Химия и искусство неотделимо. Без знания свойств веществ невозможно было бы создание великих произведений искусства
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Химия и Искусство Chemistry and artСлайд 2
Purpose: Find out how chemistry and art are related, what paints are and their composition, find out how temperature, humidity and light affect paintings .
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Art (along with science) is one of the methods of cognition, both in the natural science and in the religious picture of the perception of the world. A painting is any complete, integral work of art, including a vivid and vivid description, oral or written, of types of nature.
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Paints - a general name for a group of colored dyes intended for direct use in a particular area of life. Краски
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Виды красок и их отличие друг от друга: Types of paints and their difference from each other: Гуашь и Пастель Gouache and Pastel Акварель и Тушь Watercolor and Ink
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Acrylic and Oil Coal and Tempera
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Ocher and Cinnabar Aurepigment and Massicot
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Purple and Lime chalk , alcanna
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Ингредиенты красок Paint ingredients Пигменты и связующие вещества Pigments and binders
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Органические пигменты Organic pigments They are obtained from natural sources, plant or animal origin .
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now there is a mass of paints containing "synthetic pigments", both in pure form and in mixtures, from which they make what is called "Analog" and are marked with the letter "A". Синтетические пигменты Synthetic pigments
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Связующие вещества Binders The main task of binders is to fix the coating on the ground and bind them together.
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Влияние температуры и относительной влажности . Influence of temperature and relative humidity The connection of the paint layer with the ground is broken, there is a stratification of the painting layer, its peeling and debris.
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Влияние света Influence of light Without light, in a dark room, the cover oil-varnish films and the oil on which the paints have been erased turn very yellow, causing a general darkening of the painting .
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Mix with a mixer 0.5 kg. flour, 5-6 tablespoons of salt, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil with water until the consistency of thick sour cream. We pour the dough into jars and paint with food colors, for example, from the Easter set Приготовление краски в домашних условиях Making paint at home
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