It is difficult to avoid environmental issues nowadays. Every time we turn on television or radio, open a newspaper or a page in the Internet there are new horror stories about how pollution is affecting our planet and people living on it. Poisonous gases from factories destroy the ozone layer, contributing to the greenhouse effect which results in global warming. Acid rains are destroying forests. As more and more rainforests are destroyed, the threat to wildlife increases with several endangered species on the verge of extinction. In brief, we are heading towards an ecological disaster.
The aim of our project work is to show that we can all do something to help protect environment, to inspire people to act now because in a week it might be too late. Our objective is to show that many people, world famous companies have already started being involved in ecologically friendly actions and we cannot stay aside.
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Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 550
«Школа информационных технологий»
Центрального района Санкт-Петербурга
Проект Think globally, act locally
Номинация: Экология. Экологические проблемы и пути их решения.
Авторы: Поздеева Полина, 10 класс
Тяпина Арина, 10 класс
Руководитель: Лукина И.Г., учитель английского языка
It is difficult to avoid environmental issues nowadays. Every time we turn on television or radio, open a newspaper or a page in the Internet there are new horror stories about how pollution is affecting our planet and people living on it. Poisonous gases from factories destroy the ozone layer, contributing to the greenhouse effect which results in global warming. Acid rains are destroying forests. As more and more rainforests are destroyed, the threat to wildlife increases with several endangered species on the verge of extinction. In brief, we are heading towards an ecological disaster.
The aim of our project work is to show that we can all do something to help protect environment, to inspire people to act now because in a week it might be too late. Our objective is to show that many people, world famous companies have already started being involved in ecologically friendly actions and we cannot stay aside.
As an essential part of our project is research, we have used the following methods: observation, questionnaire, interview, analysis.
To begin with, we would like to thank Gleb Ivanov, an environmentalist, for his inspiration and help and the former students of school 550 who used to work or are still working in different international companies for sharing information with us.
How common people can solve the problem
Solving environmental problems is important for Russia today. According to the environmentalists, Russia, as well as China and India, is among the main pollutants of the environment. The environmental problems in Russia and other countries are becoming more dangerous and more aggressive due to human actions. Russia faces the following ecological problems: the greenhouse effect; holes in the ozone layer; soil, water and air pollution; radioactive pollution; deforestation and many others.
Unfortunately, global problems affect human health. As we see, effects on organs, the immune system, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases are developing, bones are becoming brittle, eyesight is falling, the aging processes are progressing, oncology is being provoked, people are suffering regular migraines, are having problems with blood pressure. Children can be born sick.
Can humanity solve these problems? The answer is definitely “Yes”.
There are different ways to solve problems. We need all enterprises to reduce their negative impact on the environment. We also need the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies. They can be developed or borrowed from foreign developers. Today cardinal measures must be introduced to solve environmental problems. However, we must remember that much depends on ourselves: on our lifestyle, saving natural resources and much more.
For a start, we should try to conserve energy resources such as oil and coal by turning down central heating and air-conditioning, or making less use of our cars. Most cars use unleaded petrol, but they still damage the environment. We know that at some companies drivers are taught to drive their lorries in a less harmful for the environment manner.
Secondly, since many everyday items such as glass and paper can be recycled, we should try to re-use them rather than throwing them away. According to Cambridge Dictionary the main word of the year 2019 is the word “upcycling”, which means “manufacturing new items by recycling the old ones” [Cambridge Dictionary of Modern Language].
We can easily reuse things. For example, one can use one and the same bottle several times, eat from reusable dishes, etc. These steps will help us make the ecology of Russia better.
In our opinion, the most effective way to solve the problem is recycling. Our point of view is based on the research. Being interested in the topic, we went to the recycling center. We have a report on this topic and we have recorded an interview with Gleb Ivanov. Here you can learn, for example, about how to prepare garbage for delivery properly, and indeed details about recycling. (video)
Not only we are concerned about environmental problems. The problems have become a global issue. That is why people all over the world, international companies are working hard trying to solve the problems or at least change the situation for the best.
Everyone knows the Starbucks company. This company takes care of the conservation of natural resources. It has come up with new solutions in the field of recycling and waste reduction. They create glasses that can be used more than once. Visitors who have their own mugs or bottles get a discount from the company. The company has made a resolution that since 2020 they will stop using plastic straws in their cafes but will use paper ones. To understand the problem, we should bear in mind that the company consumes more than a billion of plastic straws annually!
The Boucher chain of St. Petersburg and Moscow bakeries sorts and recycles tetrapack, plastic, glass, paper and cardboard. Over a year, they managed to reduce the amount of waste and made money on it: energy-saving lamps, the transfer of recyclable materials and separate collection of waste, the replacement of disposable appliances with wooden ones (the company makes sure that trees are not cut down for production), and also uses recycled napkins. Guests receive a 10% discount if they buy coffee in their refillable mugs and bottles. In this case drinking water is provided free. Guests may request that hot dishes, salads and soups be packed in their reusable container.
Harvest Restaurant is another example how business may actively help nature. They minimize the ingress of food into the kitchen that cannot be processed. Some products are discarded due to large quantities of packaging or other environmental considerations. They try not to use, for example, raspberries in the winter, because they are delivered in small plastic containers. Beef is not used because it is too aggressive a product for the environment. And everything that gets into the kitchen is used to its maximum: broths are brewed from bones, purees and creams are made from cleanings. They do not have napkins in the kitchen, but there are napkins for guests, they are composted along with food waste. Plastic and foil, gloves are not bought, but now more reusable storage containers are ordered.
Apple company has launched the project of upcycling its production. Nike actively takes part in Reuse-A-Shoe project. They accept old trainers and sneakers in their stores which they later recycle into the stuff for building courts, basketball grounds, tracks. The board of directors in Ikea company have invested nearly $3 billion in development of alternative sources of energy – solar and wind. Beginning with the year of 2020 they are going to produce more energy than consume. The company uses cotton which was harvested with the minimum consumption of water and chemical fertilizers.
Our families also participate actively in the process of sorting and recycling our waste. We collect waste and rubbish in different containers and then deliver the containers to the recycling station. There we additionally sort our plastic.
We try to do our best to involve our schoolmates in the so called “green” activities. For example, we helped eagerly to revive collecting of waste paper at school. Not only students take part in this activity, which takes place every term, but teachers are also involved. Two years ago we came up with the activity of collecting plastic bottle caps. Everyone enjoyed it!
Thirdly, we can join pressure groups such as Greenpeace or WWF, which can be very effective in persuading governments to adopt greener policies, such as subsiding public transport and protecting wildlife. WWF claims, that we are the first generation accepting the fact that we are destroying the ecology of the planet and it seems that we are the last that is able to stop this destruction. Now we are considering joining WWF. Although we haven’t joined any pressure group yet, we actively help shelters for animals. Usually we donate food or medicine necessary for stray animals.
In conclusion, we want to appeal to help nature, do our best to solve environmental problems. The idea that common people can do nothing is completely wrong. If we do not react to the situation and shift actions to other generations, garbage will flood the whole world, we will not have a chance to survive. Only our join efforts can make the situation better. We have shown you that any activity matters, an average person can help. The basic message we should bear in mind is as follows:
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