English is the language of science, diplomacy, tourism and new technologies. Knowledge of this language increases the chances of getting a job in a company/organization both in your home country and abroad. The most highly paid positions require you to know English, and foreign companies or customers provide a huge range of diverse vacancies. English in the modern world occupies a leading role in many spheres of society.
The role of the English language in my future profession
Student: Molchanov Igor Sergeevitch
Teacher: PhD Banaeva Monika Gennadyevna
2023 г.
Molchanov Igor Sergeevitch
College of Constraction and Urban Economy
Teacher: PhD Banaeva Monika Gennadyevna
The role of the English language in my future profession
English came into the international stage in the seventeenth century. At that time, England was conquering many countries. The English navy, which was in excellent condition, so all the sea routes were in the possession of British. England was establishing trade relations, which resulted in the widespread penetration of the English language. Therefore, it is believed that those who had great power dictated their own rules and supplanted other foreign languages. At the moment, 1/3 of the people in the world speak English. The consequence of this is that the English language penetrates into many areas of science and knowledge of the peoples of the world [1].
English is the language of science, diplomacy, tourism and new technologies. Knowledge of this language increases the chances of getting a job in a company/organization both in your home country and abroad. The most highly paid positions require you to know English, and foreign companies or customers provide a huge range of diverse vacancies. English in the modern world occupies a leading role in many spheres of society.
The purpose is to find out whether students will use English in their future profession and to show the importance of the language for their future profession.
Research methods: survey, analysis, generalization.
Learning of foreign language means that the result of mastering knowledge should be mostly practical, not theoretical. A specific feature of the language is the professional level of knowledge, when you need not only to know the name of the term, but also to be able to understand and use it correctly. You can be able to read in different ways - to read and understand what it is about; to read and grasp the main ideas; to read and understand everything that is written; to read, understand and be able to operate with the received information.
Knowledge of scientific vocabulary is necessary in order to be able to read a lot of texts in speciality. And also be able to react quickly to changes in the labor market, especially in a competitive period [2].
We conducted a survey at the technical school in order to find out the attitude of students to the foreign language. During the study, 100 students of different groups were interviewed. To the question "What is your attitude to the English language?" 62 students (62%) gave a positive answer, 16 people answered neutrally and 22 were sure that English is absolutely not useful to them in their professional activity.
The number of students, which study English for about 10 years is 44%, 28% of students study the language from 5 till 10 years, 13% study the language from 3 till 5 years, 10% from 1 till 3 years, and only 5% of students study the language less than 1 year.
The percentage difference may be due to the high employment of students in other subjects, the desire to pay more attention to specialized disciplines, as well as with too high or low level of knowledge of the student himself, who does not receive proper motivation among classmates with a different level.
Why does a plumber still need English, and why do employers prefer candidates who speak English? Firstly, it may be necessary to work with foreign colleagues.
To do this, some companies organize English language courses necessary for communication with foreign partners. The employee must take a responsible approach to language learning. The better he studies it, the easier it will be for him to communicate and negotiate with foreign colleagues, and he will be able to go abroad or sign a contract. Modern plumbing materials are often supplied by foreign companies. High-quality goods from other countries are used by many construction organizations.
Today, most employers prefer to hire those specialists who speak foreign languages, even if they do not need them to perform their official duties. We must not forget about the material component, specialists with knowledge of the language are valued much more. And of course, practical knowledge of English is required almost everywhere today. So, we found out that a modern plumber needs to know English. The profession of a builder is in demand not only in Russia, but all over the world [3]. Our graduates work in such countries like Germany, Bangladesh, Egypt, the Arab Emirates etc.
That is why, a good command of English in professional activity provides a wide range of jobs not only within the country, but also abroad.
[1] Английский язык для карьерного роста [Электронный ресурс], -
Режим доступа: https://englex.ru/learn-english-for-successful-career/
[2] [Электронный ресурс], - Режим доступа: http://www.litana.lt/ru/
[3] Роль иностранного языка в современном строительстве
[Электронный ресурс], - Режим доступа:
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