презентация (на английском языке), посвященная первому в мире космонавту - Юрию Алексеевичу Гагарину
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №2 г. Хвалынска Саратовской области Региональный интернет-конкурс обучающихся, воспитанников и педагогов «Он сказал: «Поехали!» Номинация: Презентация на английском языке « The first cosmonaut in the world » Выполнила: Миронова Вера, учащаяся 4а класса Руководитель: Иванова Е.С., учитель английского языкаСлайд 2
The first cosmonaut in the world
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Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was a prominent Russian cosmonaut. He was the first man who dared to make a journey into outer space.
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Gagarin was born on March 9th 1934, in a small village called Klushino , near Gzhatsk . Today this town is called Gagarin after the first Russian cosmonaut. His family was neither rich nor famous. Gagarin’s father was a humble worker and his mum was a milkmaid. Apart from Yuri, there were three other children in the family.
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The future cosmonaut had an uneasy childhood. As many people at those times, his family suffered from Nazi occupation. In 1941 he started attending a local school, but his studies were interrupted by the World War II.
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In 1951 Yuri Gagarin graduated with an honors degree from an evening school in Lyubertsy . In 1955 he graduated from the Saratov Industrial Technical School.
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During his student years Gagarin also attended a local aviation club. Gradually, aviation became his life’s work.
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In 1960 Gagarin started preparing for the flight into space.
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His first flight into space took place on April 12th 1961. Gagarin spent 108 minutes there in the spaceship “ Vostok ”, and this date became an international Cosmonautics Day.
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After this flight Gagarin became a world hero. He visited many countries and met millions of people.
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Gagarin died on March 27th 1968 but will be always dearly remembered in Russia and in many other corners of the globe.
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References Докучаев Ю. Юрий Гагарин. — М.: Детская литература, 1981. Internet sources https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri%27s_Night https://denkosmonavtiki.ru/ https://yandex.ru/images/search?from=tabbar&text=Cosmonautics%20Day(images)
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