Презентация исследовательской работы на тему "Is it possible to learn English with songs?" представляет собой summery самой исследовательсткой работы и отражает основные направления исследования
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Министерство образования и науки Республики Башкортостан ГАО ДО «Центр развития талантов «Аврора » Конкурс исследовательских работ и проектом в рамках Малой академии наук школьников Республики Башкортостан Направление «Филологическое направление» «Диалог культур» Тема научно-исследовательской работы Is it Possible to Learn English with Authentic Songs? Выполнила Сюндюкова Мила, ученица 9Б класса Научный руководитель Галиева А.Ю., учиитель английского языка МОБУ СОШ им. Алымова А.М. с. Михайловка Уфимского района Уфимский районСлайд 2
Introduction Nowadays, knowledge of a foreign language is essential. But learning English in schools and universities is often boring for modern students due to the monotonous educational process. However, there are many different ways to learn languages, one of them is learning through listening to English songs. It’s hard to imagine modern life without music. Teens and young people prefer to spend their free time with songs. But a lot of them do not know what is it abut? do not analyse the vocabulary and grammar. What if we can spend ou free time more useful? Can memorizing English songs helps us with vocabulary and grammar, improves the pronunciation or it is only a pleasant way of pastime?
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The role of songs in our life and in learning English song, especially a genuine one, is an important element of emotional life in any language a song is a great way to increase interest both in the country of the target language and in the language itself mastering a foreign language as a means of communication is impossible without knowledge of the socio-cultural features of the country
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1.1. Learning English through songs at an elementary level in the lower grades developing phonemic hearing mastering the technique of pronouncing foreign sounds. there are ready-made phrases a living language, and even grammar
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1.2. Authentic songs Authentic song material has great linguodidactic potential, because it is made by the native speakers for native speakers. Its basis is the poetic text and musical component. When choosing the type of authentic text, one should also focus on the visual and auditory components of the material. There are several potential pitfalls here. For example: songs that use complex language, slang, abbreviations, words that are not used in everyday communication, etc. The success of learning with the use of an authentic text at any stage is due to the correct choice of the form of an authentic text. The main requirements for authentic materials are age appropriateness, language training of students, as well as specific learning goals at different stages.
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1.3. Lexical and grammatical components of authentic songs As material created by native speakers for native speakers for non-educational purposes, it is extremely important for the formation of students’ auditory and pronunciation skills and extralinguistic knowledge, as well as enriching their active vocabulary and grammar. Important from a didactic point of view are the following parameters of an authentic text: discursive nature (content and form integrity and coherence of the text); structural authenticity (content and formal integrity and cohesion of the text); lexical and phraseological authenticity (the presence of diverse and diverse vocabulary); grammatical authenticity ( idiomaticity , expressiveness, emotional coloring, the use of grammatical structures inherent in the language, the absence of “calque elements” from the native language); functional authenticity (selection of linguistic means corresponding to the communicative situation)
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1.4. Grammar mistakes Many songs have a violation of grammatical norms. Grammatical mistakes include the following types: – word-formation (violation of word formation norms) – morphological (declensions and conjugations) – syntactic (violation of coordination norms, word order in a sentence) – colloquial abbreviations: for example, the construction “going to” is reduced to “ gonna ”, “want to” to “ wanna ”, “Do you”-“ D’ya ” – omission of endings in words : talking - talking ', getting - gettin ‘, wit h - wit’
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Common abbreviations Examples ain't = am not/are not/is not I ain't sure. You ain't my boss. ain't = has not/have not I ain't done it. She ain't finished yet. gimme = give me Don't gimme that rubbish. Can you gimme a hand? gonna = going to Nothing's gonna change my love for you. What are you gonna do? gotta = (have) got a I've gotta gun. / I gotta gun. Have you gotta car? gotta = (have) got to I've gotta go now. / I gotta go now. We haven't gotta do that. Have they gotta work? kinda — kind of She's kinda cute. lemme = let me Lemme go! wanna = want to I wanna go home. wanna = want a I wanna coffee. whatcha = what are you Whatcha going to do? whatcha = what have you Whatcha got there? ya = you Who saw ya ? Table 1. Common Abbreviations of English Words and Expressions
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1.5.Examples of songs with grammar mistakes : 1 Lady Gaga-Bad Romance Mistake : You and me could write a bad romance. Correct Variant: You and I could write a bad romance.
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2. Stages of work on the song’s content The first perception of the song, The perception of the general content A repeated listening to hear other words, to understand the meaning To listen as many times as it takes to fully understand To open the text of the song and follow it in the text. I look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary Listening and singing the text of the song, memorizing words.
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2.1. Experiment • The first stage was listening to the song; • At the second stage, I distributed the text, and, listening to the song, everyone said the words to themselves; • In the third stage, we tried to translate the song and understand its meaning. After which I distributed sheets with translations from the Internet, we identified errors in our version. Then I collected all the sheets; • At the fourth stage, the guys were given a task, which was that in the English version of the song some words were omitted. Having listened to the song twice, you had to fill in the blanks. For self-checking, we distributed the original to them. • At the fifth stage, we collected the English version and distributed the Russian one. The task of the guys was to translate the Russian text into English and write it down. And just like in the fourth stage, we distributed an English version of the song for verification; The result of our experiment was the confirmation of my hypothesis that, through songs, English is learned quickly and easily, since, according to the definition of many scientists, the human brain has different regions for speech and music perception. Rythm
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2.2. Survey
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Conclusion Foreign popular music is a very important sphere of being, influencing the upbringing and formation of speech culture Having analyzed song texts, I came to the conclusion that modern songs are a source of various deviations from the rules. But they are an important source of words and expressions. With their help, you can recreate the English-speaking environment, and learn languages by immersion. In conclusion, I can say that if you are just starting to learn English, take a critical approach to song lyrics and use songs that are specially selected for educational.
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