Работа представляет собой сравнительную характеристику британских и российских подростков
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Hello everyone! At today's English language conference, I would like to reveal such a topic as the life of teenagers in Britain. Why did I choose this particular topic? If you ask me, I`ll say, that it`s interesting to find out how people of the same age live in different countries, compare our mentality with their one, make a conclusion about common features in teenager`s life in Russia and Britain, highlight all the cons and pros.
Now let’s start with one peculiarity of the British teenagers. From the age of 14-16, they already consider themselves independent people, while in Russia, young people are often taken care by their parents too long and they are overwhelmed by a lot of criticism and expectations, which lead to conflicts with peers and parents. While studying, British teenagers can work part-time in order to receive pocket money, which they spend on various entertainments or they can spend the earned money on studying, because all education in Britain is paid, and not always teenagers’ parents can fully cover their children’ studies. So, to gain financial independence British teenagers usually work as fast food attendant, car wash attendant, movie theater attendant, server, newspaper carrier, camp counselor, yard worker, dog walker, babysitter or pet sitter.
Especially to create my project work, I registered on one of the sites where people from different countries communicate and conducted a survey on what the main problems are present in the lives of teenagers. Thanks to my table we will compare what teenagers of our country and Britain spend pocket money on in general. As you could understand, both in the UK and in Russia, teenagers like to spend pocket money on sweets, recordings of their favorite music, makeup, computer games, gifts to family and friends. However, these amounts are small for Russian teenagers, they are not able to save for the future.
As for teenager`s relations with parents in Britain and Russia, they diametrically opposed. In British families it`s not customary to take care of teenagers to the point of insanity, or even more so, it is not customary to sacrifice the interests of parents to establish a relationship with a teenager. So, British teenagers are more independent and separate.
Teenagers in Britain and Russia on the one hand are completely different in their worldview, upbringing and mentality, but on the other hand they face the same problems.
1. relationships with parents and friends.
2. overload at school and the problem of communication with teachers.
3. lack (or even lack) of pocket money and the problem of finding a job.
4. the problem of leisure activities.
5. dangerous problems: alcohol, smoking, drugs.
Modern teenagers in Great Britain enjoy great democratic freedom. However, research on teenage behavioural patterns shows that they typically feel very depressed about their physical appearance, health, and social status. For example, girls are in a constant fear of putting on weight. Therefore, they resort to various weight reducing methods, some of which are very harmful for their health, and may even be the cause of psychologically effected diseases such as anorexia.
Now I would like to tell about the important part of teen`s life, that is studying and school system in general.
British children study at school for 13 years. Kids go to the 1st grade at the age of 4–5. Also, the uniform color in all British schools is dark blue. In Britain Secondary school finishes at 16 at which point teenagers gain their GCSF academic qualifications. If they wish, they can move into work or training after this, or if they want to keep studying they can go on to a sixth-form college to study A/AS Levels for 2 years. After this they can go to University. The overwhelming majority of schools and some sixth form colleges have uniforms, such as this: (Photo)
Teenagers in Britain spend most of their time at school (about 10-12 hours) One lesson lasts 55 minutes, breaks last from 20 minutes to an hour. Also, they are not given homework, because everything is done at school.
After leaving school, most teenagers go to colleges, not universities.
Typically, college higher education programs are provided in partnership with universities. Now many offer a two-year program and a basic degree, which combines theory and teaching skills necessary for work. After studying for a year at the university after this program, you can get a "full" higher education. More and more colleges provide an opportunity to complete higher education within their walls.
One of the biggest advantages of getting an education at a college rather than at a university is saving money.
But many people prefer college to university not only for the sake of economy; the reason may also be the price-quality ratio. As a rule, there are fewer people in groups, teachers use a more practical approach to learning, and there are more opportunities for mutual support.
One of the most popular colleges in Britain is Rochester Independent College. It looks so cinematic that the phrase "too good to be true" involuntarily comes to mind. It's hard to believe that there are places where education can be obtained in an educational institution of such a unique format. The territory of the college is located in the historical part of the city — an unusual landscaped garden with grottoes, streams, gazebos and vegetable gardens. The symbol of the college is a match: a winged pig, which refers to the common English expression "when pigs fly", meaning something impossible. So, the message of the RIC is that absolutely everything is possible, and the activities of the college fully correspond to this statement. It is constantly emphasized here that this educational institution is different from others. And it really is.
