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Tasmanian devil Безруков Арсений, 7 класс МБОУ ДО ДЮЦ, Краснодар,2022 г. Рук. и тех.редактор педагог Садон Л.М. 1 квалификационная категория, английский и немецкий языки. Tasmanian devilСлайд 2
Tasmanian devil is the most insane predator
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An interesting fact: DESCRIPTION Tasmanian diavol is the largest of the modern marsupian predators. This is a dense and squat animal the size of a small dog, but with heavy baild and dark coloration. It looks more like a miniature bear.
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Beast Symbol Representatives of marsupials in the natural environment can be found exclusively in Australia. By decision of the government of the country, the Tasmanian devils have become one of the symbols of the state. In particular, their image was placed on the emblem of the regional service involved in the protection of wildlife and national parks. In addition, the Tasmanian Devil appears on the logo of the Australian football team, the Tasmanian Devils, and the defunct basketball team, the Gobart Devils, was also named after a predatory marsupial. You can also find the image of the Tasmanian devil on Australian coins issued from 1989 to 1994, as well as on numerous advertising and souvenir information offered to guests not only in Tasmania, but also in Australia.
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AREA Tasmanian devil is currently found of the island of Tasmania,as well as in Australia.
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DIET Tasmanian devil feeds on small and medium-sized birds,snakes,amphibians, edible roots and tuber of plants.
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POPULATION The Tasmanian devil has a trouble-free method of hunting: he easily immobilizes his prey due to a powerful bite that falls either on the skull or on the spine. Although these predators are not impressive in size, they can also attack fairly large animals, but mostly weakened or sick. They often pursue herds of cows and sheep, and excellent eyesight and a keen sense of smell make it easy for a predator to find prey for itself. Very quickly they find carrion, as it decomposes and this smell spreads for many kilometers. Sometimes there may be several marsupial devils near a large carcass of a dead animal. For food, they can fight bloody fights, while they emit loud, heartbreaking screams. As a result of such a feast, there is practically nothing left of the animal, since predators eat everything, including bones. Tasmanian Devil hunts
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FAMILY OF THE TASMANIAN DEVIL Kutats are born not only microscopic, but blind and naked, only at the age of three months they begin to see clearly and acquire a black fur coat. The aggressiveness of the devil does not subside even during the mating season. However, no moments of courtship in these animals are observed. Nature itself controls the number of devils. The mother has only 4 nipples, and about 30 cubs are born.All of them are small and helpless, their weight does not reach even a gram. Those that manage to cling to the nipples survive and remain in the bag, while the rest die, they are eaten by the mother herself.
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Detractors and Enemies There are not very many enemies in the marsupial devil in the wild. The detractors include: • dingo dogs; • foxes; • quolls; • birds of prey
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POPULATION The population of the Tasmanian devil is still small today. This animal species was considered endangered, now conservation organizations want to give it the status of vulnerable.
Лев Николаевич Толстой. Индеец и англичанин (быль)
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