Индивидуальный проект по английскому языку по теме: "Кухня народов мира". Выполнила ученица 9 класса.
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Individual project
«Cuisine from around the world»
1) Introduction 3
2.1) Russian cuisine 5
2.2) Cuisine of Britain 7
2.3) Chinese cuisine 9
2.4) Cuisine of Japan 11
2.5) Italian Cuisine 13
3) Conclusion 14
Sources 17
The history of cooking begins from the moment when a man appeared on the earth. Even before people learned how to make fire, they mixed different food that they ate. Some they ground between the stones, some were left in their original form. This difference in approachesto cook can be considered an initial stage in the history of the development of cooking. Only later when people began to use fire while cooking, cuisine stepped over to a new stage. Heat treatment not only made food tastier, but also killed harmful insects and microbes in meat, vegetables and fruits.
Each nation has its own historically developed nutritional characteristics. They are related to the geographical location, the history of the country, its economy, folk traditions and religion. So, in the countries of the Ancient East, and then in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, various spices were widely used to stimulate appetite. In medieval Western Europe, the most famous was Italian, then French cuisine. A distinctive feature of the latter cuisine is a large number of vegetable dishes and sauces. A variety of dishes from rice, beans, soy, vegetables, fish, shellfish, trepangs are typical for Chinese cuisine. Food is one of the most essential components of human material culture.
The composition of food, the methods of its preparation and consumption, depending on economic activity, gradually developed into a stable tradition. For example, meat and dairy dishes prevailed among cattle breeders, and dishes from various plant products prevailed among farmers.
Each nation retains its own national dishes and drinks, at the same time, thanks to increasingly close economic and culturalcooperation, the process of borrowing national dishes and products is proceeding very quickly.
National cuisine is a set of different culinary traditions and practices. On the one hand the preferences of different people of the world are influenced by the climate of the region. On the other hand religious canons put a serious imprint on national culinary practices.
Problem question: people often confuse tradition dishes of different countries
Hypothesis: if people know more about the national cuisines of different countries, they will know more about the culture of these countries
Project’s aim: to learn national cuisine of some countries
Project objectives:
2.1. Russian cuisine
Russian cuisine is one of the most colorful cuisines in the world. It wasn't always like that. Russian cuisine has been developing for a very long time and absorbing the best traditions of other peoples. That's how it happened.
The basis of the table consisted of bread, flour products and grain dishes. Housewives baked pancakes and rye pies, cooked flour jelly. No festive event in the family was complete without delicious dough products. They baked chicken coops for the wedding, pancakes and pies for Maslenitsa. The filling of the pies was very different - fish, meat, poultry, mushrooms, berries, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits and even porridge. The dear guest was greeted with a loaf and salt. The loaf was placed in the center of the table at any feast.
Porridge is also indispensable on the Russian table. Porridge in Russia served as an object of worship and a symbol of domestic well-being. Even the wedding feast itself was called porridge in the old days. Vegetables - cabbage, turnips, radishes, peas, cucumbers - were either eaten raw, or salted, steamed, boiled or baked, and separately from one another.
Milk and meat before the XVII century ate very rarely. Meat was cooked in cabbage soup or mush and almost not fried until the XVI century. Milk was drunk raw, stewed or sour; cottage cheese and sour cream were obtained from sour milk, and the production of cream and butter remained almost unknown until the XVI century.
Honey and berries in ancient Russian cuisine were not only sweets in themselves, but also the basis on which syrups and jams were created. And, being mixed with flour and butter, with flour and eggs, honey and berries became the basis of the Russian national sweet product - gingerbread.
Under Peter I, the word "soup" appeared, before that all liquid dishes were called chowder, which meant the first dishes with noodles, cereals, vegetables. Soups were served in pots or cast iron. They ate only with wooden spoons.
A traditional lunch in Russia consists of three courses. The first is meat soup with vegetables and cereals, the second is fish or meat with a side dish, the third is a drink: compote, mors, jelly or juice.
In the old days, each meal had its own specific hour. Lunch and dinner times were especially strictly observed. The whole family gathered at the table, where everyone had their own place. At the head of the table sat the owner of the house, he was the first to sit down at the table, followed by all the rest of the household. A spoon and bread were placed in front of each diner. Liquid hot dishes were usually served in a common large bowl for the whole family. The owner of the house made sure that everyone ate without overtaking others.
The rules of behavior at the table were quite strict: you could not knock or scrape with a spoon on the dishes, throw leftovers on the floor, talk loudly, laugh. Before sitting down at the table, everyone had to cross themselves. All this once again confirms the reverence and even reverence that Russian people felt in relation to their daily bread.
