Презентация "Государственный Русский Музей' подготовлена к теме 'Литература и искусство' в рубрике 'Россия'.(Учебник издательства 'Просвещение' и "Экспресс Паблишинг" 'Spotlight-9').Работа даёт общее представление о великом музее и соответствует требованиям программы.
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The State Russian Museum Презентация ученицы 9-а класса ГБОУ СОШ №491, Логиновой Юлии г.Санкт-Петербург 2014-2015 уч. годСлайд 2
HISTORY The State Russian Museum ( also known as The Russian Museum of His Imperial Majesty Alexander III) is the largest depository of Russian fine art in Saint Pet ersburg.
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The museum was established on April 13, 1895 by Nicholas II to commemorate his father, Alexander III. Alexander III Nicholas II
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Its original collection was composed of artworks taken from the Hermitage Museum, Alexander Palace and the Imperial Academy of Arts. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, many private collections were nationalized and relocated to the Russian Museum.
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The main building of the museum is the Mikhailovsky Palace, a splendid Neoclassical residence of Grand Duk e Michael Pavlovich, erected in 1819-25 to a design by Carlo Rossi on Square of Arts in St Petersburg. Upon the death of the Grand Duke the residence was named after his wife as the Palace of the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna , and became famous for its many theatrical presentations and balls.
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Some of the halls of the palace retain the Italianate opulent interiors of the former imperial residence. Other buildings assigned to the Russian museum include the Summer Palace of Peter I (1710–14), the Marble Palace of Count Orlov (1768–85), St Michael's Castle of Emperor Paul (1797–1801), and theRastrelliesque Stroganov Palace on the Nevsky Prospekt (1752–54)
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T he Summer Palace of Peter I Marble Palace
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St Michael's Castle The Stroganov Palace
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On 1 January 2012 the museum's collection consisted of 407,533 items. The museum includes many paintings by famous artists such as Aivazovsky, Levitan, Ilya Repin, Vasnetsov, Serov, Vasily Tropinin , Briullov and Surikov. Ilya Repin - Barge Haulers on the Volga
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V. Surikov - Suvorov crossing the alps
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Ivan Aivazovsky - The Ninth Wave
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V. Serov - Portrait of Ida Rubenstein
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V. Tropinin - Woman in the Window (Treasurer) Carl Briullov - Italian Midday
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