Цель данного пособия – дать обучающемуся и учителю дополнительные материалы для развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся и успешной сдачи ими единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку. Пособие содержит 20 типовых вариантов со всеми необходимыми дополнительными материалами, которые включают ответы.
Материалы пособия могут использоваться на занятиях под руководством учителя или в процессе самостоятельного повторения пройденного и подготовки к ЕГЭ. При использовании пособия в школе рекомендуется задавать выполнение типового варианта на дом (с самоконтролем времени), а в классе разбирать вызвавшие затруднения вопросы и анализировать работы. Это повысит не только эффективность классных занятий, но и чувство ответственности обучающихся за результаты экзамена.
Одна из важнейших задач обучения – обеспечить усвоение лексико-грамматического материала в объеме, предписанном федеральным компонентом государственного образовательного стандарта, его тренировку в коммуникативно значимом контексте и воспитывать сознательное отношение к оперированию лексическими и грамматическими единицами. Работа с данным пособием даст возможность учителю уделить больше внимания функционально-смысловой стороне использования грамматических форм и вопросам сочетаемости лексических единиц. Перед тем как приступить к выполнению заданий, повторите грамматический материал.
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Английский язык
Лексика и грамматика
Типовые экзаменационные варианты
15 вариантов
Составитель: Дегтярева Л.
Цель данного пособия – дать обучающемуся и учителю дополнительные материалы для развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся и успешной сдачи ими единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку. Пособие содержит 20 типовых вариантов со всеми необходимыми дополнительными материалами, которые включают ответы.
Материалы пособия могут использоваться на занятиях под руководством учителя или в процессе самостоятельного повторения пройденного и подготовки к ЕГЭ. При использовании пособия в школе рекомендуется задавать выполнение типового варианта на дом (с самоконтролем времени), а в классе разбирать вызвавшие затруднения вопросы и анализировать работы. Это повысит не только эффективность классных занятий, но и чувство ответственности обучающихся за результаты экзамена.
Одна из важнейших задач обучения – обеспечить усвоение лексико-грамматического материала в объеме, предписанном федеральным компонентом государственного образовательного стандарта, его тренировку в коммуникативно значимом контексте и воспитывать сознательное отношение к оперированию лексическими и грамматическими единицами. Работа с данным пособием даст возможность учителю уделить больше внимания функционально-смысловой стороне использования грамматических форм и вопросам сочетаемости лексических единиц. Перед тем как приступить к выполнению заданий, повторите грамматический материал.
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика
Вариант 1
Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначены номерами 1-7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1-7.
The Thorn Birds
_________information about life on Australian sheep stations,
but it also includes a dramatic love story.
as soon as it was published.
TV miniseries __________________ Richard Chamberlain STAR
and Rachel Ward.
GPS functions
drivers tracking and navigation. Yet, the ___________
inventions are even more modern and sophisticated,
offering extra
opportunities to people.
tracking systems ____________ to lower car insurance.
or an insurance premium.
popular among drivers very soon.
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in New Zealand. The __________________ of Auckland
is getting close to 1.4 million residents.
of the country, between the Waitakere Ranges and
the Hauraki Gulf.
________ to the climate in most of Europe.
which is why it is a popular destination for numerous
immigrants to New Zealand.
Auckland. Most expats find it very easy to communicate
with the locals, who are very __________________.
of nature and free space, which is appreciated a lot,
especially by those coming from more densely inhabited .
Вариант 2
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What is Sanscrit?
approximately 1500 BCE and possibly even earlier
eras which are difficult to determine because the language ________
long before it was written.
different ways, as “complete,” “perfect,” or “pulled together.”
The origins of this language appear to lie in vulgar dialects
which were organized and codified, first into Vedic Sanskrit
and later into a more modern form around 500 BCE.
descended from Sanskrit, and while the language is not
widely spoken in India today, there __________________
some movements to revive spoken forms, and the influences
of this language can be seen on many levels of Indian culture and across Southeast Asia.
What is Rigveda?
sacred to followers of the Hindu religion. CONSIDER
known collectively as the Vedas; together, the Vedas
form the cornerstone of Hindu belief, ___________
_______ the mythology of the religion, the roles of the
assorted Hindu gods, and detailing various rituals which
should be performed by pious Hindus.
around 1500 BCE, with most scholars arguing that
the Rigveda had been passed down orally for centuries
before it __________________.
