The use of computer technology in everyday life is growing rapidly. Computers and the Internet have become an indispensable tool in study and work and have even become part of our leisure time.
Actually, even when a person goes to school in real life, he can do any available types of activities at home: drawing, reading, language learning.
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муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Ярцевская средняя школа №1»
Ярцевского района Смоленской области
Индивидуальный итоговый практико-ориентированный проект
«Изучай английский язык, постигая виртуальную реальность с компьютерной игрой
Detroit: become a Human»
автор проекта: |
Паспорт проекта | ……………………... 4 | стр. | |
Содержание | ……………………... | стр. | |
Введение | ……………………... 5 | стр. | |
1.Мотивационный этап | ……………………... 6-7 | стр. | |
2.Подготовительный этап | .…………………….. 8 | стр. | |
3. Информационно-операционный этап | .…………………….. 8-9 | стр. | |
4. Практический этап | …………………….. 9 | стр. | |
5. Заключительный этап | …………………….. 9-10 | стр. | |
5.1. Оформление проекта | ……………………... 11 | стр. | |
5.2. Самооценка | ……………………. 11 | стр. | |
Заключение | ……………………... 12 | стр. | |
Литература и интернет-источники | …………………….. 13 | стр. | |
Приложение | ……………………... | стр. |
1.Паспорт проекта
Наименование ОУ | муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Ярцевская средняя школа № 1» Ярцевского района Смоленской области |
Тема | «Изучай английский язык, постигая виртуальную реальность с компьютерной игрой Detroit: become a Human» |
Учебный предмет | Английский язык |
Автор | Машкова Анастасия Александровна |
Руководитель | Небож Людмила Сергеевна |
Тип | Практико-ориентированный |
Объект исследования | Обучающиеся 5-9 классов |
Проблема | Как при помощи компьютерной игры ты можешь повысить уровень иностранного языка |
Цель | Определить, может ли компьютерная игра «Detroit: become a Human» помочь в изучении английского языка |
Задачи |
Методы | Теоретические: опрос обучающихся и учителей; построение диаграмм и анализ опроса; изучение литературы и материалов Интернет-ресурсов по данной теме. Эмпирические: создание словаря, оформление презентации |
Оборудование | ПК, принтер |
Продукт проекта | Словарь |
The use of computer technology in everyday life is growing rapidly. Computers and the Internet have become an indispensable tool in study and work and have even become part of our leisure time.
Actually, even when a person goes to school in real life, he can do any available types of activities at home: drawing, reading, language learning.
My project topic consists of learning English using any games. Why did I choose this? Firstly, there are many genres of games where you can watch them or go through, reading dialogues and memorizing many words. Genres exist: adventure, horror, walkthrough, cooperative, strategy, arcade.
There are a lot of words unfamiliar to us in computer games, but if we take the game of the future, then perhaps these words will help us in understanding what will happen and how we will improve it. We can use words unfamiliar to us and they will enter the lexicon.
Many computer games with English most often teach us kindness and mutual understanding, but if there are also those where there are a sufficient number of rude and unpleasant words, why our vocabulary may become rougher and it will be unpleasant for people to spend time with us and communicate.
In our game "Detroit: become a Human" there is a lot of informative information that can make us think: "what will happen next?". From wise quotes, to possible consequences. Every word decides your every action.
During the project, we will conduct a survey, collect complete information and make diagrams where we will show how many people will agree to such a big step! We will collect the lexicon of the game piece by piece and create a dictionary from this, where you can find a word unknown to you and then know it. Summing up from this, this is my project problem.
The hypothesis: Computer games can positively influence English language learning, expand vocabulary, improve hearing and productive skills
The aim of my project: Determine whether the computer game "Detroit: become a Human" can help in learning English
Accordingly to the aim I have put the following tasks:
• Identify the reasons why teenagers and not only play the computer game Detroit: become a Human
• Analyze the content of English speech in a computer game
• Conduct a survey of students: do they play computer games in English; find out which games stimulate learning English
• Create a dictionary of the most common and difficult words in the game
I used the fоllowing research methods:
Object of the research: Gamers (students, teachers)
Subject of the research: Learning English using virtual reality
Project produce: A dictionary with words and quotations unfamiliar to others that are worth thinking about, and their explanation
Steps of project:
1. Motivation step
1.1. Substantiation of the opened problem and its necessity.
I want to tell you about a fairly famous game among gamers and YouTubers shooting this game. I would like to show how the game can change our English vocabulary for freer thinking and conversation with other people. Why can it help us in everyday life? And should we learn English with the help of a computer game and not only?
1.2. Concrete the definition of tasks.
That's why I decided to conduct a survey among the students of our school, teachers and parents and then create a dictionary with foreign words and phrases that are worth thinking about.