Russians have always been distinguished by exceptional hospitality. Even in ancient times, the table in the hut was covered with a white tablecloth, on which bread and salt were placed. This meant that a guest was always welcome in the house.
2. 2. Cuisine of Britain
British cuisine is called simple, unexplored, devoid of imagination, satisfying and heavy. The British use simple and high–quality products of local production - meat, fish, cheese, bread, vegetables. They choose simple and fast cooking methods that preserve the natural taste of the products. Spices and seasonings are rarely used and in small quantities, they are quite simple and do not change, but only emphasize the taste of dishes.
Many features of British cuisine were influenced by the geography of the country. For example, the island position contributed to the popularity of fish and seafood among the local population. In the 19th century, deep-fried potatoes with fish turned into a national dish, in 1860 the first Fish and Chips eateries appeared in London. During the First World War, the dish became very popular: delicious, inexpensive and satisfying, it allowed you to quickly satisfy your hunger.
For the British, tea drinking is not just an ordinary thing, but a whole ceremony that has its own traditions. Moreover, they are revered to our time, passed down from generation to generation and will always be held in high esteem. And what exactly are these English traditions, we will consider further in the article. There are a lot of traditions of the tea ceremony in England. Every little thing is important here: from what the size of the cake and the type of tea should be, and what kind of dishes are used. Even the time for tea is allocated its own. At what time and when. We Russians don't understand this, but for British people it is extremely important. There is a special time for a tea ceremony in England
because they enjoy a drink several times a day:
1. The first cup of black tea is drunk immediately after waking up, at about 6 o'clock in the morning. Some Englishmen prefer to do it right in their bed.
2. The second time the tea party takes place during the "English Breakfast", somewhere at 8 o'clock in the morning. To do this, it is recommended to choose carefully twisted tea leaves, allowing you to create an invigorating decoction, sometimes with lemon. Such a cup should completely remove sleep and cheer up a person for the coming day.
3. At half past eleven you can have tea again. It's lunchtime. A cold drink is also not prohibited.
4. In the midst of the working day, at 4 p.m. comes the "tea break". This is also another opportunity to take a break and hold a tea ceremony.
5. Literally an hour later, at 5 o'clock in the evening, the "five-o'clock" comes. At this time again, regardless of the political situation in the country and the weather outside, a huge number of people in England gather for a cup of tea.
6. At the end of the working day, so stressful and hard, you need to stop a little. Have a cup of tea and think about how the day went and what he gave the person. It's time to take a breath and tune in a different way. It is important to relax and enjoy your free time.
One of the components of the national cuisine is the tradition of eating. English customs are quite significantly different from European ones, therefore they are of interest to foreigners. It is important to know them if you are going to vacation or live in the UK.
The traditional British breakfast is very hearty. It consists of scrambled eggs, bacon, beans in tomato sauce, vegetables and tea. Sometimes, instead of scrambled eggs, they make an omelet or soft-boiled eggs. Oatmeal for breakfast, contrary to popular belief, is rarely eaten now.English lunch is usually simple and quite light, it can be called a second breakfast. It can be an egg, chicken with a light sauce,tuna sandwiches, ham. This meal appeared relatively recently, in the time of Queen Victoria.
On Sundays, the British prepare traditional Sunday Roast Carvery dinners: baked meat with vegetables and Yorkshire pudding. Cooking Sunday dinners is a subtle and complex science. Lamb leg, pork, chicken, ham, and game are used as meat dishes. A certain side dish, sauce and seasonings are suitable for each type of meat. All products must be fresh and of high quality. It is important to accurately calculate the amount of food for the number of guests. The rest of the food is used for breakfast and lunch next week: they make sandwiches, shepherd's pie, roast.
This is how modern British cuisine has developed. Despite the spread of English culture around the world, the culinary traditions of Britain have not received international recognition. British cuisine is called simple, unexplored, devoid of imagination, satisfying and heavy. The British use simple and high–quality products of local production - meat, fish, cheese, bread, vegetables. They choose simple and fast cooking methods that preserve the natural taste of the products. Spices and seasonings are rarely used and in small quantities, they are quite simple and do not change, but only emphasize the taste of dishes.
2.3.Chinese cuisine
The taste of Chinese cuisine is mixed. It is both sweet and sourand spicy. The cuisine is multifaceted, but it can be divided into a territorial basis. In the north of the country, preference is given to noodles and dumplings, and in the south - rice. A separate block is the Sichuan cuisine, which has given the world a lot of delicious spicy dishes.