__________________ during a period in Indian history
which is known as the Vedic Period. Dating of the Vedic
Period varies, but it is generally defined as lasting between
1500 BCE and 184 BCE.
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How similar is ancient Greek to modern Greek?
accents and the vocabulary has naturally changed
over time, but the __________________ core of the
language is the same.
an ancient text, although trying to translate may
often lead to tragic __________________ .
of course much __________________ than archaic Greek
(f.e. Homer).
to __________________ miss learning Ancient in
school, have a couple of additional resources that
help with their ability to comprehend Ancient.
___________ Old English, exists all over the written
and spoken word.
________ in it would have been maintained even without
Вариант 3
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of the atmosphere and of ocean waters with carbon.
Atmospheric CO2 absorbs and re-emits infrared-wavelength
radiation, leading to warmer air, soils, and ocean surface
__________ – which is good because the planet would
be frozen solid without this.
Burning of fossil fuels, deforestation for agriculture,
and industrial activities ___________ up atmospheric
CO2 concentrations from 280 parts per million (ppm)
200 years ago, to about 400 ppm today. That’s an
unprecedented rise, in both size and speed. The result:
climate disruption.
___________ by burning coal, oil, gas and wood.
The World Health Organization.
were attributable to diseases caused by carcinogens and
other poisons in polluted air.
with renewable energy, reducing emissions from
agriculture as well as.
clean energy is abundant – it just needs to be harvested.
Many say a 100 percent renewable-energy future is feasible
with existing technology now.
infrastructure – solar panels, wind turbines, energy
storage and distribution systems – are already widespread,
and getting cheaper and more efficient all the time, experts
say we __________ them quickly enough to prevent
catastrophic climate disruption. Barriers in policy and
finance remain to be overcome.
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Extreme Sports
and the most common of them are money, ___________
and fitness.
some sports mat be really ________.
because they are bored with the traditional way of life.
So extreme sports have become part of youth’s culture.
even though these activities are often ______
and any mistake could result in an injury or even death.
while others can be performed without ___________ guidance.
Вариант 4
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Tours That Emphasize Adventure
year to contemplate a career move, Shannon Elarton
__________________ up to visit Tanzania in May with
Adventure Women, a women-only tour company, on a hunch
that she might gain some perspective from her fellow travelers.
deeper than you would get in a basic tour,” and got it one
day when the company owner, Judi Wineland, introduced
the group to 12 women from a local Masai community.
gift for me,” she said. “At the end of the day we all want
the same things: to have work, to provide for our family,
to have a family.”
and search one’s soul __________________ to women,
of course.
from new companies and established ones, suggests
women are keen to wander well beyond resorts
__________________ girlfriend getaway packages and
mother-daughter spa retreats.
retreats __________________ as a springboard to more
emotionally charged events such as Renew, a breakup
boot camp coming Dec. 1-3 to an estate in Saugerties, N.Y.
and hunting getaways for ages and it’s finally time for
women to have the equal amount of hall passes so to speak,
” said Mollie Fitzgerald, the owner of Frontiers International Travel,
a Gibsonia, Pa.-based travel agency.
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which refers to its rebuilding after the fire. The current city is
__________________ the second Chicago, after the one
that disappeared in 1871.
States’__________city, after New York City.
suspect that Chicago got this nickname from the winds
off Lake Michigan, which shove through the downtown
__________________ with intense force.
Some say it may have been coined by rivals like Cincinnati
and New York as a derogatory reference to the Chicagoan
__________________ political conventions. Others say
that the term originated from the fact that Chicago politicians
change their minds as "often as the wind."
It refers to Chicago’s labor tradition and the long hours worked
by its residents, its willingness to tackle grand civic projects
and to make fortunes for a__________________ few.
and the heart of comedy. Here the age of railroads found its
center, and airplanes followed suit. It’s a city with a swagger,
but without the surliness or even the fake smiles found in other cities of__________________ size.
Вариант 5
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Olympic Games
Ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games every four
years in honor of_____________ gods. The Greeks treated
the games as a fair. City leaders talked politics and sometimes
even signed treaties.
the temple of Zeus in Olympia from distant places________
the excitement. Shouting sellers sold food and drink. Most of all,
however, people gathered to watch the running contests, the
discus throwing, the chariot racing, and the wrestling matches.
They cheered on their favorites.
the first in the contests, became the winners.
they were celebrated as heroes in their home_____________
___________ front-row seats at different public events.
In 1896 the _____modern Olympic Games were held
in Athens to honor the ancient Greeks.
