Проект на тему " Russian and American mentality in comparison"
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Цель работы: дать обьяснение что же такое менталитет. Исследовать менталитет русских и американцев
( что общего и чем мы отличаемся), рассказать что русские и американцы думают друг о друге, развеять некоторые стереотипы.
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Russian and American mentality By Kashko Maria, student of 10 form ЦДТ «Свиблово»Слайд 2
The aim : to explore the mentality of the Americans and Russians in comparison The subject of the research : the images and ideas of Americans and Russians about each other. Tasks: Examine the difference in mentalities. Derive and study stereotypes about Russians and Americans Confirm or deny these stereotypes. Make a comparative description of Russians and Amer icans To make a survey
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The urgency The urgency of this work is due to the growing need for the formation of communicative competence among students studying foreign language. I had the idea to write such a work a long time ago, but I couldn’t exactly determine the direction. And now, having become acquainted with Americans, I firmly decided to make a report on the topic of studying mentality through the study of the American way of life, their views, their thinking, behavior and character, comparing them with the Russian way of life
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The meaning of the mentality Mentality is the stereotypes and the patterns of thinking. This term is derived from the French word mentalité , which means "direction of thoughts." The mentality is formed in the course of a long historical development of the people and determines the national character and the national model of economic and social behavior, practically unchanged in the social psychology of the nation.
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American Mentality Americans - people are simple, and communicate with each other, as a rule, informally. They dress up too easy. In buses, subways you can sit, taking any poses you can, even lie down. Americans like to tease each other and, as they say, TALK SHIT Almost all Americans greet strangers. SMALL TALK. People around you should think that everything is fine with you. Americans pay money for the any services rendered to them. To solve problems, they resort to very entertaining tricks.
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Underground Tips Clothes
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Russian Mentality The principle: "what people will say". The desire to live the truth. In choosing between reason and feeling, Russians choose feeling. An inferiority complex (more flaws than advantages) A smile in Russian communication is not an obligatory attribute of politeness - gloom and unsmiling. Love to dispute. The principle of "do not hang out" Love for freebies. The place of humanism in us is pity.
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Borrowings Emancipation in public places Performing challenges Small items in stores at the box office Films Clothes (tones)
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Stereotypes Stereotype - the word is Greek, STEREO means “solid”, TIPOS - imprint. Therefore, the literal meaning of this word is “hard stamp of thinking, imprint of the brain”. In general, a stereotype is a well-established attitude to current events, actions, which has developed under the influence of social conditions and previous human experience.
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What do American people think about Russians? Russians love alcohol. They have stone evil faces. It’s REALLY terribly cold. They love bears. They still love SSSR.
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What do Russian people think about Americans? All Americans love McDonalds. These lazy Americans do not walk AT ALL. Every American has a weapon. Americans are very polite, noisy and love to chat.
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Russians Americans Characteristic Friendly, funny, emotional, proud, lazy, ambitious, neat simple, generous, open, trusting, broad-hearted, responsive, lazy, funny, hospitable, intelligent, patient, uncollected Look like fat, smiling, but insincere, vigorous, flourishing, stupid, healthy, self-confident, monotonous diverse, happy, rich, busy, collected, smiling, healthy, successful Like your country, money, your president, chewing gum, work, family, sports, entertainment, psychoanalysts money, power, entertainment, success, television, clothes, service, cars, status, food, change. Always they smile, interfere in the affairs of others, plan their future, think only of themselves, ask stupid questions, brag, care about their rights and personal space they smile, spend their free time well, are confident that they are right, try to work productively, spend money, think positively, make plans for the future. Never Do not cheat, do not cry, do not dream, do not waste time, do not get drunk, do not understand Russian do not give up, do not ask for help, do not wear fur hats, do not push, do not climb without a queue
Слайд 13
Russians Americans Characteristic educated, proud, patient, passionate, intellectual, poor, emotional, religious, spontaneous, hospitable, hardworking simple, broad-minded, responsive, funny, hospitable, intelligent, patient, patriots Look like serious, sad, ferocious, severe, threatening, unhappy, large (even women), tense, tired, scared, pale, frozen, suspicious kind, friendly, intelligent, beautiful, simple, concerned, open, mysterious Like vodka, fatty foods, books, American culture, friends, music, ballet, art, war, culture, family, cold weather drink vodka, talk with friends, sing songs, eat, dream, relax, guests, philosophy, politics, children, cottages, frost Always carry bags and shopping bags, push, take life as it is, perform well at the Olympics, kiss on both cheeks, shout, work a lot, take care of families, want to be the center of attention argue, complain, search for depth in everything, help each other, suffer, have fun, forgive everyone Never do not have fun, do not wear shoes at home, are not optimistic, do not stop working, don't smile on the street, don't make plans for the future, don't do stupid things, don't understand Americans do not betray friends, do not hide their feelings, do not count money, do not know how to enjoy life, do not take revenge
Слайд 14
Conclusion Knowledge of the mentality of Russians and Americans is very important, as national ties and contacts are developing now. Also, based on stereotypes, the similarity between Americans and Russians is rather external, but their spiritual world is different. Knowledge of the main stereotypes makes, in our opinion, a significant contribution to not only because the United States is one of the world powers; The root cause of the usefulness of this topic is that the establishment of international relations is perhaps the most pressing issue in our time.
