Актуальность данной работы обусловлена необходимостью не только изучения английского языка, но и знакомства с национальным характером жителей страны изучаемого языка.
Практическая ценность заключается в использовании материалов исследования непосредственно в процессе обучения английскому языку.
Целью данной исследовательской работы является : - изучить причины заставляющие англичан так много говорить о погоде.
Задачи: - собрать информацию о климатических условиях Великобритании, систематизировать лексику, связанную с погодой и временами года;
- познакомиться с английскими пословицами и поговорками о погоде;
- подобрать русские аналоги английских пословиц;
- выяснить, насколько учащиеся нашей школы знакомы с английскими пословицами и поговорками.
Гипотеза: беседа о погоде для британцев является неотъемлемой частью их жизни. В английском языке много пословиц и поговорок о погоде, они похожи на русские пословицы, но изучающие английский язык недостаточно знакомы с ними.
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Akimova Daria , the 6 th form student of Ardatov Secondary School Research project : « The British and the weather »Слайд 2
Goals and objectives: - Study the reasons why the English talk so much about the weather. - To collect information on climatic conditions of the UK, to systematize the vocabulary related to weather and seasons. - Learn English proverbs and sayings about the weather. - Choose the Russian equivalents of the English proverbs. - Find out how familiar our students are with English proverbs and sayings.
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As a hypothesis , I suggested that the conversation about the weather for the British is an integral part of their life, and that there are many proverbs and sayings about the weather in English, they are similar to Russian proverbs, but English language learners are not familiar with them.
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WEATHER AS A FAMILY MEMBER If the English themselves do nothing but scold their weather, then foreigners are not allowed to criticize it. In this sense, the English treat their weather as a member of the family Какая прекрасная погода! В Риме намного лучше, там всегда тепло и солнечно !
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CLIMATE OF GREAT BRITAIN The weather in England is very changeable due to its location right on the edge of Europe, between the North sea and the North Atlantic. You never know what to expect. That’s why, the weather in England is always a good topic of conversation, especially with a stranger. The climate of England itself is mild. It rarely gets very hot or very cold.
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REASONS FOR THE DISCUSSION OF WEATHER CONDITIONS In addition to the rapidly changing climate, there are other reasons why British people prefer to talk about the weather. So, this is a kind of activator, thanks to which it is easier to start a conversation with household members, work colleagues, clients. It is one of the most important topics for communication, so every Englishman must know it perfectly . Discussing the weather helps to overcome shyness, closeness, and support a conversation that has reached a dead end.
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COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH PROVERBS AND SAYINGS ABOUT THE WEATHER AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS IN RUSSIAN All English proverbs and sayings can be divided into three groups: Proverbs that are completely translated into Russian in the same way ; Proverbs that are partially translated into Russian in the same way; 3 2 1 Proverbs that are completely different in translation into Russian ;
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-“ When the thunder is very good, there’s very little rain”. Перевод: «Когда раскаты грома громкие, дождя совсем мало.» Эквивалент: «Из большой тучи, да малый дождь ». -“ The sun will shine on our side of the fence .” Перевод: «Солнце будет освещать забор и с нашей стороны.» Эквивалент: «Будет и на нашей улице праздник». -“ The early bird catches the worm”. Перевод: «Ранняя птичка ловит червя». Эквивалент: «Кто рано встает, того удача ждет». -“ Sudden as an April shower ”. Перевод: «Неожиданно как апрельский ливень.» Эквивалент: «Как снег на голову» -“ When it rains, it pours.” Перевод: «Начинается дождь, превращается в ливень.» Эквивалент: «Пришла беда – отворяй ворота». -“ Rain before seven, clear by eleven”. Перевод: «До семи часов дождь, к одиннадцати уже прояснилось». Эквивалент: «Семь пятниц на неделе». - “ Although it rains, throw not away your watering pot”. 1 2 3
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CONCLUSION The relevance of this topic is due to the need not only to learn English, but also to get acquainted with the national character of the inhabitants of the country of the language being studied. Working with proverbs and their translation, I have learnt a lot of useful things for myself, new English words , and I have enriched my speech with proverbs, both in English and in Russian . In the course of the study, my hypothesis was partially confirmed – there are indeed many proverbs and sayings about the weather in English .This suggests that people in the UK really pay much attention to the weather. My contemporaries who study English are not familiar enough with them. So, the work can be used by the English language teachers at the lessons and in extracurricular activities .
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