индивидуальный итоговый проект
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Ярцевская средняя школа № 1»Ярцевского района Смоленской области
Индивидуальный итоговый
практико-ориентированный проект
«How to keep fit?»
Автор проекта: Кусанков Артём
Руководитель: Собянина Екатерина Викторовна,
учитель иностранного языка
2018 г.
Паспорт проекта
Наименование ОУ | Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Ярцевская средняя школа № 1» Ярцевского района Смоленской области |
Тема | «Как поддерживать себя в форме» |
Учебный предмет | Английский язык |
Автор | Кусанков Артем |
Руководитель | Собянина Екатерина Викторовна |
Тип | Индивидуальный практико-ориентированный |
Аудитория | Обучающиеся 8-11 классов |
Актуализация (проблема) | Нужна ли школьная форма подросткам |
Гипотеза | |
Цель | Создание ознакомительного буклета в помощь подросткам для поддержания себя в хорошей физической форме. |
Задачи |
Методы | Теоретические: опрос старшеклассников; построение диаграмм и анализ опроса; изучение литературы и материалов Интернет-ресурсов по данной теме. Эмпирические: создание буклета, оформление презентации. |
Оборудование | ПК, шаблон буклета |
Продукт | Буклет, презентация |
Паспорт программы | ………………… | стр. | 2 |
Содержание | …………………. | стр. | 3 |
Введение | …………………. | стр. | 4-5 |
1.Мотивационный этап | ………………… | стр. | 5 |
1.1. Обоснование возникшей проблемы и потребности | ....……………… | стр. | 5 |
1.2. Определение конкретной задачи | ………………… | стр. | 5 |
2.Подготовительный этап | .………………… | стр. | 5 |
2.1. Определение темы, формулировка задач и цели проекта. | .………………… | стр. | 5 |
2.2. Выработать план действий. | .………………… | стр. | 5 |
2.3.Выдвижение гипотез, их решений. | ..……………… | стр. | 5 |
3. Информационно-операционный этап | .………………… | стр. | 6 |
3.1. Сбор и систематизация информации. Анализ полученных данных. | ...……………… | стр. | 6 |
4. Практический этап | ………………… | стр. | 6 |
4.1.Выяснение причины плохого самочувствия подростков с помощью опроса. | ………………… | стр. | 6 |
4.2. Анализ опроса. | ……………… | стр. | 6-7 |
4.3.Создание буклета для старшеклассников. | ………………… | стр. | 7 |
5. Заключительный этап | ………………… | стр. | 7 |
5.1. Оформление проекта | ………………… | стр. | 7 |
5.2. Самооценка | ………………… | стр. | 8 |
Заключение | ………………… | стр. | 8 |
Литература и интернет источники | ………………… | стр. | 9 |
Приложение | ………………… | стр. | 10-14 |
Every fifth man on the earth is a teenager. It is not a secret that healthy teenagers are the successful future of any country. It is very important for teenagers to keep fit because it is the basis of good health for future life. All this determines the choice of my project theme
The problem: Student`s health is becoming worse. They have little information how to keep fit.
The hypothesis: I suppose that teenager`s health directly depends on his or her life style and bad habits.
The aim of my project is creation of informative booklet to help teenagers to keep fit.
Accordingly to the aim I have put the following tasks:
Research methods:
Object of the research: senior students of our school at the age of 14-16.
Subject of the research: teenagers` health and life style.
Project produce: Informative booklet for senior students containing advice how to keep fit, live a healthy life style and be in a good mood/
Steps of the project:
1. Motivation step
1.1. Substantiation of the opened problem and its necessity.
1.2. Concrete the definition of tasks.
2. Preparatory step
2.1. Definition of the theme and the aim of the project.
2.2. Working out the plan of actions of the project.
2.3. Suggestion of hypotheses and their solutions.
3. Information and operations step
3.1. Collection and systematization of information. Data analysis.
4. Practical step
4.1. Finding out the reasons of teenagers` bad health with help of survey.
4.2. Analysis of the survey.
4.3. Creating an informative booklet for senior students.
5. Concluding step
5.1. Designing of the project.
5.2. Self-rating.
1. Motivation step
1.1. Substantiation of the opened problem and its necessity.
I would like to tell the senior students about the importance of keeping fit. Their health is becoming worse because of wrong life style. How to attract students` attention to this problem? How to inform them? I decided to ask them and create an informative booklet.
1.2. Concrete the definition of tasks.
The main aim of my project is to find out the reasons of teenagers` bad health with help of survey, to find the information about methods and ways how to keep fit and to attract students` attention to saving their health;
2. Preparatory step
2.1. Definition of the theme and the aim of the project.
On this step I defined the project theme: “How to keep fit?” The aim of my project is creation of informative booklet to help teenagers to keep fit.
Accordingly to the aim I have put the following tasks:
2.2. Working out the plan of actions of the project.
I spoke to my teacher. We work out the plan and ways of my actions.
2.3. Suggestion of hypotheses and their solutions.
The hypothesis: I suppose that teenager`s health directly depends on his or her life style and bad habits.
3. Information and operations step
3.1. Collection and systematization of information. Data analysis.
For finding the information on my topic I asked for the help in the school library and searched the Internet. Then I analyzed the data and began to do the next step.
4. Practical step
4.1. Finding out the reasons of teenagers` bad health with help of survey.
I paid attention that my classmates are often late to school, they are sleepy and cannot concentrate on their learning. They are often ill or sick and in bad mood. I understood it was time to find out the reasons of their bad health. I conducted a survey among 100 senior students of our school.