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Farm and city in Spain
it seems to be caked with__________ heat. A light
breeze is a real blessing, as it whispers in the silvery
leaves of hundreds of olive trees. Some of the trees in
these groves were planted 200 years ago.
often do not work on their farms. Tenant farmers do this
for them. Tenant farmers farm other peoples land and pay
rent in money or by giving the owner a share of the crop.
not make a ______ from the poor soil of their farms have
moved to work in.
But whether a family is staying in Barcelona or on the farm,
they try not to miss a fair, especially if it is Seville’s annual
April Fair.
of riders and carriages. All the men dress in black
and the women in bright colours. (COLOUR)
_______ to the sound of guitars and the snap of castanets.
Вариант 6
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U.S. government shutdown over border wall
the Christmas period due to a lack of agreement over
funding for the proposed wall along the Mexico border.
Politicians say it is likely that the federal closures
__________ until after Christmas.
of the year.
promised a "very long" government shutdown if Democrats
__________________ the border wall.
the wall, which was one of the President's major election
promises in 2016. He said: "I hope we don't, but we
_________ for a very long shutdown."
do not vote for border security.
in a statement. She said: "Due to the shutdown, President Trump
will remain in Washington, D.C. and the First Lady_________
from Florida so they can spend Christmas together."
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Woman to catch up with men's pay in 200 years
economic __________________.
annual Global Gender Gap Report from the World Economic Forum.
earn about 20-30 per cent__________________ on
average than men.
positions. The report said: "Women still encounter
significant obstacles in taking on__________________
or senior official roles."
only a small amount this year. The__________________
gap between the sexes was in politics. It said: "
Only 23 percent of the political gap..has been closed,
and no country has...closed political empowerment gaps."
The report said: "The equal contribution of women
and men...is critical....Societies cannot afford to
lose out on the skills...of half of__________________ ."
Вариант 7
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New Sesame Street character highlights homelessness
Sesame Street __________________ a new character
to highlight the plight of homeless children.
is helping to tackle the issue of homelessness via a new
character called Lily..
homeless after her family lost their apartment.
in the USA who are also homeless. Millions more
youngsters around the world are in the same situation.
A Sesame Street spokeswoman, Sherrie Westin,
hoped the character Lily __________________ the stigma
associated with homelessness and allow children to identify with her,
"and hopefully feel less alone".
awareness of social issues among children. Other tough topics
they have addressed include __________________ with parents
who are in prison, living with autism, and facing bullies at school.
to children who have no permanent home. She said:
"We know children experiencing homelessness are
often caught up in a devastating cycle of trauma.
homeless, those children may suffer due to poverty,
domestic violence, or other trauma that caused them
to lose their home." She added: "We want homeless children
to know that they are not alone."
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'Yellow Vests' protests to continue in France
it has not experienced for generations.
been rocked by a serious of nationwide, ______________
so called because protestors don high-visibility yellow
jackets usually worn by the emergency services.
cost of living, and claims that a(n) __________________
burden of new tax reforms were falling on the working
and middle classes.
a state of social and economic emergency". The violence
has caused over a billion dollars in damages so far.
This figure is set to rise as __________________ demos are planned.
his proposed rise in fuel prices, deliver tax ____________
for the poor and cancel a tax on retired people. He called for the havoc
and mayhem to end and for calm and order to return.
Вариант 8
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What is a rainbow?
of the sun's light by rain or other water droplets in the atmosphere. CAUSE
on misty or foggy days, in the spray of a waterfall,
and even in dew, basically they can appear whenever
there are water droplets in the air and there is sunlight
__________________ from behind at the right angle.
with a hosepipe, you can even create your own rainbow in the garden.
rainbow above the primary rainbow. The secondary rainbow
__________________ the order of the colours reversed, too,
with red on the bottom and violet on the top.
all created to explain them, because let's face it, rainbows are among the__________________ of nature’s displays.
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Smiling a lot is a valued trait
that will assist in making contacts and reaching your goals.
__________________ expression is an art in itself.
a lot of courage is needed to do it. Especially in situations
where when it's preferable to smile, we tend to clench our
__________________ and look too tense.
Вариант 9
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Teaching wild birds to sing a new tune
__________________ in the laboratory.
the wild. The researchers__________________ the challenges
in the new study by focusing their attention
on Savannah Sparrows living at Bowdoin Scientific Station on Kent Island.
of their birth to breed as adults. That made it possible
for researchers to expose young birds to novel songs
and then record those same animals when they________
from migration to breed the next year.
from the University of Windsor, University of Guelph,
and Williams College, developed a new type of loudspeaker
that is programmable, solar powered, light activated, and weatherproof .
with distinctive acoustic signatures for the wild sparrows
over tutoring sessions that lasted for months.
