презентация на тему "В мире животных"
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Bokareva Alina and Korsakova Polina 7 « b » Zoos .Слайд 2
List of the best zoos in the world : Singapore Zoo - The most free San Diego Zoo - The most progressive Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna - The oldest Ranua Zoo in Rovaniemi - The most Arctic Berlin Zoo - The most diverse Loro Park in Tenerife - The most sonorous Chiang Mai Zoo - The cutest Prague Zoo - The most impressive London Zoo - The most scientific Australia Zoo - The most extreme
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The plan of our zoo . « figli »
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Wild cats 15% Pandas 55% 30% O ther animals A nimals in the zoo .
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Contact corner of the zoo .
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C orner of the oceanarium .
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Cafe with puppies.
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C omfort for animals .
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C annot : Do not tease or scare animals Keep clean, use urns Take pictures of animals without using a flash Make noise Put children on barriers and fences . Entrance to the zoo with animals is prohibited ! Do not break branches of trees and shrubs Smoking is prohibited on the territory of the zoo … Rules!
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Waiting for you! Do you have any questions? b okareva . lina@inbox . ru +7 920 004-85-42 inst : zoo_figli_Peter
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The end .
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