Проект по английскому языку был выполнен учеником 6 класса в рамках внеурочной деятельности.
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Lobanok Ivan 6 b MBOU lyceum №1 School project « Idioms about animals in English language »Слайд 2
Introduction P eople studying English would like to make their speech not only fluent and grammatically correct, but a lso vivid, expressive and various. There are a lot of language tools for it, but nothing is better than idioms. For example , English people say « You can’t teach an old dog new tricks » .
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Theoretical background of the study Idioms ….. a re expressions that have a figurative meaning rather than a direct one; describe a situation, an idea, or an emotion by artistic means; h ave the main difficulty because its meaning does not consist of the meanings of the words that make it up; cannot be translated literally; e xist in every language; a re really emotional; m ust be used carefully; help you remember words related to animals; can be met in literature, films, TV programmes , everyday talks of native speakers.
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Lack of knowledge about animal idioms among students of my class and no idea of how and when these idioms can be used by them. The problem statement
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The project goal Informing the classmates about the variety of idioms about animals for enriching their vocabulary and making their speech full-spoken and bright.
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The project objectives 1. To find examples of idioms about animals. 2. To present the situations where the students can use these idioms. 3. To make recommendations about the using of idioms in speaking .
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The anticipated results The ready collection of idioms about animals (can be enlarged). The increasing number of students who know these idioms and can use them. Real recommendations for further practical use.
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The stages of work Studying theoretical material on the theme of the project. Looking for the necessary material for the collection of idioms. Getting ready for the project presentation. Informing the classmates about the variety of idioms about animals and encouraging students to use them.
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“At a snail’s pace” Meaning : to move very slowly Ex. Traffic is moving at a snail’s pace. Russian equivalent : Черепашьим шагом. The collection of idioms about animals
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“Busy as a bee” Meaning : to be very busy , literally “work like a bee ” Ex. My son is working on his science project. He’s been as busy as a bee all day. Russian equivalent : Трудяга-муравей.
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Meaning : to create a whole bunch of problems in one fell swoop; literally “open a can of worms” . Ex. You’ve opened a real can of worms here. Russian equivalent : Клубок проблем. “Open a can of worms”
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“As poor as a church mouse” Meaning : So , this idiom means a person , who hasn’t got any food , money , and all , that needs for life . Ex. He doesn’t have any money, he is as poor as a church mouse. Russian equivalent : Гол как сокол.
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“Let the cat out of the bag” Meaning : when a person accidentally discovered the truth or someone told him a secret . Ex. I tried to keep this secret but Bill betrayed me and let the cat out of the bag. Russian equivalent : Кот в мешке.
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“Dog eat dog” Meaning : fierce , merciless competition . Ex. It’s a dog eat dog world out there. Russian equivalent : Человек человеку волк.
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“Wolf in a sheep’s clothing” Meaning : dangerous person , who pretending to be harmless . Ex. Don’t trust him, he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Russian equivalent : Волк в овечьей шкуре.
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“Eagle eyes” Meaning : excellent eyesight . Ex . The teacher goes over the tests with an eagle eye. Russian equivalent : Глаз-Алмаз.
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“Wild goose chase” Meaning : try to “chase” unattainable; literally “chase goose ” Ex. You’re taking me on a wild goose chase, will you just give me an exact address where I should go? Russian equivalent : Искать ветра в поле.
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Recommendations about the using of idioms Remember the idioms and try to include them in your active vocabulary. Use idioms to describe things not directly, but metaphorically, making speech more expressive. In the use of idioms, you should follow two rules: use them carefully and try to make them fit the situation. Read literature in English, as well as listen to the oral speech of native speakers: everyday conversations, radio and television programs to enlarge your vocabulary. Idioms help to remember the words related to animals and soon you’ll see how to use them talking about not only animals but also compare some animals’ features and people.
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Conclusion Idioms are an extremely useful thing: firstly, they make speech much more expressive, and secondly, they introduce us a foreign language, the elements of foreign language culture and history, because many idioms have been in use for many hundreds of years! Learn idioms, and the English language and way of thinking will become much clearer for you !
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References 1. https ://www.fluentu.com/blog/english-rus/%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%8B-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE-%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85-% D0%BD%D0%B0D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC/ 2. https ://englex.ru/english-animal-idioms / 3. https :// context.reverso.net 4. https :// cyberleninka.ru/article/n/theoretical-background-on-the-problem-of-idioms-in-english-language/viewer 5. Мюррей Ю. Русские фразеологизмы и их английские аналоги / Russian Idioms and their English Equivalents . 2007 г. 6 . Гурикова Ю.С. Идиомы . ( Лингвотренажер English ), 2018г. 7. Шевелева С.А. Главные идиомы английского языка. Словарь-справочник . Изд-во «Проспект», 2019г.
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