Over a six-year period between 2013 and 2018, they experimentally, __________________ five cohorts of Savannah Sparrows, from the time they hatched to adulthood.
that matched the broadcasted songs. Those songs differed
from anything the birds would have heard otherwise.
In all thirty cases, the researchers report, the birds produced songs__________________ phrase.
decades of field study.
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Javan leopard
(Panthera pardus melas) is one of the__________________
subspecies of leopard.
and its population status and distribution remain________
__________ known.
distribution modeling to predict the locations of suitable
leopard habitats throughout Java, based on the most extensive Javan leopard__________________ dataset available.
previously produced by the government of Indonesia
and International Union for Conservation of Nature.
and reveals that the leopard population spans several __________________ fragmented landscapes, which are far more isolated than previously thought.
of maintaining connectivity between protected areas
and human-modified landscapes, because adjacent production
forests and secondary forests were found to provide vital extensions for several Javan leopard subpopulations.
Вариант 10
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Quick thinkers are charismatic
respond more quickly to general knowledge questions and visual tasks__________________ as more charismatic by their friends,
independently of IQ and other personality traits.
knowing the right thing to do,"__________________
psychological scientist William von Hippel of the University
of Queensland in Australia. "Social intelligence also requires
an ability to execute, and the quickness of our mind is an important
component of that ability."
exude more charisma than others, and wanted to understand
the factors that might drive these differences.
" von Hipper explains.
musicians, and other public figures, one thing that stood out is that
they are quick on their feet."
contribute to charisma, the researchers conducted two
studies with a combined total of 417 participants. Participants in the studies completed established measures of intelligence and personality.
friends to rate how "charismatic," "funny," and "quick-witted" they__________________. To measure mental speed, participants
then answered 30 common-knowledge questions
(e.g., "Name a precious gem") as quickly as possible.
Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначены номерами 1-6, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1-6.
__________________ draw the attention and admiration
(or even hatred if the charisma is negative) of others due
to a "magnetic" quality of personality or appearance.
positive energy joie de vivre, extreme charm, personal magnetism,
personal appeal, "electricity," and allure, among many others.
many of these qualities must be present within a single individual
for the person to be considered highly charismatic by the public and__________________ peers.
charismatic individuals generally project __________________ calmness, confidence, assertiveness, dominance, authenticity, and focus.
________ skills.
Вариант 11
Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначены номерами 1-6, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1-6.
____________ as a mere stopover on the way to the country’s
breathtaking beaches—and it’s a notion not exactly unwarranted.
traffic most people ________ever__________, Manila doesn’t
make itself easy to love. But to go by first impressions
would be to miss out on Southeast Asia’s most underrated capital.
for much of my personal—and especially professional—life.
But the older I get, the more I realize those narratives have
also given Manila its magic. It’s a city in constant flux— forever
contending with its past while raising a glass to the future.
imagination, resourcefulness, and optimism, with upstart
creative communities, a worldclass food scene, and arts
and design industries that ________long__________ a low key
player on the global scene.
the sun-kissed paradise of Palawan or Siargao, ________
_________ stopover a few more days. EXTEND
Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначены номерами 1-6, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1-6.
New names for degrees
degrees awarded by American universities has increased
by more than 22,000 over the past 30 years, an increase of 69%.
as their chosen fields of study have shifted in major ways.
of Earned Doctorates, an annual census of all individuals
earning a research doctorate from an accredited American
institution in an academic year. The SED has been conducted
since 1957, under the__________________ of the National Science Foundation’s National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics along
with five other federal agencies.
__________________ backgrounds and career plans as
well as the fields of study in which research doctorates are awarded.
In that year, 54,664 research doctorates were awarded,
compared to 32,365 in 1987, reflecting ________________
increases in almost every year across those three decades.
nature of the recipients and the disciplines they’re studying.
Вариант 12
Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначены номерами 1-7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1-7.
Latin may help students bridge their native language with English
English Learners -- students who aren't fluent in English.
helped them problem solve the meaning of unfamiliar words.
of academic words in English,"__________________
Amy Crosson, assistant professor of education at Penn State.
which __________________ "new." Crosson said that
because "nuevo" also means "new" in Spanish, students
can build on their home-language knowledge to learn both
the Latin root and the meaning of "innovate.
"Spanish speakers will know that 'grada' means 'step' in Spanish.