Слайд 15
Survey Do you know what mentality is ? Where do you want to live ? Do you know some stereotypes about Americans ? Do you know some features of Russian and American mentality ?
Слайд 16
Literature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42BeVn8eFmE Болховитинов Н.Н. Россия открывает Америку. / Н.Н. Болховитинов.- М.: Междунар . отношения, 1991.- 304 с.- (К 500-летию открытия Америки). Болховитинов Н.Н. Русско-американские отношения. / Н.Н. Болховитинов.- М.: Междунар . отношения, 1975.- 421 с. Давыдов А.Ю. Российско-американская торговля: состояние, проблемы, перспективы(электронный ресурс) / А.Ю. Давыдов // httm /www.rusus/ ru . Коновалов А.Б. Как Россия и США потеряли друг друга / А.Б. Коновалов // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. – 2000 − №7. – С.3-15. Соловьев Э.Г. Интернет: Русско-американские отношения осени 2008 года: эл- ный журнал / Э.Г. Соловьев. − www.zlev.ru . Соловьёв Э. Перезагрузка российско-американских отношений (электронный ресурс)/Э. Соловьёв//http://www.perspektivy.info http://zagranicey.ru – Наши за границей http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki − Русские в США www.natoinalpoat.com
The passport of the project
| «Russian and American mentality in comparison » |
| Ludmila Ivanova |
| English |
| Social Science, Psychology |
| 15 y. o. |
| Kashko Maria Andreevna |
| Research, English |
| «Sviblovo» |
| to explore the mentality of the Americans and Russians in comparison |
| • Examine the difference in mentalities. • Derive and study stereotypes about Russians and Americans • Confirm or deny these stereotypes. • Make a comparative description of Russians and Americans • To make a survey |
| Are there any differences between Russian and American mentality? |
| The urgency of this work is due to the growing need for the formation of communicative competence among students studying foreign language |
| Computer, software, screen, projector |
| The Presentation with illustrative materials, text, survey, my own experience |
The aim: to explore the mentality of the Americans and Russians in comparison
The subject of the research: the images and ideas of Americans and Russians about each other.
• Examine the difference in mentalities.
• Derive and study stereotypes about Russians and Americans
• Confirm or deny these stereotypes.
• Make a comparative description of Russians and Americans
• To make a survey
The urgency of this work is due to the growing need for the formation of communicative competence among students studying foreign language. I had the idea to write such a work a long time ago, but I couldn’t exactly determine the direction. And now, having become acquainted with Americans, I firmly decided to make a report on the topic of studying mentality through the study of the American way of life, their views, their thinking, behavior and character, comparing them with the Russian way of life
What is the mentality?
Mentality is a set of mental, emotional, cultural characteristics, value orientations and attitudes inherent in a social group, nation, people.
In other words, mentality is the stereotypes and the patterns of thinking.
This term is derived from the French word mentalité, which means "direction of thoughts." As a rule, we use this term in order to characterize any features of peoples and cultures.
The mentality is formed in the course of a long historical development of the people and determines the national character and the national model of economic and social behavior, practically unchanged in the social psychology of the nation.
