Эссе на английском языке "Война сближает поколения" было выполнено в рамках регионального конкурса эссе на иностранном языке "Минувших лет живая слава". Автор работы удостоен Диплома победителя конкурса.
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Victory brings generations together
Throughout our lives, the troops have fought for the right to life for their children and grandchildren. People who went through this difficult life path and endured all this burden of war, unfortunately, are leaving us. And now, there are very few veterans left. But the memory of the people will remember them all their lives.
Victory undoubtedly brings generations together. Firstly, thanks to the fact that the military fought for the future of our country, today we can live in peace, get an education, work, develop and raise children. Those soldiers who died for the victory gave us freedom and prosperity for our Motherland. That is, one generation helped another. Secondly, so that the lives given are not meaningless, we preserve and protect our Motherland. Veterans tell and show their families the stories of the war. Their families are imbued with history and admire how their grandfathers fought for them, how they defended their home. We honor the memory of fallen soldiers. Thanks to these people, we live a peaceful and peaceful life.
In conclusion, I believe that the old generation needs to tell their children about how hard it was for our grandfathers to win. And most importantly, that all people live peacefully on this vast land.
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