This can help them learn and remember that the Latin root 'grad' also
means 'step.' That in turn __________________ build
the meaning of the target word, 'gradual,' which means
'little by little' or 'step by step.'"
these students to learn English as quickly as they can,
possibly at the risk of losing their native language, emerging research__________________ the benefits of bilingualism.
students to develop and build on their home languages while
they are developing academic English.
Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначены номерами 1-6, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1-6.
Infants are more likely to learn when with a peer
University of Washington looked at the mechanisms
involved in language learning among nine-month-olds,
the__________________ population known to be studied
in relation to onscreen learning.
among infants who were coupled with a peer, as compared
to those infants who viewed the instruction alone.
partners were paired with the infants, the better results the
babies showed.
Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Early Childhood
Learning at the University of Washington. "What this study
introduces for the__________________ time is that part
of the reason we learn better when we learn collaboratively
is that a social partner increases arousal, and arousal in turn increases learning.
the paired-exposure setting was__________________ of more
mature brain processing of the sounds, write the researchers,
and it is likely that they represent the earliest stages of infants
' sound learning.
the importance of social__________________ for children's learning,
especially from screen media.
Вариант 13
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Teeth Problems
home from school. “There you are!” she cried when he
opened the door. She anxiously asked him where he ________.
“I missed the bus and had to walk here,” Alex replied. BE
said. “That means you ________ to leave school early,” she continued.
” Alex said. “ ________ too,” his mother replied tiredly.
A Great Vacation
It was the ________ time in her life, when she could go to the beach every day.
the ocean around her. One day she even saw a sea turtle while she ________.
She and her family went to a special dinner and a show called luau. HAPPEN
Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначены номерами 1-6, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1-6.
Russian Weather
to be clouded in myths and legends. Russia is a huge country,
spanning its ___________ zones from polar arctic to subtropical
and everything in between.
with great ________ in temperature between winter and summer months.
are pleasantly warm, with _________________hot spells.
of daylight in the middle of the season and temperatures
recorded at way below freezing point.
the snow that _______ often underestimate the warmth of Moscow summers.
many Moscow residents would suggest spring and
early autumn as the best time to visit Moscow.
Вариант 14
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The Academy Awards
__________________ a set of awards given annually
for excellence of cinematic achievements. The Oscar statuette
is officially named the Academy Award of Merit and is one of nine
types of Academy Awards.
of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), the awards
__________________ each year at a formal ceremony.
a ceremony created for the awards, at the Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood.
the categories presented__________________ ; currently
Oscars are given in more than a dozen categories, and include films
of various types.
the Academy Awards ceremony__________________
live in more than 100 countries annually.
it is essentially not on the open market.
Since 1950, the statuettes__________________ by the requirement that neither winners nor their heirs may sell the statuettes without first offering
to sell them back to the Academy for US$1.
then the Academy keeps the statuette. Academy Awards
not protected by this agreement have been sold in public
auctions and private deals for six-figure sums.
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Mr. Bean
________ written by and starring Rowan Atkinson.
is based on a character__________________ developed
by Atkinson while he was studying for his master's degree at Oxford University.
in the life of Mr. Bean.
as "a child in a grown man's body".
by everyday tasks and often causes__________________ in the process.
series is derived from his interactions with other people and his
__________ solutions to situations.
Вариант 15
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The history of English
is now the south-eastern part of Scotland. Following extensive
___________ of the United Kingdom and Great Britain throughout.
centuries, the language ___________ widely around the world.
related dialects resulted in English. Germanic settlers who
___________ on Great Britain’s eastern coast spoke this language,
which at the time was called Anglo-Saxon.
what used to be the Angeln ancestral region. Influence
also came from the Viking invasions in the ninth and tenth
___________. English is important for career development.
more global companies ___________ English as their main language.
It is also worth nothing that English is being adopted by international.
the official language, ___________ their own native language.
As the operator of the chain Uniqlo, he made his entire
staff learn English and once made a warning to fire or at the very least,
demote those who were not very fluent. Mikitani ___________
the belief that the language of English helps in promoting
attributes such as creativity and free thinking among employees.
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The Internet – a Blessing or a Curse?
is a unique ___________, which has influenced all areas of our lives.
Is it a blessing or a curse?
communicate ___________ with people all over the world.
the world of facts and knowledge ___________ to everyone.
one of its ___________. This diversity makes it difficult to find
the type of information you want.
because of cybercriminals. The information wars of the future may be
fought on Web sites.
Раздел 3.