I asked them to answer the following questions: (Supplement1)
1. Do you have breakfast in the morning?
2. Do you often have fast food and fizzy drinks?
3. Do you eat vegetables and fruit every day?
4. Do you have bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol)?
5. Do you observe the regularity of life?
6. Do you sleep 7-8 hours every day?
7. Do you spend more 2 hours a day in front of a TV set or a computer?
8. Do you spend more 2 hours a day outdoors?
9.Do you do sports?
10.Are you always in a good mood?
4.2. Analysis of the survey.
One of the tasks of my research was to conduct a survey.
The survey has revealed the following: (Supplement 2)
To summarize the results of survey I have drawn the conclusion that not all students keep a healthy diet, at breakfast which is the best beginning of a day and eat much fast food. That`s why they have a headache, a stomachache and obesity. Not all students sleep enough, spend time outdoors and do sports. As a result, they are inactive, in a bad mood and tired. They are sleepy and sometimes late at school. They can`t do well at school and concentrate on their studying at home. It is awful that some of the students have bad habits which are very harmful for the health of teenagers.
4.3. Creating an informative booklet for senior students.
To give the students advice how to keep fit I have decided to create a booklet with useful tips.
The booklet is a sheet advertising the products that are to obtain the final form of the bend in various ways. The part is printed in expanded form, and then the sheet is bent along one or more lines.
The aim of the booklet is to give the necessary information laconically and attract readers` attention. That`s why my booklet is bright and attractive. (Supplement 3)
Creating the booklet I tried to observe all necessary rules:
5. Concluding step
5.1. Designing of the project.
At this stage, I have entered into the system all the data on the project and formed a project plan. And then I created an information booklet for senior students.
5.2. Self-rating.
Working on the project, I had to look for new ways to solve the problem:
-to use new working methods such as analysis, survey for which self-developed questions;
- to analyze the results of the study to build diagrams, draw conclusions;
- to use your creativity to create an advertising booklet.
The booklet is made carefully, have aesthetic qualities (beauty, harmony).
While working on the project, I made questions and conducted a survey among high school students; I learned to build and analyze diagrams.
Creating the booklet I:
-compiled tips for high school students;
-determined the color scheme that will match. Picked up the right font and drawings;
-learned the program to create a booklet in Microsoft publisher.
-cultivated a perseverance, neatness, aesthetic taste when performing booklet, developed -creative abilities.
As a result of the work done, the following conclusion can be drawn: the aim of the work has been achieved, the main tasks have been fulfilled. I conducted a survey among senior students, made diagrams, and analyzed them, created a booklet and drew conclusions.
During the project I realized that it is very important to keep fit.
This is a great bonus in life and can lead to you becoming a happy and healthy person! If you keep fit and healthy, you will not only look but also feel better!
Informative resources.
1. Безносиков Е.А. Здоровье: популярная медицинская энциклопедия Мн.: БелСЭ, 1990. – 673 с.
2. Краткая медицинская энциклопедия: В 3- Х т. АМН СССР. Гл. ред. Б. В. Петровский. – 2-е изд. – М. Советская энциклопедия. – Т. 2. -1989, 608 с.
3. Мирская Н. Биоритмы и питание // ИД «Первое сентября». Здоровье детей.- 2003.- № 2.- C. 6-10.
4. Покровский А.А. Беседы о питании. 2-е изд., М.: «Экономика», 1968. – 356 с.
5. Покровский А.А. Физиология человека. М., 1997.
6. Скурихин И.М. Как правильно питаться.-М.: Агропромиздат, 1985.-240 с.
7.Сушанский А.Г., Лифляндский В.Г. Энциклопедия здорового питания. Т. I, II. - СПб.: Издательский Дом “Нева” 1999.
8. Школьник Ю.К. Человек. Полная энциклопедия/Ю.К.Школьник.-М.: Эксмо, 2011.-256 с.
9. Эвенштейн З.М. Популярная диетология. Рациональное питание.- М.: Экономика, 1990.-320 с.
10. Я познаю мир: Детская энциклопедия: Медицина.-М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2001.-480 с.
11. Большой психологический словарь. Под ред. Б.Г. Мещерякова,
акад. В.П. Зинченко.[Электронный ресурс]. URL:
12. Толковый словарь здорового питания для школьников. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:http://www.khfoms.ru/contents/page/359
13. Каким должен быть режим питания. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:http://www.dietolog.org/basis/schedule
Приложение №1.
Questions of the survey.
№ пп | Вопрос | ДА | НЕТ |
Do you have breakfast in the morning? | |||
Do you often have fast food and fizzy drinks? | |||
Do you eat vegetables and fruit every day? | |||
Do you have bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol)? | |||
Do you observe the regularity of life? | |||
Do you sleep 7-8 hours every day? | |||
Do you spend more 2 hours a day in front of a TV set or a computer? | |||
Do you spend more 2 hours a day outdoors? | |||
Do you do sports? | |||
10. | Are you always in a good mood? |
Приложение № 2.
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Diagram 3
Diagram 4
Diagram 5
Diagram 6
Diagram 7
Diagram 8
Diagram 9
Diagram 10
Приложение 3
Проказы старухи-зимы
Пчёлки на разведках
Городецкая роспись
Круговорот воды в пакете
Самый главный и трудный вопрос