В презентации дается общая характеристика языков программирования и подробно рассматриваются такие универсальные языки программирования как Basic, Pascal, Delphi, Fortran, Java, С++. Дается сравнительная характеристика вышеуказанных Я.П., анализируются их преимущества и недостатки.
Презентация представлена на английском языке и может быть рекомендована обучающимся по УГС 09.00.00 "Информатика и вычислительная техника" при изучении иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности.
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Programming language МИНИСТРЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ АМУРСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ АВТОНОМНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ АМУРСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ «АМУРСКИЙ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ Выполнила: Абраменкова Кристина Студентка 343 группы Специальность 09.02.05 «Прикладная информатика ( по отраслям)» Курс IV , группа Научный руководитель: Коновалова Лариса БорисовнаСлайд 2
Content Fortran Fortran . Advantages and disadvantages JAVA JAVA . Advantages and disadvantages 1) Disadvantages С++ С++. Advantages and disadvantages List of sources used Programming language Basic Basic . Advantages and disadvantages Pascal Pascal . Advantages and disadvantages Delphi Delphi . Advantages and disadvantages
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Programming language Formal sign system designed to record computer programs. A programming language defines a set of lexical, syntactic, and semantic rules that determine the appearance of a program and the actions that an executor (usually a computer) performs under its control. to record запись system designe to record система предназначена для записи
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Basic Universal code for symbolic instructions for beginners) - a family of high-level programming languages. It was developed in 1964 by Dartmouth College professors Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny .
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Basic . Advantages and disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Very simple language, suitable for initial meaning with a computer. It is oriented to work in an interactive mode, i.e., it provides direct communication of a person with a computer in the process of solving a problem Many versions (options) of the language. To date, there are more than 40 of them. For example: GWBASIC, Quick. Basic, Visual BASIC for Windows (VB / Win). interactive mode интерактивный режим
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Pascal Pascal (named after Blaise Pascal) is a purely procedural programming language, often used to teach structural programming.
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Pascal . Advantages and disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Simple language syntax. Fairly low hardware and system requirements, both of the compiler itself and of programs written in Pascal. The universality of the language. Pascal is applicable to solve almost all programming tasks. Support for structural programming, top-down programming, as well as object-oriented programming. This language was created in the 60s. Accordingly, in our time it is considered already obsolete. It is used mainly only in the countries of the former Soviet Union. In reality, there is very little real software. hardware and system requirements аппаратные системные требования
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Delphi Imperative, structured, object-oriented programming language with strict static typing of variables.
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Delphi . Advantages and disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages The simplicity, speed and effectiveness of Delphi explain its popularity. Delphi has one of the fastest compilers that generates good object code. provides a convenient, easily extensible object-oriented interface Delphi programming model - component Static linking of the VCL library and components to the executable file. use the minimum required number of components in the program, the executable file will be small. in the Forms paradigm used in Delphi, all information about the form, including properties, component settings, default values, is stored in an exe file, and not in an optimal way. Despite its simplicity, efficiency, and ease of learning, it lacks so many powerful C ++ tools speed and effectiveness скорость и эффективность
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Fortran The first high-level programming language that has received practical application, has a translator and experienced further development. Created from 1954 to 1957 by a group of programmers led by John Backus at IBM Corporation.
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Fortran . Advantages and disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Fortran standard 2008 – cross-platform, modern, well-documented, unctionally complete, powerful in functionality with a low level of entry. Intuitive, concise, and relatively simple syntax. Relatively low availability of high-quality (optimizing) compilers. Weak connection with the operating system Lack of means to create a gooey
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JAVA A strongly typed, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (subsequently acquired by Oracle).
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JAVA . Advantages and disadvantages Advantages : Java is able to support the building blocks of the system or various libraries, with their help create the necessary functions. Running applications in the sandbox with the elimination of common, vulnerable objects in accordance with the security policy. Independent platform position. Increased labor productivity thanks to an integrated mechanism Possibility of automatic memory management with simultaneous independent start of streams.
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Disadvantages : Low speed and safety There is no native design. Verbosity and code complexity Popularity doesn't always play a good role
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С++ Bj о rn Straustrup , who invented C ++, has repeatedly advocated minimizing the differences between C and C ++ to maximize compatibility between these languages.
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С ++. Advantages and disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Universality (used on almost all existing computers) . C ompactness and universality of the code . Program execution speed . Flexibility . High structuredness . Poorly designed syntax narrows down the applicability of the language Significantly reducing the quality of programs immediately for all indicators The language has computational performance problems. The productivity of programmers in the language is unreasonably low, and the product of labor is low quality. flexibility гибкость indicator показатель
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List of sources used https://present5.com/algoritmicheskij-yazyk-bejsik-bejsik-specializirovannyj-algoritmicheskij/ http://www.winblog.ru/admin/1147771528-al24041802.html https://studbooks.net/2009472/informatika/dostoinstva_yazyka_paskal https://rg-gaming.ru/kompjutery/dostoinstva-i-nedostatki-delphi https://otvet.mail.ru/question/211232293 https://plusiminusi.ru/yazyk-java-plyusy-i-minusy/ https://present5.com/programmirovanie-na-yazyke-s-v-instrumentalnoj-srede-microsoft-2/
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