The work presents a short history of ballroom sport dancing in Russia in its connection with home ballroom dancing in 19th century and ballroom sport dancing abroad. It also contains some information about ballroom sport dancing club in the “Lyceum №24”. The project shows the results of the survey carried out among junior students of the lyceum. All that research was carried out to popularize ballroom sport dancing in our secondary educational institution; attract and encourage more children to take up this amazingly beautiful sport.
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Project “ THE HISTORY OF BALLROOM SPORT DANCING IN RUSSIA” Afanasyeva Evelina “ Lyseum № 24”, Saratov Superviser : Artemova Nataliya Ivanovna , a teacher of EnglishСлайд 2
Contents : 9 РАЗДЕЛ 01 РАЗДЕЛ 02 РАЗДЕЛ 03 РАЗДЕЛ 04 РАЗДЕЛ 05 Элемент 01 Текст Текст Текст Текст Элемент 02 Текст Текст Текст Текст Элемент 03 Текст Текст Текст Текст Элемент 04 Текст Текст Текст Текст Элемент 05 Текст Текст Текст Текст Элемент 06 Текст Текст Текст Текст Элемент 07 Текст Текст Текст Текст Элемент 08 Текст Текст Текст Текст ИТОГО Текст Текст Текст Текст I. Introduction 3 II. Main body 4-9 1. The history of developing of ballroom dancing 4 2. Ballroom dancing contests 5 3. Ballroom dancing sport in the USSR 5-6 4. The history of RDU competitions 7-8 5. Lyceum Ballroom dancing club 9 III. Conclusion 9 Referen c es 11-12
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3 A survey with several questions connected with ballroom sport dancing among 125 primary school students : 1. Do you love sport and activity? 2. Are you competitive ? 3. Do you love dancing ? 4. Do you love smart clothes ? 5. Do you love bright events and beautiful music ? My survey results are the next : 1. Yes - 107 (86 %); 2. Yes - 109 (87 %) 3. Yes - 67 (53 %); 4. Yes – 117(93 %) 5. Yes - 89 (71%)
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The search goal : to popularize ballroom sport dancing among the students of our lyceum and attract to this amazingly beautiful kind of sport as many children as possible . The search scopes : to study the spheres of interests of lyceum primary students ; to suggest children ballroom sport dancing ; to show the advantages of ballroom sport dancing ; to pursue research in statistics ; to make a conclusion . The search object : the history of ballroom sport dancing . The search subject : attraction of junior lyceum students to ballroom sport dancing . Methods : searching method by using study materials and necessary information through the Internet; practical technique by carrying out a survey; analysis of results. 4
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In 1718 Peter the Great announced assemblies During XVIII-XIX centuries balls were introduced in Russian life The dances, for example quadrille, in the XIX th century Dancing as a subject during the Peter the Great epoch Russian choreographic art Saint Petersburg and Moscow became the most significant centers of choreographic culture of Europe in the XIX th century 5 The history of developing of ballroom dancing
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Ballroom dancing contests 10 dances which nowadays consist the ballroom dancing contest programme The European programme (slow waltz, tango, slow foxtrot, quick foxtrot or quickstep, later Vienna waltz) Blackpool ball room dance festivals 6
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Ballroom dancing contests Latin American programme (cha- chacha , samba , rumba, pasodoble , jive ). The change of the world of ballroom dancing in the 70s of the XXth century Two international organizations professional WD&DSC (the world Dance and Dance sport Committee) and amateur WDSF (World Dance Sport Federation). 7
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8 In 1972 the first All-USSR Ballroom Dancing Competition in Moscow The winners were Lithuanian couple Cheslovas and Jurate Norvaisha In 1975 the Second All-USSR Ballroom Dancing Competition in Kiev. Stanislav and Lyudmila Popov won that competition. In 1979 the USSR hosted the fourth Championship of Socialist Countries in Moscow. In Modern dances the winners were Vitas and Dalya Kamaitis , and in Latin programme Stanislav and Lyudmila Popov. Ballroom dancing sport in the USSR
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9 The history of Russian Dancing Union October 1988. Stanislav Popov organized the first all-USSR professional competition. The first national professional champions : In Modern programme – Stanislav and Lyudmila Popov in Latin Show dance – Talyat and Marina Tarsinov
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The first World Cup took place at the “ Malaia ” Sports Arena in Luzhniki.Couples competed in two styles: Modern and Latin. During the two days the hall for 8000 seats was full. 10 In Latin the winners were at that time 11 times World Champions Donnie Burns MBE and Gaynor Fairweather MBE ( Scotland), in Modern – World Vice-Champions Augusto Schiavo and CaterinaArzenton (Italy).
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Lyceum Ballroom dancing club 1988. The organization of the ensemble of ballroom sport dancing “Junior ”. 4 international masters of sport Trainings: Latin-American and European programme , GPP (general physical preparedness), stretching and functional all-around force. Victories in the Volga Federal region and All-Russian tournaments. 11
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My Survey results 12
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