While waiting for medical care
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Deadlines for waiting for medical care The waiting periods for medical assistance are fixed by the Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Assistance. Failure to meet the deadlines is a direct violation of the rights of citizens! EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE IS PROVIDED TO THE PATIENT IMMEDIATELY AND FREE OF CHARGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAW NO. 323-F3 "ON THE FUNDAMENTALS OF PROTECTING THE HEALTH OF CITIZENS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION". EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE NO MORE THAN 20 MINUTES FROM THE TIME OF THE CALL Physicians are obliged to provide such assistance without delay and free of charge, and refusal is not allowed. In this case, the patient is not required to present the CHI policy. EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE NOT MORE THAN 2 HOURS FROM THE TIME OF APPLICATION In this case, the patient is required to present the CHI policy when applying for medical care. TERM FOR CT, MRI AND ANGIOGRAPHY NOT MORE THAN 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE OF THE APPOINTMENT When providing primary health care. WAITING DATES FOR DOCTORS' RECEPTION NOT MORE THAN 24 HOURS FROM THE TIME OF APPLICATION District physicians, general practitioners. Alieva Jasmine , Course III , group MSD-313Солдатская шинель
Рисуем крокусы акварелью
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