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«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №6»
городского округа город Кумертау
Республики Башкортостан
English inscriptions
on clothes
Выполнил Хамитов Тимур
обучающийся 11А класса
Утяганова Зилия Шайморатовна,
Ишбердина Венера Рафаэлевна
2014 г.
1. The main part…………………….……………………………………….5-10
1.1 What is memory? ...............................................................................5-6
1.2. Why memorizing English words makes it difficult ?........................7
1.3. The ways of memorizing English words…………………………...8-10
The list of literature………………………………………………………...12
I am pleased to learn English, I like how it sounds, I like to listen to poems and sing songs in English. But sometimes it is difficult to remember some words and phrases. A teacher always tells us that without the knowledge of vocabulary, you cannot speak English. Available in English vocabulary, which is very easy to remember, but some of the words and expressions are hard to remember, so we have come up with different ways of remembering. I would like to find different versions of memorizing new vocabulary.
Initially, I decided to interview my classmates to learn how they memorize lexical units. For this, I made up a questionnaire and asked my classmates to answer.
1. Do you like to learn English? Why?
2. Is it difficult to learn English?
3. What is of particular difficulty?
4. Do you like to learn new words?
5. Do you have a special way of remembering vocabulary? If there is, what, describe them.
22 pupils took part in my application. After analyzing my friends answers, I found that only 14 members profiles gladly learn English: seven of it comes easily, and the rest will need to enroll in higher education. 8 students do not like to learn English, as it is difficult to memorize words and exercises. For them English is a lot harder to Russian. A particular challenge is the need for grammar and memorizing new words. We all have our ways of memorizing words. Basically, they are divided into three groups: first - simply "bison" as a poem repeat and repeat, until you remember that. Second - write the words on a piece several times and repeat to yourself. Third - just memorize the lesson - after many repetitions per teacher, and the subsequent exercises.
The problem is that because it is difficult to learn vocabulary. How to pass information from the textbook directly into the "brain".
About as I do, but if there are special methods and memorization techniques developed by scientists?
Solutions. I decided to find a teacher of anatomy, where I can get information about who is responsible for solving the problem. Then I went to the library to search for relevant literature, study it and I'm ready to help myself and my classmates.
The aim of my work: to find for myself and my classmates effective memorization techniques not only words, but also poems and rules.
Gipotiza research: I believe that these methods are not very many, just about everyone has to invent a method of learning own ways.
I used the following methods:
1) theoretical analysis of psycho-pedagogical , methodological literature on the research topic;
2) purposeful pedagogical supervision;
The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that I found and told my classmates about different ways of memorizing English vocabulary.
1. The main part.
1.1 What is memory?
I think that all mental processes begin in our head. But with it, I 'll start. What is memory, as it arises?
In Natalia Rozanovas article "How to improve memory?", I found the definition of memory. "Memory is the property of the human brain that allows to record, store and reproduce information if necessary." [3, page 34]. The human brain can be compared with the latest computer, which does not exist in reality, as it has not been studied even half. Currently, there are different theories of memory. However, until the end and it is not clear how is the assimilation and storage of information. Scientists believe, to understand how memory works, you need to consider its physiological basis.
As is known, the human brain is divided into left and right hemisphere, each of which consists of four fractions:
• frontal;
• temporal;
• parietal;
• occipital.
Each of them has its own record of information occurs, and wherein the selected information for recording different.
The right hemisphere is in charge of the left side of the body, and left - right. It is believed that people with stronger research mindset developed right hemisphere, and creative people - left. The whole point is that the right hemisphere is responsible for shape, synthetic, emotional perception of reality, that is, for the reproduction of images, pictures and visual associations. Those people, in whom it is well developed, lovely visual or auditory memory. These include artists, composers, sculptures, etc. lovely visual or auditory memory. [1, page 56]
The left hemisphere of the same stores verbal memories. This hemisphere logic, abstract constructions, classifications and analytical conclusions. In his charge are reading, writing, problem solving and all logical operations.
People with well-developed left brain is well developed verbal- logical memory. They are thinkers, scientists and explorers. Hemisphere not work otdelnono apart connections between them so-called corpus callosum - a special cluster of nerve fibers. Information on them is supplied from one hemisphere to the other at a speed of several thousand cpm. Matter how well developed communication between the hemispheres, depends on a multiplicity of rights, as they take part in any action. If a child develop both hemispheres can be as titanium Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci. In some remarkable stories of people who had a phenomenal memory. Commander Alexander Suvorov, the Persian king, Cyrus, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar knew in person and on behalf of all soldiers - up to 30 thousand people. [1,page 93].
