Творческий проект Досуг детей 20 века
Выполнила: ученица 7 класса
Дворяшина Виктория
Руководитель проекта: Ревер Ангелина Васильевна
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Слайд 1
Leisure for children of the 20th centuryСлайд 2
Literature as the development of children's leisure Literature is one of the most accessible and popular leisure activities for children. Books could be found in the library, shops and at school. there are many different genres: fairy tales, short stories, novellas, poems.
Слайд 3
Movie Cinema is a separate activity of children. Cartoons and films, plays and various literary works. The guys went to the cinema to watch their favorite cartoons and fairy tales based on various writers and works. Cinema is one of the most common leisure activities for children.
Слайд 4
Active outdoor games Active outdoor games are probably the most common leisure time for children. There are a variety of mobile and fun games, such as hide-and-seek, salochki , Cossack robbers, rubber bands and classics. The children enjoyed playing different games and tried to come up with something new and interesting every time.
Слайд 5
Let's summarize what the children of the 20th century were doing after all. The childhood of children of the 20th century was very different from ours because there were no computers and phones then, children spent more time outside, played with friends, talked more and had fun.
Ломтик арбуза. Рисуем акварелью
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Астрономический календарь. Февраль, 2019