For the Chinese, it is important that the food must be attractive in appearance, have a good taste and a pleasant aroma. A feature of Chinese cuisine can also be called the fact that there are not five generally accepted tastes, but as many as eight. In addition to sweet, sour, spicy, bitter and salty, the Chinese also distinguish between fragrant (properly cooked dish has a special flavor), bland (such are rice and bread for them) and even golden taste (similar to the taste of kumquat).
Like the French, the Chinese appreciate gastronomy and eat a lot of local plants and animals. Nevertheless, the basis of the Chinese diet since the beginning of agriculture has been and is cereals, and meat is consumed in relatively small quantities. Chefs in China had the same status as important officials.
Chinese cuisine is one of the most popular all over the world. It impresses not only with the variety of dishes, but also with the original way of serving them. So, for example, all products should be cut as small as possible so that it is comfortable to eat them with chopsticks and exclude additional cutting of food directly on the plate.
In general, Chinese cuisine is impossible to imagine without rice, various cereals, noodles and flour products, and, of course, soy. Soy is used to make not only a sauce popular all over the world, but also milk, butter and cottage cheese.
In China, they try to eat as many vegetables as possible, a special place among which is occupied by Peking cabbage. A feature of culinary preferences in this country can also be called the use of young bamboo shoots as food. As for meat, pork and poultry meat, in particular duckling and young chicken, are especially held in high esteem by the Chinese.
In China, they take food strictly three times a day, and lunch is certainly at noon, and dinner at six o'clock in the evening. In fairness, it should be noted that the diet of local residents is quite modest, an ordinary Chinese can afford any culinary delights only on a special occasion.
Cookies in the form of the moon (aka moon cookies) is a traditional Chinese dish that has been served to the table for many centuries. Here is the first version of the story of the appearance of fortune cookies. The Mongols occupied the Chinese Empire in the 13th-14th centuries. Since the Mongols did not eat cookies because of the lotus paste it contained, Chinese resistance groups used pastries to spread forbidden information. Thus, the revolutionary Chu Yuan Chang, disguised as a Taoist priest, traveled around the country and supplied residents of occupied cities not only with cookies, but also with propaganda materials. In this way, a popular uprising was coordinated, which eventually led to the rule of the Ming Dynasty.
2.4. Cuisine of Japan
The history of Japanese cuisine begins in prehistoric times. The oldest inhabitants of the Japanese islands ate mainly nuts, acorns, seafood and wild boar and deer meat, these products were baked and cooked in ceramic vessels.
In the III century, irrigation rice farming came to Japan. Rice has become the most important food item, making up almost the entire diet of the peasantry for many centuries. At the same time, neither dairy nor meat animal husbandry developed in the archipelago. Porridge is cooked from rice, it is boiled in water and steamed, and sticky rice is associated with festive dates. Due to the peculiarities of the climate, the only raw material for the production of alcohol in Japan was the same rice.
The formation of Japanese cuisine dates back to the VI—XVI centuries. In the first half of this period, there was a strong Chinese influence in Japan, thanks to which chopsticks, tea, tofu, several types of noodles and other dishes got into the country. In the XIII century, the popularity of tea drinking in Japan increased like an avalanche. There was a tea ceremony, the development of which led to the improvement of ceramic dishes, which, in turn, influenced the traditions of table setting and laid the foundations of elite kaiseki cuisine.
After the beginning of international integration, new products and culinary techniques rushed to Japan with renewed vigor. The consumption of meat, milk and fish has greatly increased, they began to eat bread and drink milk. There were many dishes of "European" and "Chinese" cuisines produced in Japan or highly adapted; dishes such as ramen and curry received the status of national. Japanese cuisine has become popular abroad.
Currently, the popularity of Japanese cuisine is increasing every day. This is largely determined by the fact that the Japanese treat the reception of food and food in general from a philosophical point of view. The main rule that the Japanese follow is that food should be healthy. In many ways, this is what determines the high life expectancy of this people.
According to Japanese philosophy, only the best and choicest gifts of water and earth are worthy of honor on the table, while the main goal of the cook is to preserve the original useful properties and taste of the prepared products.
One of the main features of Japanese cuisine is that all dishes correspond to a specific situation. So, a real Japanese chef always takes into account the type of food, the time of its reception, weather conditions and even the age of those who are going to eat.
It is also interesting that in accordance with these rules, people living in the north of Japan eat more dishes daily than residents of southern areas. And it is also part of the culture of Japanese cuisine, which can be better understood by learning more about its main ingredients. The main delicacy of Japanese cuisine is raw fish dishes, the most popular of which are sushi. To prepare sushi, fish is not subjected to heat treatment, this is necessary to preserve its natural taste.