The main distinguishing feature of Rochester Independent College is the freedom that is manifested here in everything. Students do not wear uniforms, and can also address the teacher by name. The situation during lessons also bears little resemblance to traditional classrooms, but this only has a positive effect on the effectiveness of classes.
In good weather, classes are often held outside of classes - students go to the gazebo or just on the lawn in the park to study mathematics or even master the skills of playing the violin. The administration shows maximum flexibility in the conditions of admission, and also makes every effort to provide each teenager with an individual educational route based on his abilities.
The criterion for selecting teachers at Rochester Independent College is not only professionalism, but also understanding of modern teenagers. As a result, absolutely all teachers really know how to "be with children" on the same wavelength."
Rochester Independent College is small - the total number of its students is only 270 people. There are no more than 8 students in one class. As a result, absolutely all children are well acquainted with each other, and a particularly warm and friendly atmosphere is created inside the classrooms and residences. One third of older students (90 people) live in residences. The total number of students from other countries at Rochester Independent College is 15%. For international students, not only additional English classes are provided, but all kinds of help and support from staff and other students. This helps you quickly adapt to your studies and join a new team.
High results are achieved due to small classes, as well as constant monitoring of progress. Each completed topic ends with a small oral or written exam for students, which allows you to determine how successfully it has been mastered and take action in time if there are any difficulties. Students also get used to written exams and learn the skills necessary for their successful writing. Therefore, on GCSE and A-Levels tests, a third of students receive the highest A and A grades year after year.
Both Russian and British teenagers have problems at school. Let's look at them in detail.
The problem of school difficulties exists both in the UK and in Russia.
According to sociologists, about 10% of teenagers experience discomfort at school; in our country, this figure is much higher — 30-40%.
Motivation to learn is lost in adolescents by the age of 15. For most of my peers, the opportunity to communicate with classmates is more important than gaining knowledge.
If 70% of my classmates successfully studied in the fifth grade, then 40% already studied in the 9th grade. The reason, in my opinion, is in excessive loads, in an irrationally compiled schedule (for example, on Friday, according to the schedule, we have algebra, physics, biology, English, geography, literature + two physical education classes - on Thursday a large amount of homework preparation). School difficulties do not pass without a trace and affect our health. Every teacher demands love for his subject, and some teenagers do not find all subjects easy. Hence the misunderstanding between the teenager and the teacher, which creates a lot of problems and is the reason for the violation of discipline by students.
In the UK every English family considers it their duty to give a good education to their children. The English education system is famous all over the world.
The British system of education focuses on character, not intelligence. Moreover, it is believed that society judges a person's character by his actions, and not by his views. In English schools, the education of norms of behavior is given a major role. In training, the main emphasis is on the ability to independently acquire knowledge and apply it in practice. Children study a lot in libraries and laboratories. Knowledge testing usually takes place in writing – in the form of essays and projects.
Accordingly, we can understand that In Russia a serious problem among teenagers is their unwillingness to study, while in the UK a student is interested in obtaining solid knowledge and further education.
Another difference, unlike Russian teenagers, the British are very fond of various sports, even though they spend enough time in gadgets.
The most popular sport games among youth are:
- Football.
- Tennis.
- Golf
in addition to studying, one of the important things in the life of every teenager is fashion, British teens they choosing clothes are based on practicality, it is important for them to be as comfortable as possible. Teenagers usually wear T-shirts, hoodies, windbreakers, leggings, sandals, sneakers. From shoes, Englishmen of all ages adore ugg boots, which they wear in the cold season.
In winter, people in this country go without hats, scarves, gloves, even at temperatures below zero. In May, when the sun is just starting to warm up a little, they are already running in T-shirts and shorts.
In the Britain, there are such styles of teenage fashion like:
1. Elite schoolgirls". Simple and neat style, suitable for almost everyone. This style appeared in English educational institutions. The finest hour of this style came in the 1980s. True elite schoolgirls had to follow several rules: continuity, thrift, lightness, sportiness and education. Nowadays, this style is considered simple and elegant and will never go out of fashion. On the street, "elite" can be distinguished from others by the following elements of clothing: button-down shirts, knitted vests, jeans, skirts, pearls, a sea stripe, moccasins, sandals.
