На уроках иностранного языка учащиеся знакомятся с природными богатствами России. Национальные парки играют важную роль.
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NATIONAL PARKS Task completed : Dedkova DariaСлайд 2
National parks in Russia
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Yugyd Va National Park This national park, created in 1994, is under the protection of UNESCO. It is the largest national park in Russia.
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There are about 30 species of mammals in the national park, including: reindeer, elk, bear, wolf, wolverine and fox.
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The park is also home to more than 120 species of birds. The most common are capercaillie , black grouse, grouse and partridge. Some bird species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation .
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In the sources of the rivers located on the territory of the reserve, salmon breeds.
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Conclusion Visit a nature reserve or a national park, get acquainted with its vegetation and inhabitants, take a look at crystal clear reservoirs, majestic mountains, traces of ancient civilizations. Take care of nature – and it will reward you with its beauty.
Астрономический календарь. Октябрь, 2018
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