«Малочисленные Народы Севера тысячелетиями составляли коренную основу «сложения Русского народа». Россия и сегодня многолика, многоязычна! Это многоязычье в русском языке как многоцветье бриллианта, освященного мудростью генов коренных россиян… Коренные россияне из разных племен и родов тысячелетиями роднились, вырабатывая Русский Дух стойкости и защиты… Берегите родные гены», дорогие земляки!
Н.В Комарова
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Customs and traditions of the Ob’ Ugric peoplesСлайд 2
The aim of the project is to analyze cultural awareness of school graduates about the Khanty and Mansi peoples
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Firstly, We live in such an unusual place - Khanty - Mansiysky Region. The cultural heritage of Khanty and Mansy was being formed for hundreds of years and now it is impressive for everyone. We ought to respect it. Secondly, I t is a place where new technologies coexist alongside with ancient customs and traditions of nothern tribes . We ought to be up-to-date without destroying the heritage …. Moreover, some distinctions of the lifestyle of nothern people are disappearing or remain unnoticed . We ought to preserve and develop unique historical, cultural and natural resources of our region. I would like to draw your attention to some national holidays of knaty and mansy and its specific nature. As well as to point out how important it is to be cultural aware nowadays. “A nation that does not know its past has no future” Mishel Lomonosov The project is actual because of several reasons:
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The object of study is customs and traditions of northern tribes . The subject of study is cultural awareness of school graduates about customs and traditions of northern people .
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to learn more about the culture of northern tribes, and its main elements; to describe northern customs and traditions; t o study certain facts from the history of some native festivals; to make a survey among school graduates of 11 forms; to draw a conclusion The tasks:
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The results of the survey 1) Do you know more than 2 customs or traditions of nothern people ?
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2 ) Can you name any native festivals and holidays ?
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3) Have you or the members of your family ever participated in the local events or celebrations ?
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4) Is it necessary for younger generation to get acquainted with the lifestyle of people in the place where you live ?
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According to the data , it is obvious that a very small percent of the respondents are able to name 2 or more native holidays and festivals. 2. O nly 10% of the total participated in the local events or celebrations. 3. Only 3 people out of 10 think that it is important to get acquainted with the lifestyle of people in the place where you live.
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We studied …. of the national holidays and festivals of native northern tribes of Khanty- Mansiysky Region with the acquaintance with scientific monographs by Shatilov M.B., Kulemzin V.M. , Spodina V.I. , Prokopenko V.I . Also we have studied the information from 12 archival documents, 5 e-sources, including the site of Nizhnevartovsk region. Сподина В. И. Шатилов М.Б. Кулемзин В.М
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А DAY OF A HOLY CROW(vurna hatl)
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Who is a raven ? Contrary to the popular belief, a raven was considered by Khanty and Mansi as : A symbol of fertlity A harbinger of spring A patronnes of newborn babies and their parents
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A Day of a holly Crow is officially c elebrated every second S aturday of A pril since 2012. It w as started with the wish to gratitude a crow , who revived the nature with the help of its cry . Trees are usually decorated with ribbons , children make nest s for birds . The ceremonial party includes a lot of traditional food .
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Preparations and Entertainment
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Wi thin a few years the holiday has reached the hot point of its popularity and there are lots of people willing to watch the show and filiarize themselves with a mystery of nothern tribes.
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First appeard in 1993 . Includes various sport competitions , dear races . A great fun for people of all ages . Visitors can interect with deer and their herders . Deer day
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Bear games A bright event , which always involves emotional turmoil , usually lasts for 4-5 days . V ery important for nothern peoples, as the bear plays an important role in their wedding customs .Слайд 2
Oblas Day Every year since 1978 a regional national Oblas Day is held. The participants compete in teams in such settlements as Agan , Varyogan , Korliky , Laryak , Ohteurye . It is usually guided by the public organization “The saving of Ugra ”
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Northern customs and traditions are reflected in the local literature . Yury Val l a ’s poetry
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Праздник Вороний День(«Вурнга хатл») прошел в Агане.
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Праздник охотника и оленевода прошел в Варьегане.
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The culture of northern tribes is carefully supported by the local authorities
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C onclusion : 1. We learnt some interesting information about customs and traditions of northern tribes, their history and main features; 2. We described the main festivals and holidays. 3. A lmost all folklore festivals are connected with birds and animals . 4. The original inhabitants of Ugra are very superstitious people . Their legends and tales deserve a special mention ; 5 . A survey was made;
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Thank you for attention !
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