In ordinary life, two such different systems complement each other.
The right hemisphere is producing a new , unknown , original and extravagant, and the left and organizes finds solutions , builds and controls them , thereby avoiding confusion and confusion. But sometimes it suppresses the subconscious, thus depriving him of a great opportunity.
For successful operation of the memory mechanism are important mechanisms of perception, ie, ways of perceiving information:
· Emotions
· Odor
· Visualizations
· Sounds
· Touches
· Movements
Memorizing mechanism is rather complicated. Scientists have proved experimentally that even seen a few tens of milliseconds images imprinted in memory, which is called the touch. But then, if a person tries to play memorized , the number of images is reduced to 70% of what he saw , and after 250 milliseconds , all information is evaporated from the sensory memory . Thus, sensory memory is not able to hold objects of any significant amount of time. Responsible for this short-term and long-term memory.
One of the important mechanisms of memory is memorizing. [5, page 34].
Remembering - the process of capturing and maintain the perceived information. There are two kinds of memory:
unintentional (or involuntary ) intentional (or random).
Unintentional memorization - memorizing it without advance this goal, without using any techniques and displays willpower.
Arbitrary (or deliberate) storing characterized in that the person poses a definite goal - remember certain information - and uses special techniques of memorization.
1.2. Why memorizing English words makes it hard?
First, a new English word is accurate information, ie, information that you need to know exactly at 100%. Try "about" or "partially" say the English word! And any precise information stored poorly, even after a grueling "cramming" in memory is only 20% . Knowing this feature memory, our ancestors 2,000 years ago created mnemonics - the art of memorization. Nowadays mnemonics enriched with new techniques and methods.
Secondly , memorizing English words causes difficulties due to improper organization of words . Most books and dictionaries , aimed at creating a vocabulary compiled in alphabetical order. And this procedure is useful only to search for words , but not to remember.
Thirdly , memorizing English words makes it hard if you memorize words without context . In addition, the complexity associated with remembering polysemy of English words. A. N.Leontev writes: " The difficulty is that if you learn the vocabulary words so ( foreign - Russian , foreign - Russian ), the first - then you will not know for a very simple reason: the word, including foreign , ambiguous .
Fourth, memorizing English words causes difficulties due to incorrect sequence memorization. The English word consists of three components : 1) writing , 2) pronunciation , 3) transfer. Storing in a sequence called "recognition ", ie, you need to see the English word written or heard, to recall the translation . . That's why we all understand foreigners , but can not say anything . Can not say , because we can not quickly and easily recall the translation of the word .
Obviously, the need to eliminate the above mentioned difficulties .
properly prepare the material to memorize , ie a) the English words grouped by themes and situations use , and b) to arrange the English words so that standing next word begins with a different letter , remember the English word in context, on the basis of one English word - one context containing one translation to remember in the correct sequence , ie translation - pronunciation - writing using a specific method .
Very common way of memorizing words are themed cards - taken some text ( any conversational topic , newspaper article , etc.) from the text selected unfamiliar words and expressions and recorded on paper cards . And, on one side of the card is written the English word , and the next transfer. List of words can be constantly updated with new words on the same subject , but from other texts . Ultimately, the word will be grouped by topics, and will be convenient to study in any place convenient for you - at home, transport, etc.
1.3. The ways of memorizing English words
Memorization of English words is very effective, because when writing by hand themed cards and use their constant use memory play , and words fall into the active roster memory.
Another way of remembering is through the expansion of a number of synonymous. Visualization. Memorizing English word, you did not correlate with its Russian translation , and his way with a mental picture. This method is good for storing uniquely translate words from one specific value. For example, remembering the word "curtains" ( curtain ) , you repeat the "curtains" and mentally fancy curtains. At what would be better if it's not just some curtains , emotionally meaningful to you - the ones that hung in your child and that you are sweet , the ones you saw a neighbour and want to buy , etc.
Method of physical actions . So convenient to remember verbs . Well as interim coach of the verb . You call a certain action and commit it. I am striking a match - I light a match ( now, at this moment).
Passive perception of words. Record to disk a few dozen words with the translation or the text that you want to memorize. Listen to this recording at any convenient for you time. This method is good because it can be combined with mundane chores, ie listen to recording when you go to peel potatoes or transport. After repeated listening as the words themselves would be remembered .
