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Good people are like a warm sun
Ayusheeva Sanzhina, 5B
Organizer: T. G. Ugryumova
Secondary school number 35, Ulan-Ude
Good people are like the warm sun
My dad is a minister of the Buddhist datsan and we have many books about Buddhism at home. From childhood I know that Dalai Lama 14 is the spiritual leader of Buddhists. The followers of Buddhism consider him a saintman.
The Dalai Lama was born on 6 July 1935 into a poor Tibetan family. At the age of six he began his studies at a monastery in Tibet. He had no childhood, children's toys and children's parties. At the monastery he received a higher religious education. Also among the main subjects were mathematics, medicine, logic, fine arts.
There are people in the world who give their whole lives to serving others. The Dalai Lama lives in the care of others, not thinking about his own well-being and contentment. His teachings and books call for peace, non-violence, responsibility for nature. The Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to protect the environment and for the peaceful struggle to liberate Tibet from the Chinese invaders. The Dalai Lama is a very humble person and always says that he is a simple monk.
I like that he likes to joke and always smiles. I think he mentally wants to hug and cheer everyone. He has very kind, wise eyes and looks like a warm sun in the photograph. I agree that good people are like the warm sun.
Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекельберри Финна
Смекалка против Змея-Горыныча
Агния Барто. Сережа учит уроки
Астрономический календарь. Ноябрь, 2018
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