Лучшее сочинение на английском языке муниципального конкурса сочинений "Дом под крышей голубой", посвященном Международному году мира и доверия - 2021.
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If there is trust in the world ...
Khonikhoev Timur, 11G
Organizer: T. G. Ugryumova
Secondary school number 35, Ulan-Ude
If there is trust in the world ...
Trust is the basis of relationship between two people, it is the starting point for all human communication. It does not have to be earned. It is enough to do a good deed to get it from the other person, to know your business like the back of your hand or to earn it in simple human interaction. A great example of trust between two people is friendship. There are many proverbs and sayings on the subject of friendship, it is praised in all sorts of films, endless TV series, millions of stories and books. Friendship is built on trust and nothing else. You can open any secrets, tell secrets, and ask for practical advice only to a true friend. If you believe a person's words, it means you trust them. It's easy to gain their trust, but just as easy to lose it. One wrong step can destroy friendship, love and contact between people. That's why it's so important not to destroy it.
«One for all and all for one!» is an expression we know from the film D'Artanian and the «Three Musketeers». This film is based on the novel The Three Musketeers by Alexander Duma the father. This phrase was the motto for the Musketeers to act. They bravely fought for each other, worked together as a team and strove to achieve their goals. However, an interesting fact is that the expression originated in ancient times among the Slavic peoples. Such a phrase lifted the spirits of soldiers before a battle, swearing to serve the truth and faith of Russia. Currently, the phrase has acquired the status of a stable expression - phraseology. We can hear «One for all and all for one» from young people who are just beginning their life journey and strive to work together - as a team to create a good society more and more often. This phrase is an excellent example of the relationship of trust. Even if there is no trust between groups of people, you can start to build it using this or another phrase like it.
If there is trust in the world, then things are shaping up to be the best possible human relationship. I shouldn’t say that it is everywhere and always, but even so, we trust people more than we do. Who thinks of an accident when they travel: when they get on a bus, an underground or a train? Who doesn't apply the doctor's prescription and ignores the doctor's recommendations? Who doesn't listen to the teacher in class when he or she is talking about a new topic? I think that an extremely small percent of people do not trust the experience of the driver; the same percent of people do not believe in the benefits of medicine and science by their own exclusive nature. This disbelief has several reasons, individual to each opinion. But for the most part, without even thinking about it, we believe these strangers. Knowing only their kind of work, we realize that they have no intention of harming us.
If everyone trusts the people around them more, the world will become a much more interesting place, our life will be filled with sunny days, bright colours and unforgettable impressions. May there be more trust in the world!
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