2. Punk rock. The main colors of this style are black, white, red and pink. The style is distinguished by the following elements of clothing: jeans with rivets and zippers, asymmetrical T-shirts, black leather pants, belts with spikes, stockings, sneakers.
3. Gothic glamour. Germanic tribes gave rise to this subculture. And officially it appeared in England in 1970. Fans of this style can be easily recognized by the following items of clothing: everything that can be black, fluffy skirts, corsets, belts, vintage dresses, black leather, army boots, stockings, black nail polish, black lipstick, shadows, etc.
4. Hippies - This style is characterized by simplicity and unpretentiousness, an abundance of accessories, the presence of ethnic components. As true "children of flowers", hippies love everything natural. Natural materials, a minimum of clothing, a maximum of bright colors. Hippies wear simple cotton T-shirts without labels and logos of famous companies. Also, the hippie style can include leather or denim vests. One of the most characteristic details of the hippie wardrobe is flared jeans or trousers. The colors used in hippie clothing are the brightest, acidic. Hippies wear simple flip-flops, bright sneakers, sandals on their feet, or even go barefoot.
5.Denim - denim clothing is a comfort favorite.
Now there is a confusing mixture of youth cultures. There is no universal “look”. Anything unusual is acceptable. That is why subcultures
Most often it is the informal people - representatives of contemporary subcultures.
The word “informal” means unusual, bright and original. Informality is an attempt to show their individuality, to tell the grey crowd about their personality, to defy the world with its endless weekdays and alignment of all in a row.
By direction of the interests sociologist M. Topalov classifies youth associations and groups in a following way:
- Passion for contemporary youth music;
- Striving towards social activities;
- Actively engaging in certain types of sports;
- Different fans;
- Philosophy and mystery;
- Defenders of the environment.
Most believe that the British are engaged in football, in second place, in their opinion, walking with friends, and in third place – watching movies and TV shows. Very soon we will compare these assumptions with actual indicators.
British entertainment has its own national roots and traditions. Typical entertainments are cricket, tennis, golf, horse polo, fishing, etc. There are photography clubs, art, philatelists, discussion clubs. After studying British statistical websites and consulting with an indigenous resident, I made a graph on which the preferences of British teenagers are clearly distributed.
Аs you may have noticed Information technology takes up most of their lives and less and less they communicate and play with friends on the street. Playing computer games is one of the most popular entertainment in the UK. Phones are also an integral part of the lives of British teenagers. 2/3 of teenagers aged 12-15 have smart phones and send 200 messages a week.
Of course, like all teenagers, the British like to visit cinemas. After all, the atmosphere in such places is especially incredible: you and your friends or classmates choose a movie, buy popcorn and drinks and literally run into the cinema, trying not to laugh so as not to disturb other people. By the way, the most sold-out champion in 2022 was the action movie "No Time to Die" released in early October. 96.54 million pounds brought the twenty-fifth Bond film to the third place in the history of the British film distribution. Only the seventh episode of "Star Wars" "The Force Awakens" (123.2 million pounds) and one of the predecessors "007: Skyfall Coordinates" collected more.
Of course, speaking of British celebrities, I can't help but mention a man everyone knows. Daniel Radcliffe is a British stage and film actor. His career began with the filming of David Copperfield, but he became known as the performer of the role of Harry Potter in the series of films of the same name based on the works of author Joan Rowling.
One of the most popular singers that the British prefer to listen to Ed Sheeran, Adele, The Weekend. Harry Edward Styles is an English singer and the idol of millions of teenagers, the youngest of the five members of the world-famous boy band One Direction.
In conclusion, I can say one thing. Comparing teenagers living in two completely different countries, I realized that we still have something in common. we are all worried about our future, trying to attract attention to ourselves, to prove to ourselves and everyone that you can achieve everything. Thanks to this conference, I met wonderful people with whom I communicate to this day. I also really fell in love with this country with all my heart and I definitely plan to visit it. I really hope that you liked my project and you were interested with me!
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