В презентации представлена информация о животных Курганской области.
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A PROJECT “MY HOME, MY LAND. FOREST ANIMALS” Smirnov Kirill Lyceum № 1 ShadrinskСлайд 2
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A SQUIRREL Squirrels have a slender body, long fluffy tail and long ears with tufts on the ends. Its fur is red and short in summer. It is grey, long and soft in winter. In the Urals squirrels live everywhere, they like coniferous forests. Squirrels eat seeds of coniferous trees, mushrooms, berries and insects. They also stores mushrooms for winter. Squirrels live in tree hollows or in nests in the trees You can see squirrels also in large town parks.
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A ROE DEER Roe deer is a graceful little deer. It is easy and swift. The head of the male is crowned with a sturdy horn with small spikes. It is brown with a small white spot near the tail. In winter they eat twigs and bark of aspen, willow, birch, shrubs. In summer they prefer herbs, berries and mushrooms. In autumn they prefer to go to those areas where there is less snow and more food. When it is hot in summer roe deer lie in the grass or bushes.
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A FOX Foxes have got a graceful body, pointed ears and fluffy tail. Big ears help foxes to catch the sounds, and the long tail helps to keep balance while running and protect from the cold. Fox’s fur is yellow or red. Foxes eat mice, gophers. They also like eating bird eggs from destroyed nests, fruit and berries. For hunting foxes choose night-time or early morning. Foxes live in the holes that they dug on hill slopes or river flooding.
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A WOLF W olf is a forest large animal. It has a thick and beautiful fur. The wolf eats reindeer, hares, carrion and birds. In search of food a wolf can travel long distances. In winter wolves gather to pack. Each pack has got its leader. It is the most experienced wolf. The wolf is also very smart. It can escape from danger , it is skilled in hunting . These animals have excellent senses of smell and acute hearing .
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A MOOSE M oose is a big and strong animal. The fur is long and thick, its colour is dark brown. Moose lives in young forests near the marshes and ponds. The moose is quick in the movements. He has well developed hearing and sense of smell, but weak eyesight. In summer moose eats marsh plants, young shoots and leaves of trees. In winter they eat branches of willow, aspen and birch. The main enemy of the moose is a wolf.
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There are more than 55 mammal species of animals in the forests of Zauralie . Nowadays people cut down trees , destroy the habitats of thousands of animals that’s why many rare animals are disappearing . People can help animals by building national parks, organizing special groups and funds which will take care of animals. Let’s save animals for future generations! http://www.priroda.kurganobl.ru/3583.html
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http://dokladiki.ru/doklad/los-opisanie-zhivotnogo-dlya-detey http://detskiychas.ru/obo_vsyom/rasskazy_o_prirode/rasskaz_o_volke https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = dESq 4 Vuizrk https://givotniymir.ru/kosulya-osobennosti-i-obraz-zhizni-kosuli/ http://simple-fauna.ru/wild-animals/obyknovennaya-belka/ https://yandex.ru/search/?from=chromesearch&clid=2242348&text=%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%20%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%20%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9%208-10%20%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82&lr=11159 https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B0%20%D0%B2%20%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%83&lr=11159 https :// yandex . ru / video / search ? text =% D 0% BB % D 0% BE % D 1%81% D 1%8 C %20% D 0% B 2%20% D 0% BB % D 0% B 5% D 1%81% D 1%83& where = all & where = all https :// yandex . ru / video / search ? filmId =953197741542562818& text =% D 0% B 2% D 0% B 8% D 0% B 4% D 0% B 5% D 0% BE %20% D 0% B 1% D 0% B 5% D 0% BB % D 0% BA % D 0% B 0%20% D 0% B 2%20% D 0% BB % D 0% B 5% D 1%81% D 1%83& reqid =1512843170107115-1048896460133637979636031- man 1-5503- V SOURCES OF INFORMATION
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