Лексика и грамматика
Вариант 1
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | us |
2 | brought |
3 | starring |
4 | latest |
5 | areused |
6 | doesn’t; doesnotbreak |
7 | willbecome |
1 | population |
2 | conveniently |
3 | comparable |
4 | disappoint |
5 | friendly |
6 | locations; location |
Вариант 2
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | hadbeenspoken |
2 | istranslated |
3 | havebeen |
4 | isconsidered |
5 | explaining |
6 | waswritten |
7 | werecomposed |
1 | basic |
2 | misinterpretations |
3 | easier |
4 | completely |
5 | unlike |
6 | literacy |
Вариант 3
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | waters |
2 | havepushed |
3 | caused |
4 | hasestimated |
5 | replacing |
6 | changing |
7 | arenotapplying |
1 | popularity |
2 | dangerous |
3 | especially |
4 | unsafe |
5 | professional |
6 | variety |
Вариант 4
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | signed |
2 | craving |
3 | wasfinished |
4 | isnotlimited |
5 | touting |
6 | haveserved |
7 | havebeentaking |
1 | literally |
2 | second |
3 | corridors |
4 | endless |
5 | lucky |
6 | its |
Вариант 5
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | their |
2 | towitness |
3 | mostsuccessful |
4 | cities |
5 | werewritten |
6 | best |
7 | fist |
1 | dusty |
2 | owners |
3 | living |
4 | industrial |
5 | colorful |
6 | rhythmically |
Вариант 6
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | willcintinue |
2 | third |
3 | don’tfund; donotfund |
4 | areprepared |
5 | tweeted |
6 | hasaffected |
7 | willreturn |
1 | equality |
2 | recently |
3 | less |
4 | managerial |
5 | largest |
6 | humanity |
Вариант 7
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | hasintroduced |
2 | hasbeenaired |
3 | wasleft |
4 | wouldreduce |
5 | dealing |
6 | stressed |
7 | being |
1 | unrest |
2 | violent |
3 | movement |
4 | unequal |
5 | more |
6 | relief |
Вариант 8
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | appears |
2 | arecaused |
3 | shining |
4 | iscalled |
5 | are |
6 | willhave |
7 | mostbeautiful |
1 | sincerely |
2 | likeability |
3 | appreciated |
4 | impression |
5 | facial |
6 | jaws |
Вариант 9
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | havebeenconducted |
2 | overcame |
3 | returned |
4 | including |
5 | tutored |
6 | containing |
7 | hadn’tbeenrecorded;hadnotbeenrecorded |
1 | mostthreatened |
2 | poorly |
3 | occurrence |
4 | predictive |
5 | highly |
6 | importance |
Вариант 10
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | wereperceived |
2 | says |
3 | wereintrigues |
4 | trying |
5 | looked |
6 | might |
7 | were |
1 | easily |
2 | terms |
3 | equanimity |
4 | their |
5 | unusual |
6 | oratorical |
Вариант 11
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | hasbeenseen |
2 | willencounter |
3 | hadtocontend |
4 | havebeen |
5 | book |
6 | extend |
7 | willnotregret |
1 | doctoral |
2 | composition |
3 | sponsorship |
4 | educational |
5 | gradual |
6 | greater |
Вариант 12
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | teaching |
2 | isspoken |
3 | said |
4 | means |
5 | willhelp |
6 | isshowing |
7 | added |
1 | youngest |
2 | evidence |
3 | critically |
4 | first |
5 | indicative |
6 | interaction |
Вариант 13
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | hadbeen |
2 | weresupposed |
3 | me |
4 | first |
5 | wasswimming |
6 | hapaned |
7 | best |
1 | climatic |
2 | variation |
3 | occasional |
4 | drastically |
5 | visitors |
6 | majority |
Вариант 14
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | are |
2 | aregiven |
3 | weregiven |
4 | havechanged |
5 | istelevised |
6 | haveencumbered |
7 | refuses |
1 | episodes |
2 | originally |
3 | funny |
4 | latter |
5 | disruption(s) |
6 | unusual |
Вариант 15
№ задания | Ответ |
1 | influences |
2 | hasbeenpropagated |
3 | settled |
4 | centuries |
5 | haveadopted |
6 | replacing |
7 | holds |
1 | invention |
2 | uncertain |
3 | easily |
4 | accessible |
5 | weaknesses |
6 | dangerous |
Свадьба в Малиновке
Агния Барто. Сережа учит уроки
Золотая хохлома
Волшебные звуки ноктюрна
Лев Николаевич Толстой. Индеец и англичанин (быль)