same clothes. It’s made of cotton. It has a mask on the face to keep the students talking during the lesson. It is decorated with a belt and a mackintosh. Designed colors are white, red and black.
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The Uniform for 8 – 11 formers This uniform is for children of 15 – 17 years old . It’s also compulsory. I think that it is quite cheap and practical. It has got long sleeves to hide everything. The length of the dress is enough to be polite. There is a belt on the waist. The distinctive symbol of the form decorates the belt.
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The Uniform for teachers So, if there is a uniform for students, it would be fair to design a uniform for teachers. I suggest teachers to wear the same clothes as the students. But it should be different in color. They don’t wear a mask. It has a mackintosh to make teaches warm in cold seasons. I’m sure you will like it.
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Thank you for your attention!
Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ – Югра
Тюменская область
пгт. Излучинск, Нижневартовский район
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Излучинская средняя школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов № 2»
Школьная форма и мода
Авторы работы: | Александрова Анна Коткова Анна обучающиесяся 7а класса муниципального бюджетного образовательного учреждения «Излучинская общеобразовательная средняя школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов № 2» |
Руководитель работы: | Сумникова Светлана Владимировна, учитель английского языка муниципального бюджетного образовательного учреждения «Излучинская общеобразовательная средняя школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов № 2» |
Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ – Югра
Тюменская область
пгт. Излучинск, Нижневартовский район
Школьная форма и мода
Александрова Анна
Коткова Анна
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Излучинская общеобразовательная средняя школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов № 2»
7 класс
Работа посвящена актуальному вопросу сегодняшнего дня - исследование влияния единой школьной формы на повышение мотивации обучащихся к получению образования и престижной профессии, сокращению преступности в среде школьников с одной стороны и стремление подростков выглядеть модно и современно, с другой стороны. Данная тема является обязательной к изучению по предмету английский язык в школьной программе и, как показывает опыт, всегда вызывает живой интерес у обучающихся. Это явилось обоснованием к созданию исследовательского проекта. Авторы предполагают, что с введением единой школьной формы в нашей стране в целом или в пределах одного образовательного учреждения, будет нарушено право учащихся на выражение собственной индивидуальности. Результаты исследования помогли выделить и описать характерные особенности, присущие школьной форме в разных странах и обосновать необходимость соблюдения единой формы в образовательных учреждениях. Дискуссионным продолжает оставаться вопрос о стилистическом и цветовом решении данной проблемы. В работе имеется практическое применение работы. Приводятся образцы моделей школьного имиджа глазами подростков.
Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ – Югра
Тюменская область
пгт. Излучинск, Нижневартовский район
Школьная форма и мода
Александрова Анна
Коткова Анна
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Излучинская общеобразовательная средняя школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов № 2»
7 класс
Гипотеза: если соблюдение единой школьной формы станет обязательным, то это лишит подростков возможности самовыражения через предметы одежды.
Цель настоящей работы заключается в исследовании влияния школьной формы на формирование общественных взглядов на гармоничное самовыражение подростка средствами школьного имиджа.
В ходе работы предполагается решить следующие задачи:
Объект исследования: школьная форма в разных странах мира в различные исторические периоды.
Предмет исследования: подростки 15-16 лет (обучающиеся 7 классов муниципального бюджетного образовательного учреждения «Излучинская общеобразовательная средняя школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов № 2», 45 человек).
Решение поставленных задач определило выбор методов исследования.
Теоретические: сбор информации; анализ информации; систематизация и классификация собранных материалов; прогнозирование; проверка гипотез.
Практические: сбор материала (чтение книг, журналов); поиск подходящей информации в Интернете; отбор конкретного материала; анкетирование с последующей статистической обработкой результатов исследования; буклет.
Научная новизна состоит в изучении влияния школьного имиджа подростка на его поведение и культуру.
Практическая ценность Популяризация идей гармоничного существования подростка в обществе при помощи выразительных средств современного школьного имиджа.
Исследование имело следующие организационные этапы:
I этап (сентябрь 2011г.-ноябрь 2011г.) – теоретико-аналитический.
Изучение состояния проблемы, определение цели и задач исследования, формулирование гипотезы, изучение литературы по проблеме.
II этап (декабрь 2011г.-январь 2012г.) – опытно-экспериментальный.
Разработка плана анкетирования, определение условий организации процесса, проведение анкетирования среди учащихся школы.
III этап (февраль 2012г.-апрель 2012г.) – заключительно-обобщающий.
Обобщались результаты анкетирования, осуществлялась систематизация собранного материала, обработка и описание полученных результатов, выпуск буклета.
Итогом данного исследования являются следующие выводы:
1. FCE 1, V.Evans, J.Milton «Mission I»
2. V.Evans, J.Dooley, «Mission II»
3. V.Evans, J.Dooley «For and Against»
4. Speak Out (2000-2012)
5. Glossapress «1000 Topics”
6. G.Kubarkov, B.Timoshchuk «Let’s discuss» (9-10)
7. The USA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States
8. The UK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom
9. Russia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia
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