Sushi preparation is a whole science, because for this dish it is necessary not only to cook rice in a special way, but also to be able to properly arrange the dish. In Japanese cuisine , this dish is divided into two main subspecies: sushi and rolls. The difference lies in their cooking method. Sushi is a small lump of oval–shaped rice, on which the gifts of the sea are placed. In some cases, they can be secured with a thin strip of algae.
In turn, when preparing rolls, it is necessary to lay out seafood and rice in layers on a sheet of algae, then roll into a thin, dense roll and cut across into slices.
2.5. Italian Cuisine
Italian cuisine has evolved over the centuries. Despite the fact that the country known today as Italy did not unite until the XIX century, its cooking reveals traceable roots as early as the 4th century BC. Food and culture were very important at that time, as can be seen from the presence of an ancient cookbook that was created at that time. For centuries, neighboring regions, conquerors, famous chefs, political upheavals and the discovery of the New World have influenced the development of national cuisine.
The history of Italian cuisine originates after the fall of the Roman Empire, when different cities began to separate and form their own traditions. Many different types of bread and pasta have been invented, and new cooking options have emerged. Regional cuisine is represented by some of the largest cities in Italy. For example, Milan (northern Italy) is famous for its risotto variants, Bologna (central and middle part of the country) is famous for turtle dishes, and Naples (in the south) is famous for its pizza and spaghetti.
In general, the features of the history of Italian cuisine are as follows. For most of Italy's history, ordinary people have eaten very differently from the rich strata of the population, mainly using local legumes and cereals, a few vegetables or fodder greens and herbs. Tuscany, now considered a place of culinary pilgrimage, has long been known as the land of the favorites. But the Italian tradition of cooking seasonally and relying on the freshest and sometimes the simplest ingredients is a worldwide trend today. Classic Italian ingredients like olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pasta and herbs (basil and rosemary) are classics everywhere these days. In the history of Italian cuisine, traditions and relevance continue to have a great influence. Today, the culinary tradition offers a wide variety of different ingredients, ranging from fruits, vegetables, sauces, ending with many types of meat. In the north of Italy, fish (for example, cod or bakkala), potatoes, rice, corn, sausages, pork and various types of cheeses are popular. Pasta dishes using tomatoes are common throughout Italy. All products are usually thinly sliced and abundantly sprinkled with aromatic herbs.
Every nation living on Earth has its own history, traditions and, of course, the peculiarities of national cuisine. The kitchen is a certain set of cooking traditions passed down from generation to generation. The cuisine of each country is interesting and diverse, but some dishes still go beyond the borders of their countries and become more popular.
We examined the cuisines of different countries and studied their traditions. And I can draw the following conclusions:
The most popular cuisine in the world, I believe, is Italian. The cuisine is known not only for the popular pizza or spaghetti, but also for the abundance of seafood in the recipe of dishes that are unique in their taste and serving, which have no analogues in any other corner of the globe.
No less popular cuisine is American. The cuisine of the United States of America, as well as its population, is a combination of diverse cultural and national traditions. America's cuisine has become popular thanks to fast food. Very often Americans eat out, mostly lunch is held in inexpensive catering establishments. This way of eating allows you to save not only time on cooking, but also money.
The third most popular, I think, can be considered the cuisine of Japan. Without exaggeration, the national cuisine of Japan can be called the standard of healthy food. This cuisine is undoubtedly one of the most exotic. It is radically different from European and etiquette, and serving, and the products used. First of all, she shows the deepest respect for the pristine appearance of products that can certainly be called high-quality.
Nowadays, thanks to the large number of different restaurants , the number of which is increasing every year, everyone can taste dishes from different countries of the world, and it is not necessary to fly to this country.
Modern culinary competitions impose world fashion when a small portion of a dish decorated with light lines or dots of various sauces is placed on a small dining plate of a large radius, moving away from bulky portions to lighter and more refined dishes.
Nevertheless, those basic culinary traditions of the peoples that rely on religious postulates, certain geographical location climatic conditions, as well as age-old knowledge about the health benefits of a particular food product, remain unchanged.
That is why chefs around the world are reviving the fashion of their national cuisines, focusing on traditions and national dishes, although giving them modern forms. But, despite all the existing individual differences, in modern international cooking, the transition from heavy, calorie-saturated food to lighter and less fatty food is definitely welcome, because food should not only be nutritious and refined, but also healthy. Interestingly, it is the aesthetic component that has recently come to the fore - that is, the design and serving of dishes.
Without the influence of all the countries of the peoples of the world, we could not taste any exotic dishes, or even those that are eaten by neighboring countries. Now you can experiment with various ingredients, sauces and get simply delicious dishes.
Every kitchen in the world tries to match the new trends of culinary art and, therefore, improves its technologies in cooking more and more every year. Hence, the range of dishes of each national cuisine increases.
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