Презентация на тему "The History of Money" выполнена студенткой КГА ПОУ "ДВГГТК", обучающейся по специальности "Земельно-имущественные отношения"
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The history of money МИНИСТЕРСТВО профессионального ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ и занятости населения ПРИМОРСКОГО КРАЯ краевое государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Дальневосточный государственный гуманитарно-технический колледж» (КГА ПОУ «ДВГГТК») Выполнила: Студентка Шевелева В. С. Руководитель : Водолазская И.Е. Владивосток 2023Слайд 2
Some of the earliest currencies … were objects from nature. A notable example is cowrie shells, first used as money about 1200 BCE.
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Shells in the form of wampum (tubular shell beads) were used as money by Native Americans. Another currency from nature was whale teeth, which were used by Fijians. And the people of Yap Island (now part of Micronesia) carved huge disks of limestone that eventually became currency and remain part of the island’s culture.
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Counterfeiting Counterfeiting dates to the invention of money. Even wampum was the target of counterfeiters. Forgery proved such a huge problem around the world that harsh penalties were enacted.
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First Metal Money – Coins The first metal money dates back to 1000 B.C. China. These coins were made from stamped pieces of valuable metal, such as bronze and copper.
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Over time, these coins would evolve to be made from the silver and gold we associate with money today. Coins were a huge milestone in the history of money because they were one of the first currencies that allowed people to pay by count (number of coins) rather than weight. The first one dollar coins
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First Paper Money The first paper money was created in China in 700 to 800 A.D., it would be a long time before paper currency was commonly used.
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Currency Wars The creation of paper money would eventually lead to currency wars, which occur when leaders of different nations attempt to devalue their own currency. In turn, this increases demand and helps stimulate their economy.
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The Introduction of Banks The first banks were started by the Roman Empire around 1800 B.C. These banks offered loans and accepted deposits from individuals, but would later disappear with the collapse of the empire. By the turn of the 19th century, banks had become respectable organizations within communities and learned the concept of fractional reserve banking.
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The Gold Standard In 1816, gold was made the standard of value in the country of England. What this means is that each banknote represented a certain amount of gold, so only a limited number of banknotes can be printed. This gave previously unbacked currency some semblance of value and stability.
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Today, money has taken the form of everything from the U.S. dollar to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Thanks to the creation of modern-day money, buying, selling, and trading is easier than it’s ever been.
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Source s: https://mint.intuit.com/blog/investing-2/the-history-of-money/ https://www.britannica.com/story/a-brief-and-fascinating-history-of-money https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_money
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