2. Preparatory step
On this step, I defined the project theme: "Learn English by comprehending virtual reality Detroit: become a Human", the problem, the goal and the tasks associated with it. I talked to my teacher. We have worked out a plan and ways of my actions.
Plan of my actions
№ | Steps of my actions | |
1 | Justification of the problem and its necessity | September |
2 | The definition of a particular problem and its formulation | September |
3 | Learning the literature and finding the information on this theme | October |
4 | Conducting a survey among senior students, parents and teachers of our school. Analyzing the survey | October |
5 | Researching and plotting the diagrams. Consulting with my English teacher | December |
6 | Consulting with my English teacher | December |
7 | Consulting with the teacher of Informatics. Finding out the main requirements for the info-video | January |
8 | Creating the info-video | January |
9 | Self-rating and conclusion | February |
10 | Info-video of my project | February |
3. Information and operational stage
3.1. Collection and systematization of information. Analysis of data.
Having been on the Internet for a long time and working through all the information about my project topic and the game that I want to reveal, I came across the fact that many of the older generation do not approve of studying on the Internet with the help of games or teachers, thinking that it is dangerous and can lead to consequences not the most pleasant.
Their argument becomes: "Learning on the Internet is not learning! These games will not be able to teach you anything, they only progress aggression in children and not only."
I would like to reveal my project in the best possible way and explain to each parent and not only that you can study in different ways - and you can get knowledge in different ways as well.
4. Practical step
4.1 Conducting and making a survey
During the observation for charting, I noticed that my family and friends are interested in learning English, but do not know what kind of training to choose for themselves. I decided that I would ask them questions, which would they prefer.
For the sake of interest, I conducted a survey among students, teachers of my school and parents.
I asked them to answer the following questions:
1. Do you think it's worth learning a foreign language while playing computer games with virtual reality??
2. Would you decide to take such a step and why?
3. Do you want to invite colleagues / relatives/friends to study a foreign language together for the sake of your interest?
4. How often do you meet people in your life who study English for their own benefit?
5. Do you think you can visit an English-speaking country without knowing the language?
6. Do you think learning English is available for everyone?
4.2. Survey analyzes
Analysis of diagram №1 to the question “Do you think it's worth learning a foreign language while playing computer games with virtual reality?” showed that 35% of people prefer to learn a foreign language using virtual reality.
Analysis of diagram №2 to the question “Would you decide to take such a step and why? snowed that 30% of people would agree to take such a step.
Analysis of diagram №3 to the question “Do you want to invite colleagues / relatives/friends to study a foreign language together for the sake of your interest?” showed that that 77% of people would invite someone to study the language, provided that they can learn something new.
Analysis of diagram №4 to the question “How often do you meet people in your life who study English for their own benefit?” showed that 12% of people meet foreigners in our city.
Analysis of diagram №5 to the question “Do you think you can visit an English-speaking country without knowing the language?” showed that 49% of people will be able to visit an English-speaking country without any difficulties in speech.
Analysis of diagram №6 to the question “Do you think learning English is available for everyone?” showed that 72% of people believe that English is necessary and can be studied whenever they want.
4.3. Creating a dictionary for the future generation.
In order to familiarize the reader with the game, if he watches it, I create an information dictionary with words unfamiliar to many. There you will see their translation, as well as see quotes from the game itself, which are worth thinking about. They can help you in the future writing an essay on the topic of my project as an example.
The dictionary of foreign words was created for the purpose of a short story and showing it to others as a finished product
The purpose of the dictionary is to provide the necessary information for the full perception of the project and the game itself in order to learn English.
When creating a dictionary, I tried to follow such points as:
5. Concluding step
5.1. Project design
At this stage, I entered all the project data into the system and formed a project plan. I have designed a dictionary of foreign words, which in the distant future will help determine the meaning of a particular subject - "Dictionary of Knowledge"
5.2. Self-rating
During the design of the project, I encountered difficulties both writing the project and certain sub-items.
There were problems with the survey of students and parents, because not everyone wanted to answer the questions.
There was a problem with the design of the dictionary.
I had to use my creative abilities to the maximum in order to design a dictionary
When working with the project, I learned:
Design charts and analyze them
When designing a dictionary:
I have determined the appropriate font and drawings for the design of the dictionary;
She brought up perseverance and patience when working with a dictionary;
Developed creative abilities.
As a result of the work done, I can conclude that: I have done a lot of work and achieved my goal. I have created a dictionary that can be viewed by any student and teacher of the school to familiarize themselves with its contents
During all my work, I realized the main thing for myself: if our generation grows up on Internet games and virtual reality, then we will definitely be able to create those who will always help us and it will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults.
Literature and Internet sources
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