История развития космоса
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The history of space exploration Выполнил ученик 9 класса Марков Михаил Учитель: Галян Л.А.Слайд 2
Astronomers had been exploring the universe long before the beginning of space flights. Galileo made the first optical telescope used for astronomy in 1609.
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Later scientist got a lot more information about the solar system and its planets with help of interplanetary probes.
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The first manned flight took place on April 12 th , 1961, when Yuri Gagarin went into orbit in the Soviet Vostok 1 spaceship and proved that man could survive in space
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From the beginning of the space age, both the Soviet Union and the USA were active in the exploration of the solar system. Both countries had their own space programmes, competing with each other.
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Literature sources English textbook (page 45 №3)
Астрономический календарь. Декабрь, 2018
Именинный пирог
Солдатская шинель
Валентин Берестов. Аист и соловей
Цветущая сакура