Презентация. Женщины- снайперы вгоды ВОВ. 2 место во всероссийской научноисследовательской конференции.
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Women Snipers - the Best Marksmen of World War II. Kuligina SofyaСлайд 2
Introduction The Great Patriotic War passed through our Motherland, leaving deep scars on both the land and the hearts of people. No one was left indifferent; each citizen aspired, to the best of their abilities, to bring the day of Victory closer. Women were active participants in the events of this period.
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Introduction Many went to the front as medical workers, saving the wounded on the front lines and in field hospitals, while some participated in combat actions as pilots or snipers.
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Objective and tasks Objective: to analyze information about women snipers and to tell their story to children Tasks: To study the level of awareness of secondary school students about female snipers
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Sniper - A sniper is a person who masterfully handles the art of accurate shooting, camouflage, and observation, usually hitting the target with the first shot. The sniper's task is to eliminate important emerging, moving, open, and camouflaged individual targets. More than 2000 women became snipers for the sake of victory.
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Roza Shanina She was born in the Arkhangelsk region, at the age of 14 she walked 200 kilometers through the taiga to her dream of becoming a teacher . In 1942 the active training of female snipers began and Rosa did not hesitate to defend her homeland. Among other snipers, Roza Shanina stood out for her ability to make doublets - two shots in succession, hitting moving targets . European newspapers dubbed her the "invisible terror of East Prussia."
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Lyudmila Pavlichenko Lyudmila Mikhailovna has remained famous in world history as the most successful female sniper. She has 309 soldiers and officers of enemy killed on her account. From the first day of the war, Lyudmila went to the front as a volunteer.
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Lyudmila Pavlichenko In 1942,Pavlichenko visited the United States. Here she met and even became friends with Eleanor Roosevelt. And most importantly, she made an appeal to the Americans who had been hiding behind her for too long.
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Nina Petrova She was 48 years old when the Great Patriotic War began, but her age did not affect her shooting accuracy. Apart from training other snipers, Nina Petrova had 122 enemy kills during the war.
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Research Goal Research Goal: Analyse the Awareness of Schoolchildren of Various Ages Regarding Women Snipers of the Great Patriotic War.
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Materials and Research Methods Materials and Research Methods: Conducted a survey in the form of an anonymous questionnaire with 100 schoolchildren: 5-7 grades (30 individuals), 8-9 grades (35 individuals), 10-11 grades (35 individuals) using the online service Google Forms (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpp__VaNYf_LlAU8I747gbpNnE0tYlAnaL7W_jCmdFxizgYw/viewform?usp=sf_link) and analyzed the results. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions with correct answers providing a comprehensive description of the sniper profession during the Great Patriotic War. “Sniper Profession” Questionnaire:
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Results and Discussion “Sniper Profession” Questionnaire: Snipers excel in spear throwing, archery, machine-gun shooting, rifle shooting. Were there any women snipers during the Great Patriotic War? yes no Is being a sniper a dangerous profession during wartime? yes no
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Results and Discussion What was the reason behind women becoming snipers during the Great Patriotic War? love for the Motherland, desire for fame, love towards family. Where do you know about women snipers from? books, a school history course, movies. Who is the most famous woman sniper? Lyudmila Pavlichenko , Olga Vasilyeva , Roza Shanina . What is the synonym for sniper skill and courage? Libo Rugo , A skillful hand, A keen eye. During the war, informal agreements were made between the Russians and Germans to not shoot at water carriers, not shoot at visitors to the wine cellar, not shoot at women. Which of the female snipers visited America in 1943? Lyudmila Pavlichenko , Olga Vasilyeva , Roza Shanina . How many female snipers fought for the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War? more than 2000 individuals, 300-400 individuals, 500 individuals.
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Results and Discussion : The analysis of the obtained results revealed that students in the 5 th -7 th grades have little knowledge about female snipers (30%), and none had heard that Lyudmila Pavlichenko was a member of the delegation that visited America (in 100% of responses).
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Results and Discussion : All students (100%) in the 8 th -9 th grades were aware of the sniper profession during the Great Patriotic War but were unfamiliar with the female representatives in this profession, and none of the surveyed classes knew the Sniper's Code. Among students in the 10 th -11 th grades, only 20% possessed complete information on the issue.
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Results and Discussion : When asked about the main source of information about female snipers and their lives, 85% of all respondents stated that it was not the school history course but independently acquired information.
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Conclusion: Thus, the questionnaire analysis showed that students in the 7 th -11 th grades have varying degrees of knowledge about female snipers, with most of their information coming from additional literature, documentaries, and independently studied historical documents. Information obtained in class was minimally informative.
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