American and Russian mentality
In my project, I want to consider the peculiarities of the Russian and American mentality.
The American mentality is the first thing that catches the eye of people who came to the United States as a guest (and some that is why they stay here).
Speaking about Russia, Russians have something to be proud of, we have a huge and strong country, we have talented people and deep literature, and we also know our own weaknesses. If we want to become better, we must know them.
I want to note that even 10 years ago, there were no similarities between the Russian and American mentality. Due to the fact that tourist flows have developed at such a rate that now we can safely say that a lot of borrowing has appeared in the mentality of these nations. For example:
There are a number of stereotypes around the world regarding any nation. Russians and Americans are no exception.
Stereotype - the word is Greek, STEREO means “solid”, TIPOS - imprint. Therefore, the literal meaning of this word is “hard stamp of thinking, imprint of the brain”.
In general, a stereotype is a well-established attitude to current events, actions, which has developed under the influence of social conditions and previous human experience.
What do American people think about Russians?
What do Russian people think about Americans?
Americans by Russians and American people
Russians | Americans | |
Characteristic | Friendly, funny, emotional, proud, lazy, ambitious, neat. | simple, generous, open, trusting, broad-hearted, responsive, lazy, funny, hospitable, savvy, intelligent, patient, uncollected. |
Look like | fat, smiling, but insincere, vigorous, flourishing, stupid, healthy, self-confident, monotonous. | diverse, happy, rich, busy, collected, smiling, healthy, successful. |
Like | your country, money, your president, chewing gum, work, family, sports, entertainment, psychoanalysts | money, power, entertainment, success, television, clothes, service, cars, status, food, change. |
Always | they smile, interfere in the affairs of others, plan their future, think only of themselves, ask stupid questions, brag, care about their rights and personal space | they smile, spend their free time well, are confident that they are right, try to work productively, spend money, think positively, make plans for the future. |
Never | Do not cheat, do not cry, do not dream, do not waste time, do not get drunk, do not understand Russian | do not give up, do not ask for help, do not wear fur hats, do not push, do not climb without a queue |
Russians by Americans and Russian people
Russians | Americans | |
Characteristic | educated, proud, patient, passionate, intellectual, poor, emotional, religious, spontaneous, hospitable, hardworking | simple, broad-minded, responsive, funny, hospitable, savvy, intelligent, patient, patriots. |
Look like | serious, sad, ferocious, severe, threatening, unhappy, large (even women), tense, tired, scared, pale, frozen, suspicious | kind, friendly, intelligent, beautiful, simple, concerned, open, mysterious |
Like | vodka, fatty foods, books, American culture, friends, music, ballet, art, war, culture, family, cold weather | drink vodka, talk with friends, sing songs, eat, dream, relax, guests, philosophy, politics, children, cottages, frost |
Always | carry bags and shopping bags, push, take life as it is, perform well at the Olympics, kiss on both cheeks, shout, work a lot, take care of families, want to be the center of attention | argue, complain, search for depth in everything, help each other, suffer, have fun, forgive everyone |
Never | do not have fun, do not wear shoes at home, are not optimistic, do not stop working, don't smile on the street, don't make plans for the future, don't do stupid things, don't understand Americans | do not betray friends, do not hide their feelings, do not consider money, do not know how to enjoy life, do not take revenge |
After a comparative analysis of Russians and Americans, one can say that, in general, Russians have a positive attitude towards Americans. In their opinion, America is a highly developed country, and its citizens are educated, but undisciplined, like to eat, go to a cafe;
Americans are mostly positive about the Russian people, or they don’t think about them at all.
Knowledge of the mentality of Russians and Americans is very important in the modern world, as national ties and contacts are developing now, and knowledge of mentality will only help in this process. Also, based on stereotypes, the similarity between Americans and Russians is rather external - multi-ethnic, the vast territories that they occupy, etc., but their spiritual world is different. Knowledge of the main stereotypes makes, in our opinion, a significant contribution to the prevention of intercultural conflicts of Russian-American communication. This topic is relevant not only because the United States is one of the world powers; The root cause of the usefulness of this topic is that the establishment of international relations is perhaps the most pressing issue in our time.
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