Reading. Should read actively. It occurs when reading silently our meeting, the clash with the correct forms, repeating as many countless times until absorbed automatically.
Method Cicero. He was a Greek. Preparing for your future performance, he walked around the house from room to room and mentally was setting keywords speech around them. Then, uttering this speech before an audience , Cicero again mentally walked through the house and collected images placed there
Another way could be to write a short text (better joke) in Russian with the inclusion of one or two of the most difficult words in English.
Every English word may be divided into two or three parts , depending on the number of syllables. Each of the need to find a similar -sounding word in Russian , meaning here plays no role . When you have done this step with all the syllables , Russian words join in a single sentence , which should make sense . English translation of the whole word that we need to remember to be contained at the end of the phrase.
Example: The English word sinister - sinister . (BLUE fog stretched out over the field , sinister)
Please remember that it is best to remember the most original and unusual phrases .
Parrot . This method is good if you have the opportunity to communicate with native English speakers . It's very simple : when your partner will use an unfamiliar word to you , and you either guess what it means, or ask again it try in the next few minutes to use that word themselves . If the person talking is not a mask of horror , then the word is used correctly.
Check the quality of the visual memory .
" Check the quality of the visual memory " - means writing a word backwards , right to left, so that the word was read correctly .
For example:
... d
... rd
... ard
... eard
If you wrote down the word on the contrary, it is possible to congratulate you , you remember the spelling of English words by 100%!
Songs . They accompany us everywhere - from birth we sing lullabies , and then we watch movies and cartoons, listen to the radio and everywhere accompanies us vocals by various artists . So why do not we use this ancient tradition - singing - to memorize English words. Pick your favorite motive and sing the words that you need to learn . You will be surprised how quickly you did it. Remember that this study singing , so your goal is to hit the beauty of his voice neighbours or colleagues, and just learn the words . So this method is suitable for people with any voice and hearing.
Synonyms , antonyms. Another one of quite effective methods of memorizing English words. Each new word you are trying to remember a synonym or antonym to bind the word is to ensure that you have successfully memorized earlier. For example , arrive - arrive and depart - leave. Yes, words are not similar, but their values are linked. They are both associated with the road traffic and the arrival - departure of the train , for example. Your brain will be easier to apply them then you " on a silver platter ," when you want to recall one of these words .
Using a mnemonic method to memorize foreign words . Usually it is the words that "drop out" of memory.
Pastime ( pastime ). Approximate pronunciation ( Phonetic Association ) - " pastaym "
Mimic model: If several people have nothing to do , they are so time (time - time ) spend - fold it back and forth , back and forth. It turns pastime. Thus pastime - PASTAYM it . Passing time - that's pastime ( pass "time " to each other) [3, page 11]
puddle ( puddle ) . Approximate pronunciation ( Phonetic Association ) - " paddle "
Mimic model: I fell and fell into a puddle.
I want to offer my method of memorizing English words. It is simple , checking me and rarely lets me down. I take a piece of paper . I write all the words that I need to remember in the bar, spend a vertical line and write Russian translation . Then , I carefully read the English version and fold the sheet so that it remains only the Russian version . First I write the words that immediately remembered , then those I do not remember yet , but I can spy . And so are folded sheet until I learn all the words : their pronunciation and spelling.
I think this is the most interesting and easy memorization techniques applicable English vocabulary that I can give to my classmates.
In the course of testing I found that most of my classmates have difficulty learning a foreign language because they find it difficult to memorize the words . During the analysis and study of various literature , I came to the conclusion that there are many interesting and effective methods by which my friends can quickly fill up your vocabulary. After reading my work in the classroom most of the classmates interested in several ways , including using my method .
As a result of this work , I realized that a lot of vocabulary learning methods , but each student must choose the one that fits him .
1. Avsharyan G. Supermemory. Approved training for school. - Publ AST Evroznak Moscow CGT, 2008.
2. Demin R.N. Dance as a form of philosophizing and mnemonics. / / Philosophy - Children. Man among the people: Proceedings of the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference. 25-28 May 2006, Moscow, 2006.
3. Natalia Rozanova, How to Improve Your Memory? Publ AST, 2005.
4. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology. M., 1995
5. Kulish V.G. Methods of memorizing English words. - D., Stalker, 2003.
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